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CP.17 Finishing Operations Xi’an University of Technology Prof.Dr.Cao Congjun.

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Presentation on theme: "CP.17 Finishing Operations Xi’an University of Technology Prof.Dr.Cao Congjun."— Presentation transcript:

1 CP.17 Finishing Operations Xi’an University of Technology Prof.Dr.Cao Congjun

2 Q Postpress: Finishing (postpress) is a segment of the print production flow in which the printed product is given its requested features of form and function.

3 Q 1. 简和策

4 Q 2. 卷轴装

5 Q 3. 经折装

6 Q 4. 旋风装

7 Q 5. 蝴蝶装

8 Q 6. 包背装

9 Q 7. 和合装

10 Q 8. 活页表头装

11 Q 9. 线装本

12 Q 10. 平装 11. 骑马装 12. 精装

13 Q 17.1 Process Cutting foldingAssemblingbindingcoveringcutting Book block processBook covering process

14 Q 1. Cutting :

15 Q

16 Q Cutting forces on the blade with the swinging diagonal cut

17 Q Knife life: The smaller the knife angle, the shorter the service life of the knife, that is, the sharpness of the knife quickly diminishes. Knife angle: A soft cutting product requires a smaller knife angle. Hard cutting material requires a larger knife angle. Pressing force: Great force is required for a soft cutting product. Low force is required for a hard cutting product.

18 Q

19 Q 2. Folding : types of folded sheets

20 Q Folding machines a. Knife folding unit

21 Q Folding machines b. Buckle folding unit Knife shafts in a buckle plate folding unit

22 Q Folded sheet classification

23 Q 3. Assembling/Gathering : Assembling is the production of a specific sequence of folded sheets, leaves, or webs into a loosely jointed block. Basic principles for assembling signatures and leaves (individual sheets)

24 Q Structure of a gatherer for single-layer blocks

25 Q 4. Binding Types of binding Seam : Seamless : perfect binding 无线装订 骑马订 saddle binding 三眼订 Thread -Stitching

26 Q A. Saddle binding 成本低,速度快; 不牢固; < 64 页的书、杂志、册子

27 Q B. 铁丝订 书脊平整,成本低,效率高; 订脚紧,不易翻阅; 铁丝生锈造成脱页; < 100 页

28 Q C. Thread -stitching The thread-stitching of books is a block binding process where the connection of the inner sheet sections and the sheets to one another is primarily achieved by fabric threads. Side-sewn binding

29 Q Perfect binding

30 Q Two-roller gluing unit

31 Q 5.Booking covering 6.cutting 7.QA & Packaging

32 Q 17.2 E dition binding Book block processCover process Cover feeding

33 Q

34 Q 17.2.1 Book block process 1. 裁切、折页、配贴、锁线订或无线胶订、切书 2. 压平: 3. 刷胶:书背刷胶、定型 4. 裁切:三面切书 5. 扒圆:将书芯加工成圆弧形 牢固书芯,便于阅读 6. 起脊:在书芯两面近书脊处压出凹痕。

35 Q 7. 刷胶、贴背(三粘): 在书芯背上贴纱布、贴堵头布、贴书背纸。 刷胶、贴纱布 刷胶、贴书签带和堵头布 刷胶、贴书背纸

36 Q 17.2.2 Cover process

37 Q

38 Q 17.2.3 Cover feeding

39 Q 17.3 packaging Paper packaging Foil packaging

40 Q Books packaging 分摞、计数 包装线 码堆机 中间存储 集装箱 分发运输

41 Q Paper packaging : 80-120g/m 2 Foil packaging : PE 聚乙烯 / PVC 聚氯乙烯

42 Q

43 §17.4 Surface finishing

44 Q Surface finishing Glazing 上光 Waxing Coating Bronzing 烫金

45 Q Homework P435 Review questions 1,5,6,7,9,12.

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