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A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview ONON RIVER BASIN.

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Presentation on theme: "A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview ONON RIVER BASIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tool for assessing the feasibility and impact potential of Rare project plans BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview ONON RIVER BASIN (Farming) Economics TechnicalCultural/Political Impact & Metrics

2 BRAVO: Executive Summary What: To eliminate the principal threat posed to the endangered Taimen fish, local fisher people and recreational visitors must stop illegal fishing in the Onon River. One of the objective of the Barrier Removal Strategies is farming activities in the Onon River Basin. In the some part of the Northern and Central Mongolia, the WWF Mongolia is implementing alternative livelihood project as bird watching tour and handicraft making in terms of Eco-tourism. Who: WWF Mongolia will implement “Poverty Reduction through Community-Based Natural Resource Management in the Onon River Basin” project funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). When: The “Poverty Reduction through Community Based Natural Resource Management in the Onon River Basin” project is going to start on third quarter of 2009. One of the main component of this project is implement and support alternative livelihood projects within the Onon River Basin unemployed and herders. How: The ADB funded “Poverty Reduction through Community Based Natural Resource Management in the Onon River Basin” project will provide funding to increase alternative livelihood projects within the Onon River Basin people (estimated 200 000 USD during four years) and outreach campaign (with support from Rare) needed to change behaviors. BRAVO Scores Feasibility Score: 3.6 Impact Score: 3.7

3 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 3 Criteria ExplanationScore Costs Preliminary projected costs Site preparation Phase –Establish herders’ groups –Training farming activities –Farming management training –Community Based Natural Resource Management Implementation Phase –Collaborative management WWF, Onon- Balj National Park and Local People. –Training, workshop and practicing –Starting small farming activities. (Milk, vegetable, fruit, chicken farm etc.) Monitoring Phase –Transportation –Farmers Project Oversight Equipment/Provisions Estimated total cost $40,000 (more or less) Predictability of cost burden 1 = Costs are ambiguous and unpredictable; 4 = Costs are predictable and manageable 4 Average Score 4 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Economics (1 of 3)

4 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 4 CriteriaExplanation Score Revenues Description of revenue streams Fundraising total: $ 40,000 Sources: WWF Mongolia, ADB Earned income total: $ Sources: Percentage of total cost available 1: 0 – 25% 2: 25 – 50% 3: 50 – 75% 4: 75 – 100% The WWF Mongolia (ADB) has committed to covering Onon River Basin poverty reduction program conditional upon permitting; funding is immediately available. 4 Likelihood of fundraising success 1 = Very low likelihood of raising the necessary funds; 4 = Likelihood of raising necessary funds almost a certainty Funding is committed, though WWF Mongolia is conditional upon permitting approval by the ADB and Mongolian Government. 4 Fundraising timing Funding should be available relatively quickly as evidenced by philanthropic and government promises Funding Alignment 1 = Funding timeline is not aligned with project timeline; 4 = Funding timeline is well-aligned with project timeline Funding is well-aligned with the project timeline; resources will be secured quickly, while the project will last several years. 4 Sustainable Funding 1 = Unsustainable funding source; 4 = Very sustainable funding source “Sustainability” hinges on periodic livelihood monitoring on Onon River and monitoring compliance by fisher people, unemployed and herders their implementing of small farms. Funding is very likely to be sustainable, though four years project. 3 Average Score 3.8 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Economics (2 of 3)

5 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 5 CriteriaExplanation Score IncomeSubstitution (ifapplicable) New income source relative to old income 1 = Income source is reduced by 20% or more; 4 = Income source is increased by 20% or more (Use 1-4 scale) Income substitution is a key barrier. New income source (farming) is not very exceed than traditional income source at the beginning. 3 New income source sustainability 1 = New income source is unsustainable; 4 = Income source is highly sustainable (Use 1-4 scale) We have a opportunity how the alternative income will sustainable. This is WWF Mongolia have to try constantly promote this options and have to encourage unemployed and fisher people constantly 3 Average Score 3 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Economics (3 of 3)

