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United Nations Trial International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) United Nations Statistics Division II International Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Trial International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) United Nations Statistics Division II International Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Trial International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) United Nations Statistics Division II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time, Rio de Janeiro, September 9-10, 2010

2 Outline of presentation  Uses of time use data  Classification of time use activities  Purpose and nature of ICATUS  Principles used in constructing ICATUS  ICATUS structure and coding system  Adapting ICATUS to country situations  Applications to tabulation  Comparing ICATUS and Eurostat classfication  Concluding remarks II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 2

3 Uses of time-use data Analytical objectives have revolved around the following major themes:  Measurement and analysis of quality of life or general well-being  Measurement and valuation of unpaid work and development of household production accounts  Improving estimates of paid and unpaid work  Analysis of policy implications of development planning issues II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 3

4 Classification of time-use activities The nomenclature and classification of activities form an important part of the planning, collection and analysis of time-use data II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 4

5 Classification of time-use activities  Serves as a basis for assessing completeness of coverage of activities  Guide in the design of survey instruments and selection of methods  Serves as the interviewer’s guide for eliciting the level of detailed required by the survey objectives  Is the basis for developing coding rules and indexes II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 5

6 Classification of time-use activities An activity classification also  Defines the framework for analysis of the time-use survey data  Serves as the basis for defining analytical and tabulation categories of activities II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 6

7 Classification of time-use activities Many activity classifications have focused on detailed lists of non-economic activities such as:  Housework  Care giving  Socialization  Recreation  Learning  Mass media II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 7

8 Classification of time-use activities Interest in:  Measurement of changes in time use  Cross-country comparisons  Harmonized activity classification Time-use Classification developed by Eurostat – a standard for the European region Draft UN International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics – for global level II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 8

9 Purpose and nature of ICATUS ICATUS – a standard classification of all activities that the general population may spend time on during the 24 hours of the day  Applicable to both developing and developed countries  Builds on existing national and regional classifications  Considers the experiences of developed and developing countries II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 9

10 Purpose and nature of ICATUS Main objective:  To allow more precise delineation of the boundaries of economic and non-economic activities; and productive and non-productive activities  To measure all forms of work including unremunerated work II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 10

11 Purpose and nature of ICATUS ICATUS - Consistent with existing standard classifications in labour and economic statistics.  Set of activity categories for productive activities – defined in relation to concepts of:  Employment  Economic activity  Occupation  Utilizes definitions and categories used in  SNA  ICSE, ISIC, ISCO II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 11

12 Purpose and nature of ICATUS ICATUS distinguishes  Production of goods either for income or for own final use  Production of services for income  Clear delineation of activities that are important in developing countries within a classification that covers the circumstances of both developing and developed countries II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 12

13 Principles used for constructing ICATUS 1)Must be flexible – applicable to the identified analytical objectives of time-use studies and other potential uses for statistics on time use 2)Must have a balanced and comprehensive coverage of all groups of activities in the general population 3)Detailed enough to identify activities of important subpopulations (e.g., women, children, elderly) 4)Should not deviate significantly from classification schemes that have undergone cycles of testing, use and review II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 13

14 Principles used for constructing ICATUS First criterion for differentiating between activities = with respect to the relationship they bear with the production boundary of the SNA. Three main categories: A.Activities within the SNA production boundary (“SNA work”) B.Activities within the general production boundary but outside the SNA (“non-SNA work”) C.Activities not considered production activities (personal activities) II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 14

15 Principles used for constructing ICATUS A. “SNA work” activities 1.Distinguished based on the institutional unit in which production takes place a)Corporations/quasi-corporations, non-profit institutions, or government -> one main division b)Households 2.Work activities in relation to household production are delineated on the basis of the character of the goods and services produced by the activities undertaken -> four main divisions II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 15

16 Principles used for constructing ICATUS A. Main divisions for “SNA work” activities: 01 Work for corporations/quasi-corporations, non-profit institutions, and government 02 Work for household unincorporated enterprises in primary production activities (agriculture, hunting, forestry, mining and quarrying) 03 Work for household unincorporated enterprises in non- primary production activities (manufacture of goods) 04 Work for household unincorporated enterprises in construction activities 05 Work for household unincorporated enterprises providing services for income II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 16

17 Principles used for constructing ICATUS B. “Non-SNA work” activities are delineated in terms of whether they are done for household members (2 main divisions) or for members of other households or the community (one main division). Resulting main divisions: 06 Work providing unpaid domestic services for own final use within household 07 Work providing unpaid caregiving services to household members 08 Work providing community services and help to other households II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 17

18 Principles used for constructing ICATUS C. Personal activities are distinguished according to (a) the nature of the activity (e.g., learning, socializing, meeting physiological needs); and (b) participation of others. Applying these results in 7 main divisions: 09 Learning 10 Socializing and community participation 11 Attending/visiting cultural, entertainment and sports events or venues 12 Engaging in hobbies, games and other pastime activities 13 Indoor and outdoor sports participation 14 Use of mass media 15 Personal care and maintenance II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 18

19 Principles used for constructing ICATUS Activities within the 15 broad categories are further allocated into divisions, and into groups within divisions. In defining specific groups under the divisions, the basic criterion is universality and regularity of occurrence. (i.e., types of activities known to be typical for and prevalent in most countries are listed at the most detailed level). Not all divisions have specific groups defined. Another consideration in forming divisions or groups is the importance of the particular set of activities to the comprehensive measurement of work. Thus, in ICATUS divisions pertaining to SNA work activities in households highlight those that are typically part of own household production and those associated with the informal sector. II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 19

