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Oracle DataGuard Concepts and Architecture
Brian Hitchcock OCP 10g DBA Sun Microsystems Brian Hitchcock October 23, 2007 Page 1
Oracle DataGuard Maintains a standby database Simple idea
Archived redo logs on primary Sent to standby and applied Simple idea Many configuration options No attempt to cover them all here Discuss several specific sets of options Can become very complicated
Oracle DataGuard Comes in Two Flavors Physical Standby Logical Standby
When I was young this was all we had… Read-only when not applying redo logs Logical Standby Can be read-write while applying redo logs Can add db objects to standby Indexes for reporting Many options
Themes What is a standby? When is a standby not a standby?
‘standby’ implies specific capabilities Ready for failover Complete copy of primary No need to verify standby before failover When is a standby not a standby? When it doesn’t provide what name implies
What is a standby database?
Database that we can fail over to Kept closely synchronized with primary db Up to the minute Once a day Primarily dedicated to being ready for failover May also be used for reporting Guaranteed to be an exact copy To the point of last synchronization Can catch up as long as redo logs available
What is a standby database?
No question about standby Is it a complete copy? Is it ready for failover Standby for reporting Is standby providing accurate data for reports? No one can change standby No changes to data/objects in standby If changes made to standby Should be very obvious
Before DataGuard? Scripts, cron jobs
Copy archived redo logs from primary to standby Apply redo logs on standby periodically When script(s) executes Standby db can’t be used for anything else Constantly recovering Failover Open standby db with resetlogs Can’t be standby again without rebuild Can’t fail back to primary without rebuild
Standby Primary Database Standby Database Online Redo Logs Archived
Can’t change standby db objects Primary Database Standby Database Standby mounted, recovering Can only be opened resetlogs Once opened, can’t switch back Online Redo Logs Scripts, Cron Jobs Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Why DataGuard? Part of Oracle RDBMS
No scripts or cronjobs to maintain Supported by Oracle Can switch between primary/standby repeatedly Redo sent and applied continuously (options) Standby db can be used for other things Read-only when not applying redo logs Read-write with limitations (Logical Standby) Failover Primary fails, standby becomes primary Can’t switch back without rebuild
DataGuard Classic* Primary Database Standby Database Online Redo Logs
*Before choice of physical or logical standby Standby mounted, recovering or Standby read-only, no apply Primary Database Standby Database Can switch back and forth -Primary becomes standby -Standby becomes primary Online Redo Logs DataGuard Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Applying Redo Logs Default Standby Redo Logs (Optional)
Archived redo log complete on primary Sent and applied to standby Standby Redo Logs (Optional) Redo sent to standby as it is written on primary Real-time apply No waiting for primary archive redo log complete No waiting for primary log switch Not to be confused with init.ora parameter VALID_FOR=(STANDBY_LOGFILES,…)
Standby Redo Logs Primary Database Standby Database Online Redo Logs
Primary redo written continuously to standby No waiting for primary log switch Primary Database Standby Database Online Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs DataGuard Archived Redo Logs Standby Redo Logs
Typical Configurations
Standby dedicated for failover Primary db configured for log switch every 15 minutes Standby db always applying redo logs Behind primary by 15 minutes at most Less if primary writes redo logs more often Use standby redo logs Very close to primary at all times
Typical Configurations
Standby for failover and reporting Primary db configured for log switch every 15 minutes Standby db apply redo logs 8pm to 5am Long enough to apply 24 hours of redo logs Stop applying redo logs 5am to 8pm Standby up to 15 hours behind primary Open for reporting 15 hours a day Reports use ‘old’ data Standby data doesn’t change from 5am to 8pm
Protection Modes Maximum Performance (default) Maximum Protection
Primary sends transactions to standby Doesn’t wait for them to commit Maximum Protection Primary stops if standby doesn’t commit Requires standby redo logs Maximum Availability Max protection but primary doesn’t stop Switch to max perf until standby catches up Switch back to max availability
DataGuard Physical Standby
Can’t change standby db objects Log Apply Services Physical Standby Database Primary Database Standby mounted, recovering Or Standby read-only, no apply Can switch back and forth Online Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs DataGuard Log Transport Services Archived Redo Logs
Physical Standby a Standby?
