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 TITLE (Topic).  Thesis View 1View 2  Thesis View 1: Status Quo RESTATE THE THESIS.

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Presentation on theme: " TITLE (Topic).  Thesis View 1View 2  Thesis View 1: Status Quo RESTATE THE THESIS."— Presentation transcript:

1  TITLE (Topic)

2  Thesis View 1View 2  Thesis

3 View 1: Status Quo RESTATE THE THESIS

4 View 1: 1 st Area of Support, e.g.Statistics  Support based on research

5 View 1: 2 nd area of support  Details based on research

6 View 1: 3 rd area of support  Support based on research

7 View 2: Status Quo RESTATE THE THESIS

8 View 2: 1 st Area of Support, e.g.Statistics  Support based on research

9 View 2: 2 nd area of support  Details based on research

10 View 2: 3 rd area of support  Support based on research

11 Conclusion  I think that… because…. Etc.

12 Works cited  "BROWN v. ENTERTAINMENT MERCHANTS ASSN." No Source Assigned. 27 Jun 2011: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 04 Jun 2012  Harding, A.. "Viloent Video Games Linked to Child Aggression." © 2012 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting Sy, 2011. Web. 4 Jun 2012. D=1608 D=1608  "Media Exposure." Harvard Children's Health. Harvard Health Publications Group, 2006. Academic OneFile. Web. 4 June 2012. v=2.1&u=west51213&it=r&p=GPS&sw=w

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