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Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Livelihoods Session 1: Livelihoods, Disasters and Ecosystems.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Livelihoods Session 1: Livelihoods, Disasters and Ecosystems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Livelihoods Session 1: Livelihoods, Disasters and Ecosystems

2 2 Mod 8 Ses 1 Introductions  Tell us your name  Which agency you work with  Your current job responsibility  Name one source of livelihoods that nobody before you has already mentioned

3 3 Mod 8 Ses 1 Ground Rules Mobiles silent Be punctual Stay on topic Succinct - be brief One conversation at a time Active listening Other?

4 4 Mod 8 Ses 1 Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit  Developed by WWF and the American Red Cross  Based on a 5-year partnership formed after the 2004 tsunami between WWF, AmCross and partners in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Maldives  Designed for use globally after natural disasters and conflict Mod 7 Ses 1

5 5 Mod 8 Ses 1 10 Program Modules Green Guide to: 1.Opportunities for Green Recovery and Reconstruction: An Introduction 2.Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation 3.Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques 4.Strategic Site Selection and Development 5.Materials and the Supply Chain 6.Construction 7.Water and Sanitation 8.Livelihoods 9.Disaster Risk Reduction 10.Organizational Operations Mod 7 Ses 1

6 6 Mod 8 Ses 1 GRRT Principles  “Do no harm” to people and communities recovering from disaster by addressing environmental sustainability  Recognize that addressing the environment has multiple benefits  Take ownership  Build back safer  Be solution-oriented  Emphasize the use of local knowledge Mod 7 Ses 1

7 7 Mod 8 Ses 1 Training Purpose “Green Livelihoods Recovery” Enhance your ability to assess and design environmentally friendly sustainable livelihoods projects in post-disaster situations

8 8 Mod 8 Ses 1 Workshop Agenda  Sessions  Livelihoods, disasters and ecosystems  Break  Ecosystems and livelihoods recovery  Lunch  Sustainable livelihood project design exercise  Any questions?

9 9 Mod 8 Ses 1 Any Questions ?

10 10 Mod 8 Ses 1  Capabilities &  Assets &  Activities... required to make a living What factors influence people’s livelihoods options? What are livelihoods?

11 11 Mod 8 Ses 1 What is an ecosystem? a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.

12 12 Mod 8 Ses 1 The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework Policies Institutions Processes Vulnerability Context Shocks Seasonality Trends Changes influence Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes Based on model presented at IFAD SL Workshop H N F P S Affected Assets

13 13 Mod 8 Ses 1 The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework Policies Institutions Processes Vulnerability Context Shocks Seasonality Trends Changes influence Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes Based on model presented at IFAD SL Workshop H N F P S Affected Assets

14 14 Mod 8 Ses 1 Livelihood Asset Pentagon  Human assets  Natural assets  Financial assets  Physical assets  Social assets

15 15 Mod 8 Ses 1 The amount and quality of labor Human Assets USAID Photo Gallery guatemala_spacing_h.jpg Education Family size Vocational skills Ability to work Health Others? IFAD Photo by Lou Dematteis

16 16 Mod 8 Ses 1 Natural Assets (… think of natural resources) USAID Photo Gallery, CARE madagascar_land2_h.jpg Land Soil/water quality Access to water/ irrigation Fishing Ecosystem Biodiversity Others?

17 17 Mod 8 Ses 1 (… think about access to money) Credits Markets Remittances Savings Cash or cash equivalents Others? USAID photo gallery SS_CAR_MICROFINANCE_04-09-07.jpg Financial Assets

18 18 Mod 8 Ses 1 Physical Assets Physical Possessions Shelter Household items Productive assets Livestock Tools Others? Usaid Photo Gallery PACT sudan_return_h.jpg

19 19 Mod 8 Ses 1 Social Assets (… think of family ties and social networks) Family ties Social safety nets Communal labor Intra-ethnic support Others?

20 20 Mod 8 Ses 1 So … Human capital labour capacity no education limited skills Natural capital landless access to natural resources (forests) Financial capital low wages no access to credit Physical capital poor water supply poor housing poor communications Social capital low social status strong links with family & friends traditions of reciprocal exchange Landless agricultural household =extremely reduced asset pentagon Based on model presented at IFAD SL Workshop Financial Capital Social Capital Physical Capital Human Capital Natural Capital

21 21 Mod 8 Ses 1 21 ( Asset Pentagons Differ for Different Groups Family labour Draught power Tractor 21

22 22 Mod 8 Ses 1 Group Discussion (15 minutes) 1.What are the potential impacts of natural disasters and conflicts on natural assets (and on ecosystems)? 2.How does using up (or preserving) natural assets (or ecosystems) increase (or reduce) people’s vulnerability to disaster shocks? 3.How do the SL framework and the asset pentagon help or hurt project managers interested in promoting ecological or environmentally friendly livelihoods projects? Provide 1-2 specific examples for your assigned question. You have 10 minutes to discuss your question.

23 23 Mod 8 Ses 1 Group One What are the potential impacts of natural disasters and conflicts on natural assets (and on ecosystems)?

24 24 Mod 8 Ses 1 Vulnerability Context Shocks Trends “Vulnerability” Context Based on model presented at IFAD SL Workshop H N F P S Pre-disaster Post-disaster Disaster shocks can significantly alter the shape of the asset pentagon (and therefore people’s livelihood strategies) Decreased assets increases future vulnerability Severe storms and flooding

25 25 Mod 8 Ses 1 Group Two How does using up (or preserving) natural assets (or ecosystems) increase (or reduce) people’s vulnerability to disaster shocks?

26 26 Mod 8 Ses 1 Disaster, Livelihood, Ecosystem Links e.g. Mangroves in Bangladesh Asian mangrove. Credit: UNESCO

27 27 Mod 8 Ses 1 Group Three How do the SL framework and the asset pentagon help or hurt project managers interested in promoting ecological or environmentally friendly livelihoods projects?

28 28 Mod 8 Ses 1 In Summary  Livelihood recovery involves more than jobs; must also address factors leading to vulnerability  Unsustainable livelihood practices  Damage to ecosystems on which livelihood depends  Limited and non-diversified asset pentagon  Lack of knowledge or capacities for alternatives  Sustainable livelihoods  resilient in the face of external shocks  not dependent upon external support or external support is sustainable  long-term productivity of natural resources  do not undermine livelihoods of others

29 29 Mod 8 Ses 1 Questions? 29

30 30 Mod 8 Ses 1 Break Time

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