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W ELCOME TO THE SURG E M EETING !! 9/21 Natural Sciences Career Design Center & Dr. Linnea Fletcher with Biotechnology.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME TO THE SURG E M EETING !! 9/21 Natural Sciences Career Design Center & Dr. Linnea Fletcher with Biotechnology."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME TO THE SURG E M EETING !! 9/21 Natural Sciences Career Design Center & Dr. Linnea Fletcher with Biotechnology

2 SPOTLIGHT ON RESEARCH How the Sub- Saharan Cheetah Got Its Stripes: Californian Feral Cats Help Unlock Biological Secret "Studying color variation in cats provides the opportunity to uncover new principles of gene action and interaction that may have unexpected applications to understanding developmental and morphologic variation in natural populations, including humans.“ Science Daily 9/20/12 m/releases/2012/09/12092 0141147.htm

3 A NNOUNCEMENTS Austin Museum Day Volunteer Event THIS Sunday from 11:30am – 4:30pm Rides to the Lady Bird Wildflower Center will be provided (meet by the greenhouse 30 min prior to your shift) SIGN UP NOW if you haven’t already: hbmVSQjhtX2paWnlNQ1JMWXc6MQ#gid=0 hbmVSQjhtX2paWnlNQ1JMWXc6MQ#gid=0

4 F UNDRAISING C OMMITTEE West Mall Plant Sale!!! Next Friday from 11am – 4pm at West Mall Help us make money to keep SURGe dues-free and food-ful!! Sign-ups will be sent out with the email on Monday, so make sure you sign up!!

5 P UBLIC R ELATIONS C OMMITTEE NEW ROOM: PAI 1.24 We will be working on graphic designs, so come if you’re interested in learning about it, or if you have knowledge to share!! *If you haven’t been receiving the PR emails, please re-sign up after the meeting*

6 C AREER D ESIGN C ENTER Biotechnology Research from the Austin Community College D R. L INNEA F LETCHER Get the most out of your college career—the time to start thinking about your future is NOW!!

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