20 ICATUS structure and coding system Hierarchical structureHierarchical structure Six-digit coding schemeSix-digit coding scheme First level: Major divisions coded from 01 to 15First level: Major divisions coded from 01 to 15 Second level: Three or more divisions within each major division (3-digit codes)Second level: Three or more divisions within each major division (3-digit codes) Third-level: Groups within divisions (4-digit codes)Third-level: Groups within divisions (4-digit codes) Fourth level: Classes within groups (5-digit codes)Fourth level: Classes within groups (5-digit codes) Fifth level: Subclasses (6-digit codes)Fifth level: Subclasses (6-digit codes) 15 major divisions, 54 divisions, 92 groups, 200 classes, 363 subclasses15 major divisions, 54 divisions, 92 groups, 200 classes, 363 subclasses II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 20

21 ICATUS structure and coding system Activities at the Division level comprise: Core activities, consisting of activities specific to the major division Core activities, consisting of activities specific to the major division Non-core or related activities (Travelling is uniformly treated as a related activity at the division level) Non-core or related activities (Travelling is uniformly treated as a related activity at the division level) A “not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)” division A “not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)” division II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 21

22 Adapting ICATUS to country situations  ICATUS serves as a guide to countries developing an activity classification or revising an existing one  Provides a framework for the international comparison of national statistics.  ICATUS may be expanded or contracted depending on the social, cultural and economic situation of the country.  To make possible the conversion of a national activity classification to ICATUS, each most detailed category of the national classification should not cover portions of two or more divisions.  ICATUS describes single activities. In applying ICATUS, countries have to determine how simultaneous activities are to be recorded and coded. II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 22

23 Applications to tabulation The 15 major divisions can be aggregated for analyses such as those focused on indicators of free time, SNA and non-SNA work, etc. 1. Tabulation based on the SNA framework i.SNA work (ICATUS major divisions 01-05) ii.Non-SNA work (Major divisions 06-08) iii.Non-productive work (Major divisions 09-15) II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 23

24 Applications to tabulation 2. Tabulation based on the As framework, which identifies i.Necessary time – serving physiological needs ii.Contracted time – gainful employment and school attendance iii.Committed time to which one is obligated, but for which a substitute service could be purchased iv.Free time – remaining time when the other 3 types have been accounted for II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 24

25 Applications to tabulation 2. Tabulation based on the As framework, which identifies Necessary time – serving physiological needs 15 Personal care and maintenance Contracted time – gainful employment and school attendance 01 Work for corporations, quasi-corporations, NPIs and Government 02 Work for household unincorporated enterprises in primary production 03 Work for household unincorporated enterprises 04 Work for household unincorporated enterprises 05 Work for household unincorporated enterprises 09 Learning II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 25

26 Applications to tabulation 2. Tabulation based on the As framework (continued) Committed time to which one is obligated, but for which a substitute service could be purchased 06 Work providing unpaid domestic services for own final use within household 07 Work providing caregiving services to household members 08 Work providing community services and help to other households II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 26

27 Applications to tabulation 2. Tabulation based on the As framework (continued) Free time – remaining time when the other three types have been accounted for 10 Socializing and community participation 11 Attending/visiting cultural, entertainment and sports events/venues 12 Engaging in hobbies, games and other pastime activities 13 Indoor and outdoor sports participation 14 Use of mass media II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 27

28 Comparing ICATUS and Eurostat classification  ICATUS 15 main divisions; Eurostat 10 categories  Major divisions of ICATUS correspond to one of the single-digit codes of the Eurostat list  ICATUS has more than one main category for Eurostat’s single-digit codes for:  Employment (5 in ICATUS)  Household and family care (2 in ICATUS)  Social life and entertainment (2 in ICATUS)  Almost all activities at the division level of both lists are also similar, but there are some major differences. Some examples… II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 28

29 Comparing ICATUS and Eurostat classification  ICATUS classifies activities that could conceptaully fall under either SNA or non-SNA work as SNA work; some of these activities are classified as non-SNA work in Eurostat and placed under “Household and family care”,  Collecting water and gathering firewood  Preserving and baking for household consumption  Producing handicraft and textiles  Gardening  Tending domestic animals  “Hunting and fishing, picking berries, mushrooms and herbs” are classified under SNA work in ICATUS but as “productive exercise” under “Sports and outdoor activities” in Eurostat II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 29

30 Comparing ICATUS and Eurostat classification  ICATUS classifies “receiving personal and medical services” under “Personal care and maintenance”; Eurostat list classifies them as “shopping and services” under “Household and family care”.  ICATUS classifies “resting” under “Personal care” but Eurostat classifies it under “Social life and entertainment”.  Travel activities are listed as divisions within the associated main divisions of ICATUS; Eurostat has a single-digit code for travel, with travel activities classified by purpose. II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 30

31 Concluding Remarks Next steps for UNSD:  Revise the trial ICATUS and ultimately present the classification for adoption as an international standard  Gather more country experience with trial ICATUS  Review consistency with new standard classifications (including 2008 SNA, ISCO-08, ISIC Rev. 4)  Expert review of revised ICATUS  Ways of promoting the implementation of TUS at international level. II International Seminar on Researches of Use of Time Rio de Janeiro, 9-10 Sep 2010 31

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