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CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Strengthening Statistical Capacity to Improve MDG Data in Conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Strengthening Statistical Capacity to Improve MDG Data in Conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Strengthening Statistical Capacity to Improve MDG Data in Conditions of Transformation of Statistical System Jan Fischer President, Czech Statistical Office Czech Republic

2 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Strengthening Statistical Capacity  quantitative strengthening of statistical capacity  qualitative improvements of capacities  framework transformation (principles, quality, legislation) Millenium Development Goals = key information on the state and development of countries

3 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Transformation of statistical systems  general challenge: to increase quality and efficiency of statistical systems  Czech specific experience:  change of socio-economic conditions  accession to the European Union importance of main principles of official statistics confirmed (including MDGs data)

4 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Key words  Fundamental principles of official statistics adopted by UNSC  integrity, independence, credibility  decisive factors  external: socio-economic conditions  internal: pro-active role of national statistical service (national statistical institute)

5 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Statistics for Users  increasing demand on statistics (quantity, quality …)  imperative for official statistics: to describe facts truly using scientific methods (scientific, professional independence)  Czech case:  limited circle of real data users in previous socialist economy  wide use of statistics by variety of users (with different knowledge of statistics) in market economy and democratic society

6 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Scientific Independence - Methodology  censuses and preference of sampling methods  treatment of non-response (detection of active and non-active units)  confidence to respondents (no internal audits by official statisticians, however detailed consistency checks of individual data in data processing)  analytical methods for data verification

7 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Perception of Official Statistics  better knowledge of statistics is needed  basic understanding of statistical data (e.g. problems of averages)  knowledge of principles and mission of official statistics  statistics:  in previous regime: accurate sums =>  after transformation: „art of the possible“

8 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Access to Administrative Data Sources  reduction of respondents burden  one-way principle (in case of confidential data)  improvements of registers (as sampling frames) or replacement of statistical surveys  quality of administrative data – permanent attention

9 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Amedments of Statistical Legislation  independence of official statistics  data confidentiality  use of modern scientific methods  programme of statistical surveys  dissemination of statistics  co-ordination of state statistical service etc.

10 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Knowledge of Principles of Official Statistics  by producers of official statistics  by respondents  by users  co-operation with universities, secondary schools …  information for respondents in surveys  permanent and transparent dissemination of statistics including metadata  revision policy  dialogue with respondents and users

11 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Quality Aspects  relative concept to quality (user needs)  dimensions of quality: relevancy, availability, timeliness, accuracy, punctuality, comparability, coherence  close relation to efficiency and optimal use of resources  quality of products, processes and quality management

12 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Role of National Statistical Service (Office)  pro-active approach:  communication with all actors (internal & external)  user-satisfaction survey  respondent-satisfaction survey  regular meetings with representatives of major users

13 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic International Co-operation  International standards (Fundamental principles) => significant contribution to the perception of independence and mission of official statistics  international meetings, conferences, seminars  multilateral or bilateral co-operation (subject-matter statistics & cross-cutting issues)

14 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Measurement of MDGs Czech Republic  orientation on quality improvements  common standards within United Nations, OECD etc.  high level of harmonization within European Union (legislation) - definitions, common surveys, quality reports, deadlines ….  role of standards: comparability & embodied experience of statisticians => strength of international statistical community  Examples =>

15 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Poverty Indicators  Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) – harmonized EU survey  data collection in households  measurement of data quality  limits in response burden (length of interviews)  publications, press releases …

16 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Gender Statistics  International standards (United Nations)  administrative data sources  publications, web ….  need of better mutual co-operation and understanding of statisticians and researches (social sciences)

17 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Health Statistics  international standards  Ministry of Health – main producer of health statistics  preparation of satellite health accounts  new survey on disabled persons

18 CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic Thank you for your attention Jan Fischer,

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