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“When two people agree to engage in sexual behavior for which there is no future commitment.” “A sexual encounter between two people who are brief.

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Presentation on theme: "“When two people agree to engage in sexual behavior for which there is no future commitment.” “A sexual encounter between two people who are brief."— Presentation transcript:





5 “When two people agree to engage in sexual behavior for which there is no future commitment.” “A sexual encounter between two people who are brief acquaintances or strangers, usually lasting only one night without the expectation of developing a relationship.” “Hook ups usually occur between persons who do not know one another well, little if any expectation that either person will follow through and try to continue the relationship. Hook ups can occur between two people on just one occasion, or they can occur more than once between the same two people over a period of weeks or months. “ “The most common definition we heard was that a hook up is anything ‘ranging from kissing to have sex,’ and that it takes place outside the context of commitment.

6 NOW and THEN HOOKING UP (physical intimacy that may include sexual intercourse) DATING Possible dating Sexual intimacy occurs with a simultaneous emotional bond

7 Gender Differences in Hooking Up FEMALESMALES Are in love with the male, or are looking for a dating partner or a relationship Are looking to fulfill sexual desires or needs



10 IMPACT ON STUDENTS SEXUAL/EMOTIONAL REGRET STD’s/STI’s Lessens overall student health/wellness Academic and professional success are also lessened SEXUAL ASSAULT



13 BINGE DRINKING Produces a 0.08 blood alcohol level in about 2 hours – 4 drinks for women – 5 drinks for men

14 AFFECTS ON STUDENTS? Do you think there are positive or negative affects with college students drinking?

15 Positive Affects Having Fun Socializing Being able to express themselves openly Meeting NEW people

16 Negative Affects Injuries while intoxicated Unprotected Sexual Contact Physical Assaults Sexual Assaults or Date Rapes Unintentional alcohol related fatalities

17 Why do students binge drink? Relieving Stress Utilizing alcohol as a tool of social acceptance Depression Alcohol Dependence

18 Is there a difference between students who grew up in a RURAL vs. URBAN area?

19 YES!

20 Debate Alcohol Education

21 What do we do? 90.1% of surveys returned showed that students were in support for stricter punitive sanctions – Repeat Offenders – Students engaged in violence while consuming Students say they would also support changes in alcohol policy – School officials should not dismiss

22 “HPV is like the common cold of sex”

23 STI’s continually on the rise with college aged people

24 65 million people currently living in the United States have an STD Over 19 million new cases are added each year. 2/3 of all STIs occur in people 25 years of age or younger. By the age of 24, 1 in 3 sexually active people will have contracted an STI.

25 The highest rates of genital HPV and HIV/AIDS infections are found in adults between the ages of 18 to 28. – Half of all new infections occur in people 25 years old or younger In 2000, 15- to 19-year-old women had the highest rate of gonorrhea compared to all other age categories. 20- to 29-year-old women had the highest rates of primary and secondary syphilis. Among men, 20- to 24-year-old men had the highest rate of gonorrhea and 4th highest rates of primary and secondary syphilis.

26 Approximately 800 people living with HIV in Kansas City are between the ages of 14 and 25

27 54% of new infections occur among African Americans while only representing 13% of the U.S. population Though Hispanics make up about 14% of the US population, in 2006 they represented 22% of new HIV and AIDS diagnoses 30% of new infections annually are among women

28 More than 1 million people are living with HIV in the United States Up to 25% are not aware of it. Those who are unaware they are infected may be causing more than half of new infections in the U.S.

29 In a random test, 79% of people 18-24 who tested positive for HIV/AIDS were unaware of their status 70% of those 25-29 were unaware of their status

30 Why this age group? CDC says… – they may be more likely to have multiple sexual partners rather than a single, long-term relationship – they may be more likely to engage in unprotected intercourse – they may be involved with partners at higher risk

31 What can we do? Talk about it! 6 weeks after any oral or genital piercing, avoid any type of oral sexual contact Until it is completely healed, the piercing is an open wound and provides easy access for bacteria and viruses Candy dish with condoms Copy Georgia! – "National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day" – Feb. 7 has been designated National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day.

32 Break down urban myths! Don't use food products like whipped cream or chocolate sauce with the condom or dental dam – They may be oil-based, and oil-based lubricants break down latex. Use a dental dam! – For oral sex on a woman or oral-anal stimulation – Use a plastic food wrap or cut a condom lengthwise to DIY!

33 Increase Awareness! 65 percent of students had engaged in vaginal intercourse BUT! 70 percent had engaged in oral intercourse 54 percent of students regularly use condoms during vaginal intercourse 4 percent during oral sex 29 percent during anal intercourse

34 Oral STI’s happen too! Symptoms of an oral STI – a sore throat – tonsillitis – oral lesions – cold sores Unfortunately many oral STI cases are asymptomatic.

35 Or…utilize the scare tactic "Spreading AIDS Could Be Felony in Nebraska" (01.21.2009) “A measure introduced in the state Legislature would make intentionally spreading any “life-threatening communicable disease” - through sex, needle sharing or the sale or donation of infected organs or bodily fluids - a Class 1B felony. The crime would carry a minimum prison sentence of 20 years and a maximum sentence of life in prison. LB 625 was introduced by Sen. Pete Pirsch (Omaha).”

36 Thank you and Questions! Please contact Cortney McKay, Donna Adams, or Lauren Jones for more information – Look us up, we’re in KU People!

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