Failover Ready to failover? Block by block copy of primary If any changes made, can’t failover Standby had to be opened resetlogs to change Refresh No questions Complete rebuild from primary Only need backup of primary, nothing else
Physical Standby Just a copy of production Only needed in production
Don’t need to do any dev, testing Don’t need backups Recover from backups of primary database What is added to your infrastructure? One database No backups
Physical vs Logical Standby
Physical Standby ‘classic’ standby Can’t connect to db while applying redo logs Can be read only when not applying redo logs Logical Standby Applies redo logs from primary all the time As long as SQL apply process is running Open for users for read and write Various restrictions Many configuration options
DataGuard Logical Standby
Can change db objects (restrictions) SQL Apply Services Logical Standby Database Primary Database Standby open while redo applied Online Redo Logs Online Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs Two sets of archived redo logs DataGuard Log Transport Services Archived Redo Logs
DataGuard Logical Standby
Database Primary Database SQL applied to Logical Standby Just like any other database user Online Redo Logs DataGuard LogMiner Extract SQL Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Logical Standby Standby is open, read-write
Anything copied from primary Maintained by DataGuard Depending on Guard status DataGuard doesn’t maintain things added to standby Guard status restricts who can update This can be bypassed Alter session or database Needed to import db objects into standby
Logical Standby Guard Status
All SYS can modify anything in standby database Standby SYS can modify anything Other users can modify objects not maintained by DataGuard Subject to normal user privs None Standby not protected by DataGuard Any user can alter db objects
Skipping Schemas, tables, transactions Why anything skipped?
May be skipped automatically Can be skipped manually Why anything skipped? Performance Unsupported db objects More later
Logical Standby a Standby?
Failover Ready to failover? Not sure if standby is a complete copy Tables, schemas, transactions skipped? Standby can be changed Failover not prevented Changes can be made No warning that changes made Who knows what you are failing over to?
Logical Standby a Standby?
Refresh Additional db objects in standby need backup Refresh from primary wipes out these objects Complete rebuild from primary Insert additional db objects If standby fails Need to recover standby db from backups Extract additional db objects from standby Refresh logical standby
Refresh Standby Physical Standby Logical Standby Just refresh
Standard process No debate Logical Standby Refresh wipes out unique db objects Must extract them first Refresh from primary Load unique db objects
Standby Fails Physical Logical Logical standby db must be backed up
No problem, just a copy of primary Refresh from primary Logical What about unique db objects Recover standby from standby backups Extract unique db objects Refresh standby Insert unique db objects Logical standby db must be backed up
Recovering Logical Standby
You wanted Logical To add things Indexes for reporting How to recover Logical? Rebuild physical from primary Convert to logical How to recreate the additional db objects/data? If indexes, recreate them If data extracted from copy of primary?
How It Works Basic DataGuard setup Where to send archived redo logs?
