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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Functional Behavioral Assessment Module 3 2004 – Revised July, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Functional Behavioral Assessment Module 3 2004 – Revised July, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Functional Behavioral Assessment Module 3 2004 – Revised July, 2010

2 What is “Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports”? PBIS focuses on PROACTIVE support strategies that reduce the likelihood of problem behavior and allows individual students to be as independent and successful as possible in the school setting. It encompasses a range of strategies from systemic to individual supports.

3 Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports UniversalTargetedIntensive  PSM Team / IAP / IEP -Formal evaluation -Functional Behavior Assessment -Behavior Intervention Plan -Manifestation Determination -Short-Term Suspension Analysis  School-wide PBIS - System wide procedures - School wide systems - Classroom systems - Non classroom systems  Problem Solving Model Team - Proactive management ideas - Informal/formal data collection and evaluation  PSM Team / IAP / IEP -Intervention Plan for Student Success -IAP or IEP -Functional Behavior Assessment -Behavior Intervention Plan -Data collection, assessment, observation  Mental Health in the Schools

4 What is a “Functional Behavioral Assessment”? A method of identifying the social, the social, affective, and affective, and environmental environmental factors that reliably factors that reliably predict and maintain predict and maintain behaviors that behaviors that interfere with learning. interfere with learning. Its purpose is to determine a target behavior that will be the focus of intervention on a Behavioral Intervention Plan.

5 What triggers a FBA? Proactive Proactive Teacher/staff need to understand the functions of the student’s behavior as it relates to their disability Current behavioral data suggests a need to identify more appropriate management strategies New information suggests need to review current management strategies Review and evaluation of a student’s existing Behavioral Intervention Plan Reactive Suspension of more than 10 cumulative days, but not a change in services Significant change in placement such as a change in setting or long-term suspension A series of removals from the current educational placement that constitutes a significant change in service Placement in an interim alternative educational setting ( < 45 days) for weapons and drugs

6 Building Blocks of the FBA Process Collect Data Analyze Data Antecedent Antecedent Behavior Consequence Consequence Identify Function of of Target Behavior Target Behavior Develop Hypothesis


8 1st Block of the FBA Process Collect Data FREQUENCY DATA SHEET FREQUENCY DATA SHEET Student: Teacher: Student: ______________ Teacher: _________________ DateTime Behavior of Concern Exhibited Location/Activity Presence of Others, Peers, Adult(Specify) Adult Response/Action Other Factors NHCS PBIS 3 Tool EXAMPLES: -Refuses to work -Talks out -Out of seat 6/14/04 10:30 - 12:25 TA walks to student prompts verbally “Get Busy” Regular class/ Math lesson EXAMPLES -After fire drill -Day after return from holiday -No medications EXAMPLES: -Students (all class) -TA (CM) -T (BS)

9 Analyze Data Define the target behavior (NHCS PBIS 4) Identify antecedent or factors noted prior to the behavior Summarize behavior, noting level of intensity and specific patterns, using information from Frequency Data Sheet (NHCS PBIS 3) Identify consequences or events that follow the behavior 2nd Block of the FBA Process

10 A Target Behavior is... a specific behavior that needs to be replaced OR a cluster or combination of behaviors that are related to one another and are a part of the target behavior Analyze Data Data

11 Blurting out Aggression Talking Out Quick to anger Invading the space of others “Impulsivity” Some Cluster Behaviors of Analyze Data Data

12 NHCS FBA Tool New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Name Review Student’s Strengths Review Target Behavior (PBIS 4) (Include setting/situation where target behavior is less likely to occur) Antecedents Antecedents  Communication (understand instructions/ make needs known?) Verbal instruction given to class  Environmental/Classroom (over-stimulated/noisy/crowded?) Regular Math class  Academic/Instructional (too easy/too difficult/not interested/ unorganized/large group/ independent work?) Class is asked to begin independent work on assignment after instruction given and example shown on board  Setting Events (response to command/transition/change in routine/unstructured/bus/ time/person/subject?) Teacher walks to student’s desk-asks student to get busy Consequences Consequences  Loss of Privilege (what kind? school? home?) No free time after lunch/no phone or video games at home  Detention (how long? What kind? # of tms?) Lunch (3) After school (1)  Removal from Class (bounced? # of tms?) Bounced (2)  Restitution (what kind?) Book repair/work in library  Other Phone call to parent Behavior Behavior  Mild Student sits and stares at book / worksheet-no move to begin assignment- starts drawing on worksheet or puts head down on desk  Moderate When teacher asks to get busy, student makes comment under breath. When asked what said, denies saying anything and loudly accuses teacher of “Bothering” him. Says work and teacher are dumb.  Severe Student shoves book and worksheet off desk and uses profanity. Student shoves desk, gets up and stomps our of class.

13 3rd Block of the FBA Process IdentifyFunction Attention Attention Escape/ Escape/Avoidance Self SelfStimulation Power Power

14 Target Behavior Attention From:  Peers  Staff  Preferred Adult Power Escape/ Avoidance Self Stimulation For:  Control  Intimidation  Vengeance Of:  Person  Activity  Classroom To reduce:  Anxiety  Fear Pos ReinfNeg Reinf Functions of Behavior

15 4th Block of the FBA Process DevelopHypothesis A hypothesis statement summarizes the team’s analysis of the behavior. It is a statement of what the student is doing and why the student is doing it.

16 Hypothesis Format DevelopHypothesis When student is SETTING and ANTECEDENT / CONTEXT he typically responds by BEHAVIOR to gain FUNCTION in Math class teacher asks class to do independent work not attempting work/ using disrespectful language/aggressive actions escape from doing work

17 Resources NHCS Special Education & Related Services Manual Web Resources - - (Click on Case Study)

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