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JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Status and Plans Mark Dönszelmann, Tony Johnson, Joseph Perl, Victor Serbo, Max Turri AIDA Workshop CERN July 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Status and Plans Mark Dönszelmann, Tony Johnson, Joseph Perl, Victor Serbo, Max Turri AIDA Workshop CERN July 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Status and Plans Mark Dönszelmann, Tony Johnson, Joseph Perl, Victor Serbo, Max Turri AIDA Workshop CERN July 2003

2 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Contents JAIDA – Java Implementation of AIDA Part of FreeHEP Java library AIDA-JNI – C++ interface to JAIDA JAS3 – Experiment, Data Format independent graphical data analysis tool based on JAIDA

3 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAIDA JAIDA = Java implementation of AIDA Complete implementation of AIDA interfaces  With a few exceptions –limited support for plot styles currently –Some missing features in ITree, cp, mv Uses Java “service provider mechanism” for dynamic loading of services at Runtime  Can be used to add support for new fitters, stores etc.  Have defined “developer level” interfaces for IOptimizer, IStore etc Uses Java Expression Library (JEL) for runtime compilation of expressions (for tuple evaluators and functions)

4 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAIDA – Features continued… Fitting support for multiple fitting engines (optimizers)  UNCMIN (pure Java)  Minuit (needs minuitAdapter native library) Support for multiple fitting methods  LeastSquares, Chi2, CleverChi2, BinnedMaximumLikelihood and UnbinnedMaximumLikelihood Stores Read/Write support for AIDA XML format (with built-in gzip) Read support for HBOOK/PAW files (needs hbookAdapter native library) Read support for Root files (write support hopefully coming soon) Future plans to add:  SQL interface, JDO interface, text file support … Plotting Two implementations of IAnalysisFactory  BatchAnalysisFactory – dummy plotter, ignore calls to IPlotter  AnalysisFactory – Full plotter functionality –limited user input, for full GUI use JAS3 Multi-Threaded – plots update in real-time as they are filled  No need to call interact() or refresh() Support for embedding plotter  In other Java GUI’s  In Java servlets for web based applications. Graphics export in many formats including:  PDF, EPS, SVG, SWF, PNG, GIF, JPG

5 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Using JAIDA with Java

6 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Using JAIDA with Python

7 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Using JAIDA with C++

8 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 AIDA-JNI C++ interface uses AIDA-JNI C++ program AIDA AIDA- JNI AIDA JAIDA AIDA-JNI partially generated by AID, partly by hand Does not currently support full AIDA functionality AID improvements (v 0.9.5) coming soon JNI Adapters generated to interface with JACE generated code  JACE (JNI made easy) version 1.1 code generates connector to allow access from C++ to Java  AID generates code to implement the AID interfaces using the JACE generated code

9 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Future Plans for JAIDA Complete implementation of missing features Continue to track improvements to AIDA standard Add support for function arithmetic Web Interface (see later talk) Support for “Remote AIDA” (see later talk) Support for more storage formats Need good binary IO format.. either AIDA standard or roll our own

10 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 Overview A completely new version of JAS Design based on Application Shell, into which many (optional) modules can be plugged  Highly customizable for different application domains –HEP/Astrophysics/Other –DST analysis/Online Monitoring/GRID analysis –Experiment/User specific modules  Modules can be updated independently of shell –Possible to release bug fixes fast Includes support for programming in many languages  Scripting: Python, Pnuts, Dynamic Java, …. –Command prompt  Java (compiled) Analysis (histograms, tuples, fitting) based on AIDA standard Not technically backwards compatible with JAS2 But migration is straightforward.

11 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 and AIDA JAS3 supports all AIDA functionality, including Histograms (includes arithmetic, projections, etc.) Clouds (unbinned histograms, scatterplots) Plotter Tuples Fitting – AIDA interfaces allow for multiple fitters  Uncmin -- pure java minimizer  Minuit -- Fortran called by Java Native Interface (JNI) IO  AIDA XML, PAW, Root JAS3 supports user interaction with AIDA in three ways Scripting (Pnuts, Python etc) Compiled (Java) code GUI – Plotting, Fitting, Cuts etc.