Log_archive_dest_n Where n is 1 to 10 Specific value doesn’t matter Basic DataGuard setup Where to send archived redo logs? Primary Log_archive_dest_1 Location for local archived redo logs Location=/arch01/NY Valid_for=(All_Logfiles, All_Roles) Log_archive_dest_2 Sends archived redo logs to service name Service name points to standby Service=LA Valid_for=(Online_logfiles, Primary_Role) Tnsnames.ora Contains entry for service name for standby
How it works Standby Log_archive_dest_1 Log_archive_dest_2
Log_archive_dest_n Where n is 1 to 10 Specific value doesn’t matter Standby Log_archive_dest_1 Location for local archived redo logs Not used while db is physical standby Location=/arch01/LA Valid_for=(All_Logfiles, All_Roles) Log_archive_dest_2 Location receives archived redo logs from primary Location=/arch02/LA Valid_for=(Standby_logfiles, Standby_Role)
Symmetrical init.ora/spfile
Use three log_archive_dest_n parameters Setup on primary and standby Don’t need to change for failover Don’t need to change for fail-back Create tnsnames.ora entry On primary Pointing to standby On standby Pointing to primary Less maintenance for frequent failover/back
DataGuard init.ora/spfile
Active Inactive Active Inactive Active for Logical Standby Db_unique_name=NY_DB Db_unique_name=LA_DB Primary Database Standby Database Log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/arch01/NY VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) Log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/arch01/LA VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) Log_archive_dest_2 LOCATION=/arch02/NY VALID_FOR=(STANDBY_LOGFILES, STANDBY_ROLE) Log_archive_dest_2 LOCATION=/arch02/LA VALID_FOR=(STANDBY_LOGFILES, STANDBY_ROLE) Online Redo Logs Log_archive_dest_3 SERVICE=LA VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES, PRIMARY_ROLE) Log_archive_dest_3 SERVICE=NY VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES, PRIMARY_ROLE) Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs Tnsnames.ora LA=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<hostnameLA>)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=LA_DB) ) ) Tnsnames.ora NY=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<hostnameNY>)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=NY_DB) ) )
DataGuard init.ora/spfile
Active Inactive Active for Logical Standby Active Inactive Db_unique_name=NY Db_unique_name=LA Standby Database Primary Database Log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/arch01/NY VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) Log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/arch01/LA VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) Log_archive_dest_2 LOCATION=/arch02/NY VALID_FOR=(STANDBY_LOGFILES, STANDBY_ROLE) Log_archive_dest_2 LOCATION=/arch02/LA VALID_FOR=(STANDBY_LOGFILES, STANDBY_ROLE) Online Redo Logs Log_archive_dest_3 SERVICE=LA VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES, PRIMARY_ROLE) Log_archive_dest_3 SERVICE=NY VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES, PRIMARY_ROLE) Archived Redo Logs Tnsnames.ora LA=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<hostnameLA>)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=LA_DB) ) ) Tnsnames.ora NY=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<hostnameNY>)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=NY_DB) ) ) Archived Redo Logs
DataGuard Reporting Logical Standby Database Primary Database
Database objects Copied from primary Maintained by DataGuard Database objects added to Logical standby database -- indexes for reporting Online Redo Logs DataGuard LogMiner Extract SQL Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Rebuild Reporting Standby
If additional standby db objects have no data Indexes for reporting Refresh from primary wipes out indexes Refresh standby Execute script to recreate indexes
Create DataGuard Standby
Physical Standby Logical Standby Create physical standby Convert to logical standby
Create Physical Standby
On Primary database Enable Forced Logging Create password file Setup init.ora/spfile parameters Verify archiving enabled Backup db (hot or cold) Create standby control file Don’t use backup control file
Create Physical Standby
On Standby database Copy db backup files from primary Copy standby control file from primary Setup init.ora/spfile parameters Db_name same as primary db_name Start physical standby db Verify physical standby working
Convert to Logical Standby
On Primary database Build LogMiner dictionary On Standby database Stop redo apply Convert database to logical standby Change db_name Restart db Open resetlogs Verify logical standby working
Cascaded Standbys DataGuard supports cascading standbys
Primary sends redo to Physical standby A Logical standby B Physical standby A sends redo to Physical standby B Physical standby C Logical standby B sends redo to Don’t you have enough to worry about?
