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RD measures working for nature? – a good example Gábor Figeczky WWF Hungary Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the.

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Presentation on theme: "RD measures working for nature? – a good example Gábor Figeczky WWF Hungary Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 RD measures working for nature? – a good example Gábor Figeczky WWF Hungary Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the new EU Member States Bonn, 18 June 2007

2 Budget distribution among axes Public expenditure

3 Budget distribution among axes Total cost

4 huge concentration resources to be spent easily: e.g. on machinery low degree of integration hidden schemes even within AE to support large farms, disadvantaged sectors (wine) badly designed LFA measure old fashioned extension service system training not focusing on environment General findings

5 Budget distribution among different forestry measures in Axis II

6 41% of forests are in private ownership 9% of Hungarian land is private forests 71% of this is managed average size: 2.2 ha low profitability management methods according to short term interests multifunctional services needed Forest-environment

7 Repression of aggressively expanding non-indigenous tree and shrub species against black locust, the red ash, the Manitoba maple, the Russian olive, the tree of heaven, the black cherry, the western hackberry and Amorpha fruticosa several year long continuous manual work Period of support: 5 years Forest environment measure

8 Structural conversion of forest stands with a degraded structure, but with indigenous species Period of support: 10 years Maintenance based on manual work ensuring the regeneration of the natural forests stand complementation in order to create indigenous forest stands corresponding with the habitat goal: by 7th year: min 70% forest cover accoriding to habitat Period of support: 7 years Forest environment measure

9 Conservation of forest coverage in order to avoid erosion and protect wetland habitats to encourage farmers to change for silvicultural methods that ensure the continuous forest cover in the long-term Period of support: 7 years Conservation of forests with public welfare function maintenance of a good quality condition of the environment ensuring the continuous coverage Period of support: 7 years Forest environment measure

10 Reduction of clear cutting of indigenous forest stands method applied for forest regeneration purposes  used instead of artificial forest regeneration  special focus on indigenous forests in the Great Plain Period of support: 7 years Forest environment measure

11 Extension of indigenous forest areas by supporting succession processes After the intensive agricultural production fell back, a mixture of tree species of pioneer and climax forest groups begins to emerge  forests regenerating in this way enjoy a greater genetic variety,  better adaptability,  they ensure the natural processes of soil development Period of support: 7 years Forest environment measure

12 Creation and maintenance of forest clearings  unique habitats,  often historical significance task: to restrict and minimize the encroachment of bushes, trees, non-indigenous plants Period of support: 7 years Selection forest management  selection cutting to be tailored to the site conditions  best way to achieve sustainable forest management both in ecological and economic terms Period of support: 10 years Forest environment measure

13 Conservation of forestry genetic resources in a forestry collection of genes (ex situ), and forest stock in the form of trees to conserve the genetic diversity to conserv the ability to adapt, to conserv the micro-evolutionary capacity for a long time Period of support: 7 years Forest environment measure


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