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Head Initial (IDP) Current Achievement (Revised IDP) QUALIFICATION UP GRADATION 60% of B.Tech to M.Tech & 40% M.Tech to Ph.D 8 faculties are doing M.Tech, 9 Faculties are doing Ph.D B.Tech (5nos.) to M.Tech and 10 Faculties for Ph.D FACULTY / STAFF DETAILS Professors Associate Prof Assist Prof Regular Staff Contract Staff No. of Ph.D’s M.Tech’s B.Tech’s/ MSc/MCA 52 42 10 11 41 1 100 57 45 2 33 regular/24 contract (8 doing M. Tech.) 7 15 86 84 24 12 68
Head Initial (IDP) Current Achievement (Revised IDP) R & D Conferences Journal papers Seed money Organize at least six conferences and 100 conf. papers and at least one journal paper per faculty 12 Conducted 1 NC (26 conf. papers) 15 Journal Papers Seed money 3.35 Lakhs allotted for 4 faculty members. 1 International & 6 NC (100 papers) 18 papers 15 Lakhs 2 projects/ Branch Planning for obtaining 2 patents
Head Initial (IDP) Current Achievement Plan (Revised IDP) Management Capacity attend at least 1 Management program by All senior faculty 40 % of senior faculties/HOD’s attended at least 1 program All senior faculties are planning to attend Management programs III Cell MoU signed Expert talk Intensive training Finishing school EDC TBI Planned a series of expert talks from industry experts. Not existing Not started Conducted many classes for students by Industry Experts 5 29 3 Formed. Conducted 1 program. More effective programs are planned 10 50 6 7 Planning to conduct many programs Planning to start
Head Initial (IDP) Current Achievement Plan (Revised IDP) SUPPORT FOR WEEK STUDENTS Diagnostic test Bridge class Remedial class Planned diagnostic tests and bridge classes for all first year students. Remedial classes planned for all first year & higher semester tough subjects Conducted Remedial classes for 550 students Planned to conduct Planned to conduct all tough subjects.
Head Initial (IDP) Current Achievement (Revised IDP) TRANSITION RATE S12 S8 45% increase in transition rate. 21% 28% 41% 47% 50% increase ACCREDITATION Get accredit for all eligible programmes(4) NBA Accreditation visit is completed for four programmes and awaiting the results Plan to submit the application for CE&EEE departments LIBRARY Books Journals E-books Establish Library facilities as per AICTE/ CUSAT norms Including Digital library 12728 47 Increased the area from 400 M2 to 750M2. Established digital library 18821 books 51 journals+ 5 consortiums 419 e-books 20000 books 100 journals
Head Initial IDP Current achievement Revised IDP INFRASRUCTURE Class room Tutorials room Staff room Seminar halls Laboratory Rest room Dept Library Language lab 27 7 45 33 12 4+1 51 6 1 1(20 systems) 18 7+1 66 1(35 systems) TRANSPORT FACILITY 6 college buses 10 college bus 11 college bus HOSTEL FACILITY Hostel facilities for 250 students Hostel facilities for 500 students Hostel facilities for 750 students
Head Initial (IDP) Current achievement Revised IDP NO. OF PROGRAMMES Undergraduate Post graduate 6 1 7 3 IRG Generate IRG by conducting FSD, R&D projects and consultancy 20 lakhs ( incl.four funds of Rs 14.7 lakhs) 1 crore CAMPUS PLACEMENT No. of students placed 10% increase in placement rate 12 26 50
Governance Development Plan
Area Strength Weakness Action Plan Primary accountabilities Vision , Mission & strategic plan, System of control for financial sustainability, Performance & quality assurance arrangements, suitable arrangements for monitoring the head of the instituion’s performance Key attributes of Governing bodies Governing Body meetings -Regularity & Participation size, skills & experiences of governing body role and responsibilities of the Chair of the institution and the Member Secretary. recruitment process & procedures for governing body members Openness & transparency Information about academic performance, finance & management to all stake holders Annual report on institutional performance Planned to publish Annual report on institutional performance Effectiveness And Performance Review Of Governing Bodies Effectiveness under regular review which reflect on the performance of the institution as a whole the recruitment processes and procedures of new members The nomination committee is constituted Regulatory compliance Decisions on matters of fundamental concern, compliance with ‘not for profit’ purpose of education institutions Been accreditation & external quality assurance by a national or professional body accreditation visit completed & planning for accreditation for two more programs.
Accreditation Applied for NBA Accreditation in 2013 for the eligible 4 undergraduate programmes (as of March 2013) Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. Computer Science & Engg. Information Technology Accreditation team visited during 27th to 29th March All the four programmes were inspected. Contribution of TEQIP II project is highly appreciated. Strength: Clean & well disciplined campus, good ambiance, well equipped laboratory and library, Perfect documentation, good Student staff ratio. Weakness: Poor cadre ratio, lack of Ph.D holders, poor transition rate and placement, Poor Industry interaction. Awaiting for a positive response from NBA Two more Departments Electrical & Electronics Engg. and Civil Engg. are eligible to apply for Accreditation. SAR will be submitted during September 2015.
Performance and statutory Audits
2 Performance audits and Data audits were completed in the years 2013 and 2014 Improved score obtained in second performance audit 2 Statutory audits were conducted in the years 2013 and All the audit comments were rectified and no action is pending.
Area Strength Weakness Project implementation Buildings, faculty development programs, new pg programs, faculty positions, placement , interaction with industry Implementation of Reforms Four funds, faculty evaluation by students Improvement in administrative & managerial efficiencies Responsiveness to students, utilization of institutional reforms, maintenance of facilities Administration and financial management, delegation powers to senior functionaries Quality of education & research Relevance of curricula & syllabi, teaching learning process, Progress in securing accreditation Improvement in curricula & syllabi, revenue from the internally funded R & D projects, number of patents Performance in the governance of institutions Primary accountabilities Vision , mission and strategic plan, systems of control for financial sustainability Performance & quality assurance arrangements. Support to weak students Improvement in Transition rate & support to weak students, remedial coaching Number of campus interviews, finishing school programs & high intensity programs
Expenditure Review till 31/03/15
SI NO Head EXP. 1 PROCUREMENT & CIVIL WORKS 5,32,49,873.00 2 FSD 46,17,217.00 3 R& D 1,84,075.00 4 CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT 9,12,594.00 5 REFORMS 12,93,329.00 6 III CELL 7,52,507.00 7 ACADEMICS SUPPORT FOR WEAK STUDENTS 8,86,348.00 8 IOC 39,41,649.00 Total fund received is Rs 700 lakhs out of Rs 1000 lakhs approved and sanctioned by MHRD/World bank Total Expenditure is Rs lakhs
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