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Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Rasa Jasiulionienė Head of Postal Department Baltic EC & Post.

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Rasa Jasiulionienė Head of Postal Department Baltic EC & Post."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania Rasa Jasiulionienė Head of Postal Department Baltic EC & Post Regulator's annual meeting Kuressaare, 25-26 August 2011 1 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

2 The new wording of Postal Law was adopted on 8 November, 2012 and came into force on 1 January, 2013 New functions of the RRT: Approve tariff ceilings for the universal postal service (UPS) in accordance with the weight steps of postal items Approve regulations on calculation of compensation for loss-making UPS New regulations: Bulk mail is not considered as the UPS ( > 1000 correspondence items or > 250 parcels sent per month) UPS does not include PS that has added value postal service provider, that operates the postal network, is obliged to negotiate for access to the postal network & to sign an agreement for the use of the postal network (including the system of postal codes, address data base, postal office boxes, etc.), when the other PS provider requires (Article 8 of Postal Law) New legislation 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

3 3 Access Points of Universal Postal Service  In 2012 total number of outgoing mail boxes had decreased from 2254 to 2122 :  in towns – from 1164 to 991;  in rural area increased from 1090 to 1131;  In 2012 total number of stationary and mobile post offices had decreased from 853 to 836:  stationary access points from 715 to 703 : in towns - from 216 to 214 in rural area - from 499 to 489  mobile post offices - from 28 to 27 (number of locations for providing UPS services had decreased from 138 to 133 place in rural areas). AB Lietuvos paštas during 2012 : had opened 1 new post office; renewed 9 post offices; had completed computerization project and had computerized more than 200 post offices throughout Lithuania (about 579, 2 thousand EUR); continued the recontruction of logistic center near Kaunas. 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

4 4 Source: Lietuvos paštas, Annual Report Access Points of Universal Postal Service 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

5 5 The dynamics of complaints of users of postal and courier services in 2005–2013 first half Source: RRT The increase of complains in 2011 is the result of the cases concerned the fees for presenting to customs postal items and e-commerce issues. NRA, Lietuvos paštas and Custums office made steps toward better information for consumers about custums procedures and the number of complains significantly had decreased in 2012. The increase of complaints during the first half of 2013 concerned with the delivery of registered and non- registered international mail items and some additional fees implemented by UPS (for example: fee for presenting reclamations by sender). Total increase of complains Years -26,32%2012-2011 58,33%2011-2010 0,00%2010-2009 -30,43%2009-2008 86,49%2008-2007 -9,76%2007-2006 -12,77%2006-2005 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

6 6 Quality Control of Universal Postal Service The quality control of the delivery time of the first class mail in 2004 – 2012 year Source: RRT 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013  In 2012 RRT had performed an annual monitoring of the quality of universal postal services provided by AB Lietuvos Paštas.  RRT has found that PLC Lietuvos Paštas had delivered 77.16% of priority postal correspondence items on the business day following the dispatch (75.57% in 2011) i.e. 7.84% less than the required quality indicator for (D+1)  Independent audit of PLC Lietuvos paštas indicated for (D+1) 85,86%.

7 7 Quality Control of Universal Postal Service Quality control of universal postal services Delivery quality indicators (the time period following the dispatch) D+n Quality examination results (percentage of delivered items)Requirement 20052006200720082009201020112012 D+0 0,17%0,73%0,81%0,59%1,04%1,48%0,91%0,29% D+1 72,78 % 67,79 % 57,85 % 75,56 % 74,61 % 74,30 % 75,57%77,16% 85 %. D+2 95,30 % 93,53 % 86,60 % 95,01 % 96,14 % 95,52 % 96,64%96,65% D+3 98,76 % 97,57 % 95,66 % 98,92 % 99,08 % 98,92 % 99,18%98,92%97 % The universal postal services quality examination results in 2005–2012 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013  The USP is obliged to start preparation of aplication the standard EN 13850 from 2006.  From 2009 Quality of service performance is commissioned by the independent consultant of the USP.  Till January 1, 2013 the NRA was obliged to organize an independent monitoring of the quality of UPS and to publish the report once per year.  Now (from 01-01-2013) the NRA supervises how the USP organizes quality measurement of UPS and once per year publishes the results. Source: RRT

8 Baltic EC & Post Regulator's annual meeting Kuressaare, 25-26 August 2011 8 Supervision of Cost Accounting 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

9 9 AB Lietuvos paštas financial results Financial Year EUR, million 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013 In 2012 PLC Lietuvos paštas had invested ~5,7 million EUR:  the largest part of investments ~3,4 million EUR for courier and self- service terminals company UAB Baltic Post  ~ 1 million EUR for financial service network PayPost.

10 10 The changes in PLC Lietuvos paštas should allow  greater flexibility  speed up infrastructure optimization  sale of inefficient assets  reduction of postal staff and outlets where needed PLC Lietuvos paštas structural transformation 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

11  The last two years PLC Lietuvos paštas was profitable company.  First time ever PLC Lietuvos paštas has paid to its shareholders (State) dividends of 170 610 EUR.  During 2013-2017 PLC Lietuvos paštas is planning to invest 14,5 million EUR to the company's infrastructure and services development.  Considering quality of service criteria, PLC Lietuvos paštas took the 11 th place among 203 postal operators providing the express mail service.  The EMS Cooperative under the Universal Postal Service has given PLC Lietuvos paštas a Gold Award for an excellent EMS service.  Recently the first dispute concerning the access to the postal network of incumbent postal service provider is in progress in NRA. NRA is going to oblige the incumbent operator Lithuanian post to start the negotiations with the postal service provider intending for the access. 11 Universal Postal Service Issues in Lithuania 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

12 Thank you Rasa Jasiulionien ė Head of Postal Department Communications Regulatory Authority Algirdo str. 27a, LT-03219 Vilnius Tel. +370 5 210 56 90; E-mail: 12 10 th Baltic Electronic Communications & Postal Services Regulators’ Meeting Latvia, 30 August 2013

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