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An overwiew of the MA-area, Costing & International Business

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Presentation on theme: "An overwiew of the MA-area, Costing & International Business"— Presentation transcript:

1 An overwiew of the MA-area, Costing & International Business
Continues An overwiew of the MA-area, Costing & International Business Implementing and using MCS Management style and 7S Responsibility Centres Costing-Transfer Prices – outsourcing International Business

2 Implementation Mechanisms
B C Stucture HRM Performance Strategy Culture

3 The 7S framework Strategy Staff Structure Shared Values Skills Style
Systems McKinsey & co

4 Strategy & product/market matrix
Polo Golf Passat … New? Market Young people Small family Large family Companies New?

5 Management in transition
How to balance between Control and Empowerment Decentralize, tear down the pyramids Measure performance Communicate

6 Hierarcy and bureaucracy in the industrial era
CEO Directors Managers Middle managers Lower managers Workforce (Hands)

7 Responsibilityareas and types
Process Inputs Outputs Cost Center Revenue Center Profit Center Investment Center

8 Generic responsibility centra
Administration/cost R&D/cost HRM/cost Sourcing/cost Inb. logi stics/ cost Prod uct/ cost Outb. logi stics/ cost Mark eting/ cost Service/ cost Profit Centre?

9 Cost centers, activity areas
Inb. logi stics/ cost Sourcing/cost HRM/cost R&D/cost Administration/cost Prod uct/ Outb. Mark eting/ Service/

10 A decentralised ”balance sheet”
(investment center) Acc Payable? Bank? Equity? Cash Acc Reciev? Inventory? Machines? Buildings?

11 EVA versus ROI EVA= Net profit – Capital charge ROI= Net profit Investment

12 Degrees of freedom in responsibility?
Mgmt & adm. R&D Customer base Sourcing HRM Marke ting . inlog istics Service outlog istics Produ ction

13 Value chain analysis Administration. R&D HRM. Sourcing Inb. Logi stics
Prod uction Outb. logi stics Mark eting Service

14 Levi Strauss’ Value-Delivery Network
Du Pont (Fibers) Order Delivery Order Milliken (Fabric) Levi’s (Apparel) Order Order Sears (Retail) Customer Delivery Delivery Delivery Competition is between networks, not companies. The winner is the company with the better network.

15 Transfer Prices A A B C - Cost (std C, dir C, tot C...)
- Cost plus profit margin (pre calc, real) - Negotiation price (internal market price) - Market Price (cathaloque, bid) - Combinations of above

16 Transfer Price example
Selling dpt tot C=10 Buying dpt tot C = 15 Principle: Cost – Sale = Profit, Buying dpt Sales Price Cost C 10 S 10 P 0 C S 25 Margin 10% C 10 S 11 P 1 C S 26 Negotiation C 10 S 14 P 4 C S 29 Market price C 10 S 20 P 10 C S 35 Combination C 10 S 20 P 10 C S 25

17 Costing for different purposes
Short term decisionmaking (tactical/operational) Product costing/cost accounting) Principles/methods for costing Full costing (absorption costing, process costing..) Marginal costing Modern costing…ABC, TC, SCM f ex Attribute Costing

18 ABC and customer values
Administration/cost R&D/cost HRM/cost Sourcing/cost Inb. logi stics/ cost Prod uct/ cost Outb. logi stics/ cost Mark eting/ cost Service/ cost Customer values? Profitable customer? Profitable product?

19 Aktivities and ABC Administration/cost R&D/cost HRM/cost Sourcing/cost
Inb. logi stics/ cost Prod uct/ cost Outb. logi stics/ cost Mark eting/ cost Service/ cost activity cost based

20 Attribute costing, an illustration…

21 Costing for different purposes
Long term decision making (strategic/tactical) Investment methods NPV IRR Pay-Back SCM/BsC? Investment & business plan activities Investment process in an organizational context

22 A Value system based on a vision
Goals Company Suppliers Customers Goods Services Finance Partners Employees Management Owners Customer value Market

23 The company in the Value system
Customers customers Suppliers suppliers Company partners

24 Value Proposition, how to deliver value
Customer Value Proposition Product leadership *state of the art *speed to market Operational excellence *low cost *high quality *exc. service Customer intimacy *customazation *long-term rel. Microsoft 3M Marks & Spencer Sony Intel Nike Toyota Wal-Mart Dell Ikea Chrysler Southwest Air Levi´s Kraft Honda British Airways Hope & Hope HBS (1997)

25 The Value-Delivery Process
(a) Traditional physical process sequence Make the product Sell the product Procure Design product Make Price Sell Advertise/ promote Distribute Service (b) Value creation & delivery sequence Choose the Value Provide the Value Communicate the Value Strategic marketing Tactical marketing

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