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Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The Pacific Climate Change Portal Project Mary Lou Cumberpatch NOAA Central Library Peter Murgatroyd.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The Pacific Climate Change Portal Project Mary Lou Cumberpatch NOAA Central Library Peter Murgatroyd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The Pacific Climate Change Portal Project Mary Lou Cumberpatch NOAA Central Library Peter Murgatroyd SPREP IAMSLIC Conference September 14-18, 2008

2 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Climate change impacts in the Pacific Impacts of sea level rise - storm surges, coastal erosion, resettlement Increased incidence of extreme events such as floods, droughts and cyclones which threaten freshwater supply. Reefs and Marine Resources will be adversely affected. Increased in ocean temperatures, coral bleaching, progressive acidification of oceans. Agriculture will be affected. Coastal plains, where most of our agriculture is based, can be salinised due to sea-level rise and become less productive. Increased natural disasters will damage crops and warmer, wetter climate will favour the breeding of pests. Disease prevalence will increase as warmer, wetter conditions favour the breeding of disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes (spreading dengue and malaria) and aquatic pathogens such as giardia.

3 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The problem Gaps in information Information is scattered Information overload Lack of integration of information amongst key stakeholders Multiple information needs Multiple information users

4 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Information Needs Climate and Ocean Data GIS / Mapping Information for the region Forecasting tools Access to Research Output & Analysis Case Studies Practical Guidelines Lessons Learned Traditional knowledge and practices

5 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Multiple user groups Policy makers Meteorological officers Coastal managers Resource sector – agriculture, fisheries, forestry NGOs Community & Grassroots

6 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Currently a number of resource access points for Pacific climate information Pacific Islands Global Climate Observing System (PI-GCOS) Pacific Island Global Ocean Observing System (PI-GOOS) Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PI-OOS) Pacific Regional Environment Programme Climate Change Portal NOAA Climate Resources WWF Pacific Climate Change Portal Pacific Climate Information Service (PaCIS)

7 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific Islands Global Climate Observing System (PI-GCOS): About PI-GCOS PI-GCOS Action PlanAbout PI-GCOSPI-GCOS Action Plan PI-GCOS is coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)SPREP Apia, Samoa Accessibility for users with disabilities

8 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific Island Global Ocean Observing System index.php?page=Pacific+Island+Global+Ocean+Observing+System+PI+GOOS index.php?page=Pacific+Island+Global+Ocean+Observing+System+PI+GOOS

9 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System

10 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific Regional Environment Programme Climate Change Portal

11 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme NOAA Climate Change Resources

12 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme WWF Pacific Climate Change Portal index.cfmttp:// index.cfm

13 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific Climate Information Service (PaCIS)

14 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The challenge The development of an integrated inter- agency Pacific climate change portal that provides access to all relevant resources in a format that meets the varied information needs of a wide range of users

15 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Key Players SPREP SOPAC NOAA East-West Centre WWF Pacific WMO Pacific UNESCO Pacific PI-GCOS, PI-GOOS, PacIOOS ….

16 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The way forward Inter-agency Meetings scheduled as part of Pacific Climate Roundtable [Apia, Samoa. Oct. 2008] Project will be housed on the IPRC server at the University of Hawaii Portal will use Joomla interface Partners will be encouraged to contribute and maintain information resources hosted on the regional portal

17 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The NOAA Climate Change Portal Project Targets coastal managers in the Pacific Region Partnership between OCRM, Coastal Services Center and NOAA Library Pilot project 17

18 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme 18 NOAA Project Goals Enable coastal managers to incorporate readily accessible climate information and tools into their decision-making processes Promote enhanced communication and collaboration in the Pacific region Replicate the portal design in other regions

19 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme The Audience Focus on American Samoa and Samoa Pacific Islands Expand to cover US regions

20 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme 20 The Process Identifying Needs Coastal managers in American Samoa and Samoa Coastal managers stateside  Identifying Resources Interviewing NOAA employees and others Internet and journal searches

21 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme 21 Resource Types Case Studies Handbooks and Guidance Documents Decision Support Tools Methodologies for assessing vulnerability Traditional Knowledge and practices Monitoring and mapping products Peer-reviewed literature Model legislation, policies, and regulations Links to education and training opportunities

22 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Virtual Library Technology Joomla interface Open source Manage website easily Many extensions available JabRef bibliography reference manager BibTex open source text-based format Z39.50 protocol to search NOAA Libraries’ Catalog 22

23 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Database Record Fields Database fields include: title, creators, program affiliation, publication date, brief description, full abstract, period of record, language, resource type, rights, resource category, language, theme/topic, expert contact info,sector, geographic coverage, URI

24 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme IAMSLIC Role IAMSLIC members in the Pacific can provide feedback to the Portal team – we want to avoid duplication of effort The team welcomes comments and suggestions – how can this project complement and support other efforts in the Pacific What products do Pacific Islanders need from NOAA to help adapt and cope with climate change? The team would welcome volunteers to test usability of both Portal and Virtual Library

25 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme 25 Climate Change Portal Team Contacts NOAA Carrie Hall - OCRM/Coastal Programs (301) 563-1135 or Mary Lou Cumberpatch - NOAA Central Library (301) 713-2600 x 129 or Stephanie Fauver - Coastal Services Center (843) 740-1287 or PaCIS Eileen Shea (NOAA National Climatic Data Center/IDEA Center) - SPREP Peter Murgatroyd – Information Resource Centre Manager – Anticipated Release Date: End of 2008 / Early 2009

26 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme 26 Thanks for your attention Any Comments or Questions?

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