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BTS330 Documenting Use Cases.

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1 BTS330 Documenting Use Cases

2 Documenting Use Cases A use case must have a specific goal
A use case will describe the interaction between at least one actor and a computer system Actor represents who is actually using the system Use Case names begin with a verb

3 Documenting Use Cases Shows the functionality that the system will provide and which users (actors) will communicate with the system Done using Rational Rose Documents the scope of the system under development

4 Documenting Use Cases Use Case Diagram
Actors are represented by a ‘stick’ figure Use Cases are represented by an oval

5 Documenting Use Cases Sample Use Case Diagram

6 Documenting Use Cases Do not confuse use cases with functions
i.e. invalid use cases: Add Order Update Order Delete Order

7 Documenting Use Cases For each use case in a use case diagram, need to describe, in detail, how the use case works = “a use case description or specification”

8 Documenting Use Cases A use case specification describes the interaction between the actor and the system – it describes the steps, in sequential order, that a use case must do to fulfill it’s goal

9 Documenting Use Cases A use case specification must include:
Who the actors are and how many of them are interacting with the system at any point in time What data is used and how All success and failure logic

10 Documenting Use Cases A use case can have many paths through which it’s goals are accomplished – each path is know as a scenario Each scenario can represent success logic or failure logic A scenario is ONE PATH through a use case

11 Documenting Use Cases Scenario is shown in a table format:
One column for Actor Describe what the actor does One column for System Describe what the system does to respond to the actors action Written as a dialog between the actor and the system Described using the Casual Use Case Specification Template

12 User Interface Design The process of designing the overall sequences that users follow to interact with an information system The sequence in which information is displayed to and obtained from the user Understanding how the user will interact with the system

13 User Interface Design Whether a success or failure logic, interface will be the same Need to visualize the steps through the use case Example: Rent A Video

14 Use Case Specification
Interface for Rent A Video use case might look like: Rent Video - X Customer Id: Name: Phone #: Outstanding Balance: Address: Video ID Title Cost Video Id: Add Method Of Payment: Subtotal: Taxes: Total: Amount Paid: Credit Card No: Exp Date:

15 Use Case Specification
Ie. Rent A Video use case Some possible scenarios could be: Pay by credit card (normal logic) Pay by debit card (normal logic) Pay by cash (normal logic) Credit card invalid (exception logic)

16 Use Case Specification
Sample use case specification for Rent A Video

17 Introduction to Use Cases
Carl’s OutDoors is a small business that rents various types of equipment for outdoor trips. Equipment such as camping equipment and canoes are rented. They also sell equipment for camping and canoeing and they organize outdoor adventure trips. Carl’s business has become very successful and he is having trouble keeping up with the growth. He needs to upgrade the system he currently has to handle the growing number of customers. Carl has asked you to help with the rental part of his business. Customers want to rent either camping equipment or canoes. When they are finished, the customers want to return the equipment. On occasion it is necessary for a customer to exchange the equipment they’ve rented. This could be for a variety of reasons. Such as, the equipment is defective (i.e. a tent might have a hole in it causing it to leak; or a canoe isn’t big enough for the canoeists and their equipment). As new equipment is received each season, Carl makes old equipment available for sale. Usually it is a final sale but customers are allowed to return equipment that is defective (i.e. a tent might have a hole in it causing it to leak; or a canoe that might have a hole in it as well causing it to let water seep in).

18 Introduction to Use Cases
Rent Equipment Return Rental Equipment Exchange Rental Equipment Process A Sale Make Equipment Available For Sale Return Equipment

19 Use Case Descriptions Sample Use case description for Make Equipment Available For Sale Make Equipment Available For Sale - X Equipment Id: Equipment Name: Equip ID Name Cost For Sale? y/n Done

20 Use Case Descriptions Sample Use case description for Rate Movie
- X Movie Title Add Rating Movie Title Rating Done

21 Screen & Report Design Guidelines for BTS330
Screen Design Ensure all key data is reflected in screen mock up Only include buttons that affect the path of the use case (i.e. probably don’t need to show ‘cancel’ button)

22 Screen & Report Design Guidelines for BTS330
Ensure all key data is reflected in report design Ensure that you show control breaks and summary data

23 Screen & Report Design Guidelines for BTS330
Mockup & Report Design You can use any tool for mockups you wish; you can even hand draw them Keep designs concise and simple – no fancy graphics Mock ups are solely for the purpose of assisting in documenting your use case

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