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Intro to the Developer Network Karen A. Coombs OCLC Developer Network WorldCat Mashathon UK Thursday, 13 May 2010 Liver & Mash.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to the Developer Network Karen A. Coombs OCLC Developer Network WorldCat Mashathon UK Thursday, 13 May 2010 Liver & Mash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to the Developer Network Karen A. Coombs OCLC Developer Network WorldCat Mashathon UK Thursday, 13 May 2010 Liver & Mash

2 Who are we? community of developers collaborating in a "sandbox" environment in order to propose, discuss and test OCLC Web Services and related topics

3 What do we do help shape the future of OCLC Web Services engage in discussion and focus groups relative to current and proposed services share software code with other network members and the community-at-large in an open source environment provide feedback points for the library community to engage with

4 How you can participate? Listserv Get your questions answered Developer Network website Documentation Code libraries Application Gallery Applications people have built Submit your work Find what others have done

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