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Learning about online communities and cyberspace human- computer interaction LTSN 2002, Loughborough Peter Chalk London Metropolitan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning about online communities and cyberspace human- computer interaction LTSN 2002, Loughborough Peter Chalk London Metropolitan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning about online communities and cyberspace human- computer interaction LTSN 2002, Loughborough Peter Chalk London Metropolitan University

2 Content zCommunity of learning zCyberspace HCI zVLE support zContinuous assessment zVLE features & usability (cf Faulkner) zEvaluation zConclusions

3 Community of learning z‘Apprenticeship’ based zWenger, E (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity, Cambridge University Press: mutual engagement (communication) shared repertoire (tools & techniques) joint enterprise (meaningful negotiation ) z"discovering how to engage... developing mutual relationships... struggling to define the enterprise... developing their repertoire... adopting tools... recording and recalling events” (Wenger) [cf Preece “shared purpose.. Mediate social interaction”]

4 VLE support - the medium is the message zCommunication & noticeboard zLearning object support zPresentation & storage zOrganisation zRecord management zOn-line assessment zTracking

5 VLE features

6 Group presentation area

7 Tracking the virtual student

8 Continuous assessment zTracking flexible attendance zWeekly assessed exercises (& recording) zAssignments (& plagiarism) zMultiple choice quizzes (regular, random) zMissed assignments (& technical bugs) zTracking communication, documents & group work

9 Weekly assessed exercises (HCI examples) zResearch a topic, record URL in VLE home page, post summary [tutor record] zDo exercise, submit as assignment [practice] zDocument group work in presentation area zOrganise meeting using the calendar zPost group plan using private discussion topic zChat about the user interface design zIntegrate into your subject aims/pedagogy/assessment strategy

10 Learning Path Assessment (s=student; t=tutor; ww=webworld; d=diagram; c=comment; l=link; sa=store; r=read; 3/4=date) s d1 t c1 d1a s 3/4 sa 7/4 r 5/4 r 9/4 sa 11/4 ww l 3/4, 11/4

11 Evaluating (& assessing?) virtual scaffolded learning paths zRemarks along the learning path: recruitment: ‘interpret spec’ [here, program design] manageable: ‘assume re-used code correct’ direction: ‘Does JSP design compare to code structure?’ critical features: ‘where does the state of the object get changed inside this design?’ frustration: ‘choose design A, no need to refine again’ demonstration: ‘look at this example of iteration’ zWood, D, Bruner, J S & Ross, G (1976) ‘The role of tutoring in problem solving’, J. of Psych & Psychia 17.

12 VLE features zCommunication, e.g. whiteboard/chat zPresentation, e.g. home page & group zOrganisation, e.g. calendar zAssessment, e.g. MCQ & essay/program zPublic/ private, e.g. presentation area zGroup/ individual, e.g. discussion topic zSynchronous/ asynchronous, e.g. diagram

13 Student home page

14 Asynchronous discussion forum

15 Identifying a learning path

16 Chatting in the drawing room...

17 Evaluation zSurvey generally positive using VLE tool zRecorded discussion grounded analysis coding +/- comments zStudent comments open questions, positive response

18 Some survey results z6 I find WebCT helpful for working with tools like the JavaScript Tutor. zAGREE 19 STRONGLY AGREE 7 (84%) z8 I find the WebCT discussion forum helpful for keeping me informed of important issues. zAGREE 13 STRONGLY AGREE 8 (68%) z9 I find the WebCT email facility helpful for communicating. zAGREE 13 NOT SURE 9 z12 Using WebCT on-line assignment submission is a good idea. zAGREE 14 STRONGLY AGREE 12 (84%) z13 Using WebCT on-line assignment submission is a good example of the future direction of education. zAGREE 15 STRONGLY AGREE 10 (81%)

19 Example from the chat room zScripting: zLD>>I think we may be allowed to use flash script to do the programming zLD>>rather than javascript zDT>>ok that's good zDT>>that's more of HCI zLD>>i do not know how to write scripts using flash script z... zLD>>yeah UB and N are experts at flash script zDT>>he got 90 right? zDT>>ok that nice to hear

20 Negotiating meaning… a learning path? zLD>>ok here is the format of the feedback form zUB>>thats a big bug in the program... zLD>>the user should be able to select only one check box for each question though zUB>>then they should be radio buttons then zLD>>i will send u a text file of what it should look like give me a minute zUB>>cool

21 Student comments  ‘WebCT has helped me get around the module as I seem to know where I am going and therefore am not following links that are I am not interested in’.  'This module fills in the gaps left by other modules in the course, with respect to the interface between the user and the programs they are running. I wish this module or a prerequisite of it, was an option for the first year'.  ‘First time users of WebCT will find it confusing... However, once the user is familiar with the layout and is use [sic] to the web site, it is very informative and useful as well as being a useful way to learn about human computer interaction’.

22 Student activity metrics Notes * message posting became part of assessed exercises (AEs) ** introduction of WebCT-based exercises *** home page production became an AE (in week 1) n/a data not (readily) available

23 Conclusions zEngagement: VLE for communication, monitoring & recording zRepertoire: VLE as container for learning objects & to support strategies zEnterprise: Exercises & assignments can support & direct zApprenticeship into community requires continuous support & assessment

24 References  Faulkner, X. Usability Engineering. Macmillan, 2000.  Preece, J. Online communities: designing usability and supporting sociability. Wiley, 2000.  Wenger, E., Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge University Press(1998).

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