6 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 6 Criteria Explanation Score Technology Attainability & Availability 1 = Technology and/or required assistance needed is unavailable; 4 = Technology is attainable and third-party assistance, if required, is available Dairy processing, vegetable, fruit, chicken, pig, and bee farming trainers. There are many NGO’s and other professional organizations in terms of farming training. 4 Technology assistance 1 = Technology assistance is required, yet not available; 4 = Technology assistance is significant and available Substantial technical assistance will be provided by the WWF Mongolia in order to ensure effective training, workshop and farming practicing. There are many NGO’s and other professional organizations in terms of farming training. 3 Appropriate for circumstances 1 = Available technology is not appropriate for circumstances; 4 = Acquirable technology is suited for circumstances Some eco-tourism activities have been successfully implemented in the some parts of Mongolia (South Gobi, Hovsgol and Western Mongolia). Also there are big expectations about to learn and adopt farming activities within Onon people. WWF Mongolia Team with other experts will train and practice farming with Onon people (especially fisher people) 4 Average Score 3,6 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Technical (1 of 2)

7 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 7 Criteria Explanation Score Capacity / Organizational Ability Barrier Removal Partner support 1 = BR Partner does not exist or is not willing to support the project; 4 = There exists a willing Barrier Removal Partner (Use 1-4 scale) The Barrier Removal partners, WWF Mongolia “Poverty Reduction through Community-Based Natural Resource Management” project, Soum officials are very supportive to the project, Onon-Balj National Park (OBNP) is also BR partner. There are conservation plan including alternative livelihoods in all Soum governments. 4 Barrier Removal Partner’s ability to drive change 1 = BR Partner lacks a track record of driving behavior; 4 = BR partner has a proven track record of driving behavior (Use 1-4 scale) MRO, OBNP and Soum Governments have a proven track record of success. They have their own work plan and some budget sources 3 Budget planning and cost efficient execution 1 = BR Partner has not demonstrated sufficient budget planning skills and cost efficient execution of plans; 4 = BR Partner has proven proficiency in budget planning and cost efficient execution of past plans (Use 1-4 scale) WWF Mongolia “Poverty Reduction through Community-Based Natural Resource Management” project has approved fund. 4 Average Score 3,6 Other Partners Other critical partners 1 = Other partners do not exist or will not be impactful 4 = Other partners are available and capable of assistance (Use 1-4 scale) Local Poverty Reduction project, 3 Average Score 3 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Technical (2 of 2)

8 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 8 Criteria ExplanationScore Community Leadership Leaders and influencers in the community 1 = Dearth of strong leaders and influencers in the community; 4 = Visible leaders with clout to drive behavior The official herders group including unemployed and local fishermen only can get LMA. These official groups can get firstly any helps according to WWF project implementation. Each group has official group leader. Focused conversations conducted by Pride Campaign Manager have shown that group leaders are particularly influential, and should be targeted by the PRIDE campaign for collaboration and information-sharing. Recreational visitors of the river, however, lack streamlined leadership. Because they don’t have closely relationship with local official groups. They have some relationship with some local fishermen as guiding. They have more diffuse sources of information- gathering, such as the radio and other traditional media outlets. It may be more difficult to reach them employing a top-down approach. 4 Leadership willingness to endorse 1 = Unwilling to get on board with project; 4 = Firm commitment from leadership to help drive change efforts Leadership willingness is not very ready. But, official group members come together and elect their group leader. Also, many other conservationists including WWF field staff, Soum Social workers, and National park people work concentrate on the leadership willingness. 3 Average Score 3,5 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Cultural/Political (1 of 2)

