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Lesson 4. What are we looking for in this section?  What lobbyists do?  The extent to which lobbyists represent Canadians in the political process?

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1 Lesson 4

2 What are we looking for in this section?  What lobbyists do?  The extent to which lobbyists represent Canadians in the political process?  How lobbyists can influence government decision making.

3 What is a Lobby Group?  Lobby Groups are organizations that work to influence __________________________ about specific issues.  Lobbyists represent the _______ and ________________________ of different groups on issues that affect Canadians.  Lobby groups hire people (_________________) to bring their issue to the forefront of the minds of Canadians and they put pressure on the government to make policies that support their issue.

4 How and Why do Lobby groups form? Issue or concern raised by event or act People that share similar view on issue form a group committed to make a difference on issue Group hires experts to raise awareness and influence government decisions about issue Lobby groups will try to achieve their goals using a variety of means: - Meet with government members to discuss possible or potential ___________________ (many groups donate large sums of money to political parties they believe will help their cause). - Use the __________ to influence public views and put pressure on government to introduce policies that support goals of the lobby group - Work with other organizations and groups to build ______________________ and progress on solving issues.

5 Are Lobby groups always in the best interest of Canadians? P.52-53  Examine the two Lobbyist’s comments and then complete #1 on p.53. When done, respond to the questions on the next slide.

6 Questions for Discussion  1. To what extent do lobbyists represent Canadians?  2. In what ways do they help or hinder effective government decision making around issues?  Thank you For Smoking Thank you For Smoking  Obama on McCain Lobbyists Obama on McCain Lobbyists

7 Who are these Lobby Groups?  Activity Step 1: Working in partners, select a lobby group. You may choose from the list below or research another lobby group that you know of. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Pembina Institute Council of Canadians Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Fraser Institute Democracy Watch Article 19 Automotive Industries Association of Canada Canadian Snowbird Association Non Smokers’ Rights Association WWF Canada National Citizens’ Coalition

8 Who are these Lobby Groups?  Activity Step 2: Use reliable internet sites or other forms of media (i.e. current event articles, pamphlets or press statements released by or about the group) to research the following: 1.History of the group & purpose or mission of the group? 2. Who do they represent? 3. Is the group associated with a political party? 4. Current issues or campaigns 5. Explain whether your chosen Lobby Group works in the best interests of all Canadians or not.  Activity Step 3: We will discuss your findings in class.  * Design your own Lobby Group

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