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COLORADO PROCUREMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER “COLORADO PTAC” September 17, 2009 Ric Denton, Interim Program Manager A vital resource.

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Presentation on theme: "COLORADO PROCUREMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER “COLORADO PTAC” September 17, 2009 Ric Denton, Interim Program Manager A vital resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLORADO PROCUREMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER “COLORADO PTAC” September 17, 2009 Ric Denton, Interim Program Manager A vital resource for businesses in government contracting Presentation to: Colorado Springs Chapter of NCMA

2 Launch of statewide Colorado PTAC  Mission  Short history of PTAC creation  Funding  PTAC Board, Governance Structure, and Staff  Services offered (what a company needs to know to compete for and perform on federal, state, and local contracts)  How do we measure success?  Working with other organizations locally and throughout the state

3 PTAC Mission – top level  Significantly increase the number of capable businesses participating in government contracting by:  providing them an understanding of the requirements of government contracting and of the needed marketing know-how  supporting federal, state, and local government agencies in reaching and working with the suppliers they need,  thereby helping to create new jobs in our state.

4 Colorado PTAC Short History  Prehistory: A previous regional PTAC was attempted and failed (~ 2003?)  Operational Plan did not fit the PTAC model  Summer 2006: New initiatives in Colorado Springs and elsewhere to start a PTAC  Summer 2007: OEDIT asserts that it wants to take charge statewide and provide seed money  November 2007: 2 page “sales” document presented to EDC Commission (State funding)

5 Short History (continued)  The 2007 OEDIT/EDC “deal”  OEDIT is to be the Applicant for Fed money (PTAC Program) and a “pass-through” vehicle  State provides $1 million in funding over 5 years  A tax exempt PTAC Corporation is to be created to do the actual work and provide the experts  Eventual Transition of Applicant to be the PTAC Corp.  April 2008: Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement Applications (SCAA) issued  Released by Defense Logistics Agency  Proposal submitted ~ June 2008

6 Short History: The miracle  Jan 2009 DLA: “We might like to give you an award, please just answer the following ~40 questions.”  ~Feb 2009: EDC Commission increases first year seed funding to $300,000 from $200,000 originally  Grand challenge: Can our Chamber of Commerce come up with $100,000 in 15 days. (They did.)  Feb 2009 DLA: We just have these ~35 questions more  May 2009 DLA: We just have these ~15 questions more (Is there a stopping rule here??)  June 2009: DLA Contract Award  Nominal performance start date is September 15, 2009

7 Who are the private contributors?  El Pomar Foundation  El Paso County  City of Colorado Springs  SAIC  BiggsKofford  Pikes Peak Assoc. of Realtors  5 Star Bank  Colorado Lending Source  Colorado Springs Utilities  TechWise  Delta Solutions  Shape Technologies  Chamber of Commerce

8 Funding – partly hypothetical Contribution20102011201220132014 EDC Commission 300K200K 100K Private contributions 100K200K 300K In-Kind contributions 114K Federal (DLA) 415K Totals929K Can federal matching amount increase? Likely not. Security of State Dollars? Reasonably secure, but funding is year to year. Private contributions? The future is in our hands!

9 Governance PTAC Staff PTAC Program Manager PTAC Corporation Board of Directors Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT) DLA Contract & Grants Rules (~FAR)

10 What does the Organization Chart mean?  Federal contract with the DLA lays out very clearly what is to be done  OEDIT has oversight and override on PTAC Corporation  OEDIT has a PTAC administrator/monitor  PTAC Board has oversight as well on PTAC operations  Hire & fire authority over Program Manager  But mostly a marketing & fund- raising function  Program Manager carries all of the responsibility (as per the SCAA)  Staff hires, full budget authority, runs all operations, counsels half-time, helps in fund raising, etc.

11 PTAC Board of Directors  Expanded Board to be 11 people  Board Selection Criteria  Geographic Diversity  Expert Knowledge of government procurement, the FAR, DFARS, cradle-to-grave process of business development, acquisition and management of government contracts  A few key “rainmakers” for fund-raising  Currently 4 on the Board  Includes OEDIT and EDC Commission seats  There will also be an Advisory Board

12 Geographic Diversity  I-25 Corridor is where the action is: 97% of all federal awards  El Paso 37%, Jefferson 27%, Adams 15%  We are committed to serving entire state  A careful balance is needed regarding geography  On the Board  In performing on the contract  Otherwise we will not meet the performance goals

13 PTAC Corporation staffing  PTAC Corporation is a tax-exempt 501c3 corporation  Not state employees!  Program Manager job description is aligned with the SCAA requirements  Job has been advertised and we are processing all applicants  Procurement Counselors/Specialists  Four of these, one located on the western slope  Processing of candidates has only begun  One Administrative support person

14 Facility  DLA Proposal: The facility above the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce  Chamber has made a substantial contribution for legal fees (organizational, bylaws, 501c3 application)  Information Technology (IT) requirements  We are at least 15-20 days behind schedule – hence a “soft opening” for now

15 PTAC Business Model Core staff services In-kind services (other facilities and staff multiplier) Referred outside for fee services

16 Core services  Determining Suitability for Contracting:  Securing Necessary Registrations  Socio-economic certifications  Researching Procurement Histories  Networking & Business Development  Identifying Bid Opportunities  Bid/No Bid Decision Making  Teaming or Joint Venture Arrangements

17 Core services (cont.)  Proposal Preparation  Advice and support: No, we don’t write them!  Contract Performance Issues:  Negotiating or interfacing with an agency  Project cost-accounting system advice  Bonding and interim financing  Developing quality control and other plans  Preparing for an audit

18 In-kind support  OEDIT in kind (facilities and staff)  Other Facilities  Chamber conference room  Technology Incubator  Similarly, elsewhere in State  Consulting advice similar to what the PTAC staff will provide – but usually more senior  Ray Hurtado  Kenn Quick  ICA in Glenwood Springs

19 Referrals to for fee services  Project Cost Accounting Setup  Specialized legal help  Specialized certifications (e.g., 8a)  Proposal Writing  Short term project management  GSA schedules

20 Measuring Success  Directly from SCAA specification  Number of conferences throughout the state  PTAC hosted events  PTAC participating in other events  Number of clients throughout the state  New (includes transfers from other states)  Follow-ons  Performance measured quarterly  A “correct” measure would tally up dollar awards achieved by clients

21 Working with others: Outreach Program  Chambers of Commerce  Statewide EDC’s  Universities  Prime contractors  CHDA and similar organizations  Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)  SCORE  Any other influencer/partner we can reach

22 Questions and Answers?  Any issues not covered?  Any implementation issues that we should be looking at?  Any thoughts as to how to enhance the program?

23 Summary  The Colorado PTAC is an important initiative for the State  An important service for those businesses wanting to do government contracting (federal, state, county & local)  The efficient rollout in Colorado in the next 12 months is extremely important to demonstrate viability and value  We are looking for any and all partner organizations that make sense for the mission

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