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Moving d2d to the network level Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Rethinking access to information, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Boston, August 5-7 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving d2d to the network level Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Rethinking access to information, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Boston, August 5-7 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving d2d to the network level Lorcan Dempsey OCLC Rethinking access to information, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Boston, August 5-7 2008

2 Early television history museum, Columbus Oh

3 Credits I am grateful to colleagues Ed ONeill, Constance Malpas, Katie Birch and Jim Michalko for some slides, and to Dennis Massie and Matt Goldner for additional advice. Sam Smith did the network pictures. OhioLink data from work in progress analysing historic circ data. Collaboration between OCLC and OhioLink. Scott Wilson picture from his blog: WOBL – One Big Library on the Web. Influenced by Dan Chudnovs phrase, One Big Library.





8 1.Print network: distribution to libraries which are close to users; good libraries are big libraries because access=collocation (80s) 2.Resource sharing. Cataloging/resource sharing/ejournals externalized to specialist services (90s-00s) 3. WOBL (one big library on the web). Library resource available in the idiom of the web (00s- ). Global discovery/request supported by well- seamed logistics. Seamless policy-aware interaction between local, group, global.


10 1980s: +68% 1990s: +96% Total Interlibrary Borrowing / Total Fulltime Students

11 At a Tier I ARL institution… Implementation of new local system puts OPAC access on hold; reliance on national union catalog increases visibility of collective collection -- temporarily Information needs continue to exceed local collection capacity, even at the best-resourced institutions

12 At a Tier II ARL institution… Move to electronic; less consortial impact

13 At a Tier III ARL institution… Increased vulnerability to changes in information environment limited purchasing power limited local infrastructure Consortial lift … On demand research request


15 Subject Distribution

16 Circulation by Subject

17 Hot Subjects Computer Science (QA 75-76) Women, Feminism, Life Skills, Life Style (HQ 1101-2044) Medicine: Special Subjects (R 690- 920) Buddhism (BQ) Nursing (RT) Broadcasting (PN 1990-1992)

18 Usage Distribution % of Books % of Circulation 12.86% (788,483)


20 Library Inventory 20% head80% long tail Libraries aggregate supply at the local level… About the only places you could explore outside the mainstream were the library and the comic book shop. Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

21 The long tail Impact? Systemwide efficiences Aggregation of supply Unified discovery Low transaction costs Aggregation of demand

22 Libraries and the long tail dynamic Aggregate supply? 1.7% of circulations are ILLs (60% of aggregate G5 collection owned by one library only) Aggregate demand? 20% of collection accounted for 90% of use (2 research libraries over ~4 years)

23 Limited aggregation of supply at network level : Fragmented discovery Management data not used High transaction costs – find it/get it Fragmented inventory/shipping But the global library resource is diffused across thousands of locations … Leads to weak gravitational pull and low network visibility for libraries and library collections Limited aggregation of demand at network level: Difficult to mobilize a large number of users Not projected into user environments

24 University of Washington July-Dec. 2006/2007 100% increase in ILL requests via WorldCat 70% increase in borrowing within Summit consortium WorldCat Local and Resource Sharing

25 Orbis Cascade Group catalog VDX for intra-consortia requesting Circulation interoperabilityOCLC network WorldCat Navigator

26 THE NETWORK AGE Behaviors in



29 Then: Users built workflow around libraries Now: Library must build services around user workflow Discovery happens elsewhere Disclosure Then: Attention abundant; resources scarce Now: Attention scarce; resources abundant Use benefits from visibility





34 Facebook Google


36 Facebook LibraryThing

37 PhaseDiscoveryLogistics Print network Resource sharing WOBL Local Union catalog Discover/locate/ request may be intermittent Discovery elsewhere: Aggregate demand Greater aggregate presence Request anywhere Cumbersome Local/Group/Global Cloud based logistics: Aggregate supply: location/tracking/ac counting Move to collective collection ….


39 DiscoveryD2D logisticsInventory logistics

40 Collective collection Visibility drives demand: discovery is global Pressure on space Mass digitization Rationalisation of off-site storage Preservation of print becomes a big issue Optimal overlap – Yano/Ithaka work – 2:13; 6:0

41 Infrastructure DiscoveryRoutingInventoryAccounting Intelligence What, whereDistribution Policies/rules of engagement DependenciesParticipation IFM


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