Real World Example What I’m supporting now Requirements
Logical standby 2 added schemas for custom app Primary db supports Oracle Applications 11i Requirements Provide copy of primary 11i db for reporting Oracle Discoverer Provide copy of tables for custom app Additional schemas store custom app data Extracted from standby copies of primary tables
DataGuard Logical Real World
Standby Database Primary Database Database objects Copied from primary Maintained by DataGuard Database objects added to Logical standby database -- 2 schemas for custom app -- store data extracted from standby copies of primary tables Processed Data Stored Procs extract data Online Redo Logs DataGuard LogMiner Extract SQL Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Real World Refresh/Recovery
Backup standby db objects not in primary Refresh standby from primary Recreate additional db objects in standby If Logical standby fails Db objects not in primary are lost Need to recover standby db Extract db objects
Logical Standby Issues
Does this sound like a standby? Unsupported Data types BFILE, user-defined types PL/SQL supplied packages That modify metadata, DBMA_JAVA etc. Other things, see manual If unsupported, automatically skipped No notification of skipped objects Examine primary for unsupported things
Logical Standby Issues
Does this sound like a standby? Processing Everything done on primary has to be extracted from redo logs and applied to standby db Apply process is just another db user session Primary db Objects may not be well designed Tables with poor (or no) indexes Updates on primary can be very slow when applied as SQL to standby
Logical Standby Issues
Does this sound like a standby? If applying to standby too slow May have to skip for performance To keep standby in synch per business reqmts Ready for reporting once per day Primary SQL depends on files on primary Create java class Class files not on standby DataGuard doesn’t maintain filesystems No notification of such problems
Logical Standby Issues
Performance impact At any time, slow SQL may take days to complete If you need standby in synch once per day Must skip table If you must have this table in standby Must do full refresh from primary If you can and do skip the table Can’t support requirement for reporting on standby You never know when this will happen
Logical Standby Issues
Logical Standby is like an application Needs control, review, careful release process If Logical Standby is an ‘application’ Need dev, alpha, beta, prod Logical standby database for dev, alpha, beta Backups for additional dbs Add space to primary production database? Need to add space to 4 primary, 4 logical dbs What is added to your infrastructure? 4 standby databases Backups for 4 standby databases Does this sound like a standby?
Logical Standby Issues
How can standby get out of synch? Someone bypassed guard and left it off Someone left guard altered to NONE SYS altered db objects in standby Schema, table, transaction skipped No record of transactions skipped No utilities Compare logical standby to primary Compare tables standby/primary Does this sound like a standby?
Logical Standby Issues
Logical apply process examines standby When applying update from primary to standby Compares Previous values on primary Current values on standby If different, refuses to apply update from primary Apply process fails Can’t apply anything more must cure issue or skip table/transaction Differences can go undetected indefinitely Until next time primary updates object Does this sound like a standby?
Logical Standby Issues
Does this sound like a standby? Need backups of logical standby database If there are any unique database objects If there aren’t, why use logical standby? Refresh or rebuild Have to recover db objects unique to standby After refresh Previously skipped tables Do we skip them again? Do we wait for them to need to be skipped?
Real World Redesign Primary Database Physical Standby Database
Separate database dedicated to custom application Primary Database -- 2 schemas for custom app -- store data extracted from tables in physical standby database Physical Standby Database Online Redo Logs Processed Data Stored Procs extract data DataGuard Archived Redo Logs Archived Redo Logs
Real World Redesign Custom Application database
Dedicated for app schemas Db link into physical standby Backup provides recovery of app schemas Physical Standby database Let DataGuard do what it does well None of the Logical Standby issues Can be used as read-only for reporting When not applying redo logs Support an extra database Don’t have to support Logical Standby
Recommendation Logical for reporting Objects added to standby
Copy of primary Add indexes to speed reporting Add tables for aggregates Objects added to standby Easily recreated from a SQL script Contain data that can always be regenerated from copy of primary
Recommendation Physical standby Logical standby Is solid, dependable
No issues Logical standby Is it really a standby? Is it ready for failover? Is it providing complete data for reports? Lots of issues Is it worth the effort/risk?
DataGuard Support Issues
Covered in 2nd presentation “Oracle DataGuard Logical Standby Support Issues”
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