9 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 9 Criteria Explanation Score Political Environment Current legislative and legal landscape 1 = Legislative and legal restrictions will hamper efforts; 4 = Legislative and legal framework will aid program (Use 1-4 scale) The current legislative and legal landscape is not very negative to the campaign. There is MoU between WWF Mongolia and Ministry of Nature Environment and Tourism (MNET). There is no any other interests (mining license, irrigation system etc.) through the Onon River. 4 Ability to drive legislative change 1 = Lack of knowledge regarding political environment and unclear timeframe for advocacy; 4 = Depth of political knowledge and ability to push for appropriate changes within a given timeframe (Use 1-4 scale) Here in Mongolia Local and Parliament elections run every four year. MNET is very supportive to WWF Mongolia. 4 Average Score 4 Values and Norms Assessment of norms 1 = Plan is unconcerned with political and cultural norms 4 = Plan assesses and takes into account the values and norms governing the political and cultural environment (Use 1-4 scale) Pride Campaign manager will conduct extensive qualitative survey next week to better assess cultural and political norms present on Onon River Basin. These findings will inform the plan’s execution, ensuring that all actions taken are appropriate in the sociopolitical context. 4 Ability to address normative obstacles 1 = Normative obstacles are too formidable to be overcome; 4 = Obstacles are manageable and a clear tack to address them is employed (Use 1-4 scale) Not applicable NA Average Score 4 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Cultural/Political (2 of 2)

10 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 10 Criteria Explanation Score Conservation Impact Likelihood of conservation impact 1 = Conservation impact is unlikely to be achieved; 4 = Conservation impact is very likely to be realized The target of increasing the Taimen population 20% within the timeframe is possible once local taimen fishing have been removed. There is also big threat for taimen from recreational visitors. There are many threats to the taimen population including: warming, water decreasing etc. Each of these minor threats could theoretically undermine the conservation impact of the plan. 3 Impact sustainability 1 = The conservation impact goal is unlikely to be sustained in the long-term; 4 = The impact goal should be viable in the long-term Expert from the Taimen Conservation Fund conducts Taimen assessment on the Onon River with most 25 local fishermen funded by WWF US and WWF Mongolia. MRO also participated in this assessment with their international anglers and international guides. 4 Average Score 3.5 Onon River Basin BRAVO Detail Impact and Metrics (1 of 2)

11 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 11 Criteria Explanation Score Tipping Points 1 st Tipping Point 1 = Tipping point unlikely to be achieved; 4 = Tipping point likely to be reached The first tipping point consists of the Ministry of Nature Environment and Tourism and ADB approving the “Poverty Reduction through Community-Based Natural Resource Management” project. Once this barrier is overcome, the alternative livelihood option program can begin. 4 2 nd Tipping Point 1 = Tipping point unlikely to be achieved; 4 = Tipping point likely to be reached The second tipping point is the alternative livelihood options as farming including local fishermen, unemployed and herders. 4 3 rd Tipping Point 1 = Tipping point unlikely to be achieved; 4 = Tipping point likely to be reached The third tipping point is in each soum has a policy and many activities “Rural Poverty Reduction” 3 Average Score 3.6 Metrics Measurable outcomes 1 = The program lacks clear metrics or are difficult to measure; 4 = The program has established clear, measureable metrics Conservation impact of the campaign is easily measurable. The size of the Taimen population is the metric, while the methodology will consist of a Taimen assessment based most 25 local fishermen observation. The expert from Taimen Conservation Fund has pledged assistance in monitor taimen populations bi-annually. 4 Average Score 4 Serena BRAVO Detail Impact and Metrics (2 of 2)

12 Confidential Copyright © 2008 Monitor Company Group, L.P. — Confidential — XXXCAS-COD-Prez-Date-CTL 12 CategorySubcategoryScore Average Category Score Feasibility Economics Costs 4 3.6 Revenues 3.8 Income Substitution 3 Technical Technology 3.6 3.4 Capacity / Organizational Ability 3.6 Other Partners 3 Cultural / Political Community Leadership 3.5 3.8 Political Environment 4 Cultural Norms 4 Feasibility Score 3.6 Impact Impact and Metrics Conservation Impact 3.5 3.7 Tipping Points 3.6 Metrics 4 Impact Score 3.7 Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview (BRAVO) Composite Score Enter average scores in the right hand column. Then take the feasibility score and enter it into Miradi and the Impact score and enter it into Miradi. Where either score is below X for either feasibly or impact, consider the strategy to be inappropriate and assess the need to conduct a second BRAVO that reviews a different strategy.

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