12 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 Scripting JAS3 has multi-language OO scripting support Command line, Console, Editor Major components (e.g. AIDA) have scripting interfaces Currently have plugins to support Pnuts Pnuts – syntax almost identical to Java, fast, well documented and feature complete Python Python (using Jython) More scripting languages can be added  not restricted to Java implementations (e.g. could use C-Python, JPE)

13 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 Lightning Tour Tour designed to give you an overview of the capabilities of JAS3, you can try them out for yourself this afternoon. Welcome Page, gives initial info and links to example scripts and programs Memory monitor

14 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Opening Files Use file menu Drag from explorer

15 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Graphical Interface to AIDA Histograms, Clouds, Tuples all presented in AIDA tree.aida files,.hbook files,.root files all presented as AIDA objects Drag items onto page, or use (popup) menus

16 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Printing Can send individual plots or full page direct to printer Or save as PS, EPS, PDF, SWF, SVG, PNG, GIF… Or copy/paste into Word, PowerPoint etc.

17 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Java Editor, Compiler and Loader Built-in Java compiler Tree shows loaded programs Built-in editor for writing analysis code Unlike JAS2 which only supported “event analyzers” JAS3 allows any Java program to be loaded. This example “main routine” is taken directly from the AIDA manual

18 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Scripting Can also write and run scripts Console allows direct interaction with scripting language

19 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Pnuts Language Currently favour Pnuts scripting language Complete and well documented  Fast (although not as fast as compiled Java) Syntax very similar to Java Can easily call compiled Java classes from scripts – best of both worlds

20 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Record Sources Opening record (or event) based files causes the run control toolbar to appear Works similarly to JAS2 Job control, but now also supports random access and “tagged” data sets (mainly for event displays)

21 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 HistogramProfile ScatterPlot XY Data (More appropriate for smaller data sets) Tuple Explorer - Plots Works with any tuple, read from file or dynamically created

22 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Tuple Explorer – Define Columns

23 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Tuple Explorer - Cuts

24 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Tuple Explorer - Tabulate

25 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 To be used with record loop Tuple Explorer – Record Source

26 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 Spreadsheet Simple spreadsheet plugin for  Displaying results  Calculations  Simple Plots Supports reading/writing .csv files  Excel files Cut/Paste with Excel etc Coming Soon…  Scripting interface  GUI for building plots  User defined functions –Java, scripting

27 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Miscellaneous Features Save/Restore configuration User Preferences Plugin Manager

28 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 Status Currently released JAS3 version 0.7.1 AIDA functionality is quite solid Compiler, Loader, Record Loop all quite recently added,  Certainly still some rough edges Documentation limited but available Built-in example scripts and programs Tutorial on web If you are used to JAS2 you will find some functionality not yet ported to JAS3 Remote (client/server) access to data. 3D Lego/Surface plots

29 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS 2 – GRID interface (Tech-X)

30 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS and the GRID We plan to add client-server/distributed capabilities to JAS3 similar (but better) than those in JAS2 Will be based on (remote) AIDA Want to use Grid standards where they exist  Work with others (PPDG-CS11,???) to define standards where they do not exist Want to be compatible with C++ servers  But don’t want to loose flexibility of dynamically loading analysis code into server Tech-X have phase II SBIR approved and will work closely with us

31 July 2003 JAIDA, AIDA-JNI, JAS3 JAS3 Links, More Info JAS – Java Analysis Studio - http://jas.freehep.org JAS3 – JAIDA – AIDA – http://aida.freehep.org FreeHEP - http://www.freehep.org FreeHEP Java Libraries - http://java.freehep.org WIRED – http://wired.freehep.org

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