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Aligning BIBFRAME with The Schema/Bib Extend model

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1 Aligning BIBFRAME with The Schema/Bib Extend model
Carol Jean Godby, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC BIBFRAME Update session, ALA 2013 Chicago, Illinois, USA Aligning BIBFRAME with The Schema/Bib Extend model

2 Bibliographic Descriptions in Rationale
Increase the visibility of library resources in the major search engines. Engage at the W3C level for representation of library data. Address defects in the Schema model for representing bibliographic data. Discovery vs. curation

3 The context OCLC’s alpha release of linked data for
The BIBFRAME Early Experimenters group. The Schema Bib Extend W3C Community group. OCLC’s experiments with SchemaBibEx and BIBFRAME. #1 Available on + vocabulary extensions for describing library resources. Focuses on physical formats. #2 Covers some of the same ground. Has some of the same goals: A collection point for descriptions about library resources Vocabulary development with OCLC’s draft. #3 Open community group hosted at Goals: experiment with describing library resources using and allied standards – in just enough detail to support discovery. Assume that standards developed in the library community (such as BF) will fill in the rest. make recommendations to managers for vocabulary that makes life easier. disband. #OCLC’s experiments Use SBX philosophy (see how far can go) Identify places to plug in library community standards. develop and experiment with models #4 OLC’s comparisons tasked with this job as a member of BFEE. generated BF markup on all of – with the same process as markup. used to identify broad similarities – synonymous vocabulary, etc. manually created exemplars illustrating experimental models and compared those with BF.

4 and BibFrame: big alignments
Data coverage Modeling detail BibFrame

5 SchemaBibEx and BIBFRAME: Similarities and BIBFRAME can be used to describe the same resource. Many concepts have the same meaning. For example: Person, Organization, Place, Author, Director, ISBN, Hardcover, Audiobook, ‘label and ‘name,’subject’ and ‘about.’ The overlapping descriptions are similar to a Dublin Core Terms record.

6 Issues Representation of FRBR Works and Expressions in
Alignment of BIBFRAME Authorities and Annotations Moving beyond the Dublin Core-like description

7 A recommended division of labor
SchemaBibEx advocates lead BIBFRAME leads Evaluate for library descriptions. Negotiate with to adopt changes. Map BIBFRAME concepts to Develop BIBFRAME and harmonize with other post- MARC standards. Work with specialized libraries to expand BIBFRAME’s descriptive capacity. Map MARC concepts to BIBFRAME.

8 For more information Ted Fons, Jeff Penka, and Richard Wallis. “OCLC’s Linked Data Initiative: Using to Make Library Data Relevant on the Web.” Information Standards Quarterly. Spring/Summer :3. Carol Jean Godby The Relationship between BIBFRAME and the ‘Bib Extensions’ Model: A Working Paper. Schema Bib Extend Community Group – W3C.

9 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Suggested attribution: “This work uses content from ‘Aligning BIBFRAME with The Schema/Bib Extend Model’ © OCLC, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license:

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