When the value is stored in a session variable it can be reached from _____ page in the ASP application. Welcome Here is how to remove all session variables: <% Session.Contents.RemoveAll() %>"> When the value is stored in a session variable it can be reached from _____ page in the ASP application. Welcome Here is how to remove all session variables: <% Session.Contents.RemoveAll() %>">

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CIS 375—Web App Dev II ASP II. 2 ASP Session: Introduction The Session _______ is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session.

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1 CIS 375—Web App Dev II ASP II

2 2 ASP Session: Introduction The Session _______ is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session. A session starts when an ____ file is downloaded. The server then creates a new Session object (_______) on the client for each new user. A session ends if a user has not requested or refreshed a page in the application for a specified period. By default, this is ____ minutes. Variables stored in the Session object hold information about a single user, and are available to all pages in one ____________.

3 3 ASP Session Variables The most important thing about the Session object is that you can store __________ in it. <% Session("username")="Donald Duck" Session("age")=50 %> When the value is stored in a session variable it can be reached from _____ page in the ASP application. Welcome Here is how to remove all session variables: <% Session.Contents.RemoveAll() %>

4 4 ASP Application: Introduction A group of ASP files that work together to perform some purpose is called an ___________. The Application object is used to store and access _______ from any page, just like the Session object. The difference is that ALL users share one Application object, while there is one Session object for ______ user. The Application object should hold information that will be used by many pages in the application (like _________ connection information). This means that you can change the information in one place and the changes will automatically be reflected on all pages.

5 5 ASP Application Variables You can create Application variables in "Global.asa" like this: Sub Application_OnStart application("vartime")="" application("users")=1 End Sub You can access the value of an Application variable like this: There are active connections.

6 6 ASP Including Files The _________ directive is used to create functions, headers, footers, or elements that will be reused on multiple pages. Here is a file called "mypage.asp": Words of Wisdom: The time is:

7 7 The Included Files Here is the "wisdom.inc" file: “One should never increase,beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.” Here is the "time.inc" file: <% Response.Write(Time) %> Important: Included files are processed and inserted _______ the scripts are executed.

8 8 ASP Global.asa Introduction The Global.asa file is an ________ file that can contain declarations of objects, variables, and methods that can be accessed by every page in an ASP application. The Global.asa file can contain only the following: Application events Session events declarations TypeLibrary declarations The Global.asa file must be stored in the ______ directory of the ASP application, and each application can only have one Global.asa file.

9 9 Events in Global.asa Application_OnStart This event occurs when the ______ user calls the first page from an ASP application. Session_OnStart This event occurs EVERY time a NEW user requests his or her first page in the ASP application. Session_OnEnd This event occurs EVERY time a user ends a session. Application_OnEnd This event occurs after the LAST user has ended the session. Typically, this event occurs when a Web server stops.

10 10 A Global.asa Looks Like: sub Application_OnStart 'some code end sub sub Application_OnEnd 'some code end sub sub Session_OnStart 'some code end sub sub Session_OnEnd 'some code end sub

11 11 Global.asa & ASP File Sub Application_OnStart Application("visitors")= 0 End Sub Sub Session_OnStart Application.Lock Application("visitors") = Application("visitors")+1 Application.UnLock End Sub Sub Session_OnEnd Application.Lock Application("visitors") = Application("visitors")-1 Application.UnLock End Sub There are <% response.write(Application( "visitors")) %> online now!

12 12 Examples On http://www.w3schools.com/asp/default.asp, you will find several links to examples under the headings “ASP Objects” and “ASP Components.”http://www.w3schools.com/asp/default.asp There is also a collection of examples at http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_examples.asp. http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_examples.asp Look over these examples to gain an appreciation of the complexity and scope of ASP. You can try the ASP quiz at w3schools.com.quiz

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