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Prepared by Turkey National Team in Turkey IP LibCMASS Sofia 2011 Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 Sofia, 04.-17. September, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Turkey National Team in Turkey IP LibCMASS Sofia 2011 Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 Sofia, 04.-17. September, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Turkey National Team in Turkey IP LibCMASS Sofia 2011 Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 Sofia, 04.-17. September, 2011

2 Background Open archiving efforts in Turkey started in 2001, at Ankara University, by depositing the fulltext electronic versions of printed serials containing the scientific production of academics. Emergence of the concept of Open Access or institutional archive in universities has started in 2005

3 Background The fırst experimental open Access archive started at Hacettepe University in a Ph.D thesis in the 2004-2005 academic year In Turkey, the open access activities of universities began to increase in December 2005, after the 10th Internet in Turkey Conference held in İstanbul Bahçeşehir University.

4 Education of OA In 2006, in Denizli was held the 4th Academic Informatics Conference. The participants were provided with general information on the definitions and uses of open access, institutional repositories and institutional archives (Turkfidani, Moral and Gurdal, 2010) In the last session of the conference, the council stated the Open Access Declaration according to Berlin Declaration.

5 A Board of Open Access and Institutional Archive Advisors was formed comprising members from Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS), The Turkish Library Association (TKD), the University and Research Libraries Association (ÜNAK) and the Turkish Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

6 During this period many conferences, round tables, workshops were held and reports and scientific researches were published.

7 OA Softwares The institutions use open archive system software, including MITOS DSpace Eprints

8 Examples of OA Archives Ankara University Open archive system Ataturk University Open archive system Atilim University Open archive system Gazi University Open archive system Sabanci University Open archive system Bahcesehir University Istanbul Technical University Izmir Institute of Technology Turkish Higher Education Council Thesis archive

9 Contents of OA Archives Articles Declarations Unprinted conference Abstracts Lecture notes Theses Flyers Books etc

10 General Overview of Scientific Journals in Turkey Source: Ulrich’s Periodicals Director, Turkfidani, Moral and Gurdal, 2010)

11 Turkey in 2011 statistics, th place 35 Journals added in 2011 Total: 171 journals

12 Turkey Statistics in


14 Turkey in Open DOAR 11 Registered Repositories from Turkey Most of them are university repositories 3 Softwares – Dspace – Eprints – Mitos

15 Examples - Mitos

16 Examples - Dspace

17 Examples - Eprints

18 Turkey in Open ROAR 19 Registered Repositories from Turkey Most of them are university repositories 1 Research cross-institutional 5 e-journals/publications 1 e-thesis 3 Softwares

19 Examples

20 Examples- Research cross-institutional

21 Examples-journals


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