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Only 3% of training reached Kirkpatrick’s “Level 4” of training evaluation results where there is an impact on the organisation 95% of training reached.

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Presentation on theme: "Only 3% of training reached Kirkpatrick’s “Level 4” of training evaluation results where there is an impact on the organisation 95% of training reached."— Presentation transcript:


2 Only 3% of training reached Kirkpatrick’s “Level 4” of training evaluation results where there is an impact on the organisation 95% of training reached “Level 3” where participants liked the training Research by Year 2000

3 US Firms spent ±156 billion on employee learning in 2011 Little practical follow-up or meaningful assessment = 90% of new skills lost within a year Research by Year 2012

4 Almost all organisational training is a marginal intervention and has only slight effects on performance improvement Research by Brinkerhoff and Apking Year 2001 If training impact means ‘the transfer of knowledge and skills to on-the-job-performance’, research indicates that the impact of training is realised only for ±15% of all training participants

5 1.It confuses activity with improvement 2.The focus is on “repairing” an individual’s weakness 3.Programmes lack a means of transferring learning to the job 4.Management doesn’t support it 5.It has become a motivational lecture in disguise Training Fails When…

6 6.Trainers are not held accountable for performance improvement 7.Management views training as a cost, not an investment 8.There is no connection between a company’s business needs and goals 9.The methods being used ignore how people learn 10.It doesn’t get done at all Training Fails When…

7 The Process H4H4 David Starker Change Consultant and Author of ‘Changing Minds’


9 Jan Hargrave Forensic Body Language Expert

10 Head Heart Hands Habit Know Converse Thoughts Understand Feel Appreciate Believe Contribute Create Lead Ownership Continue Lifestyle The H4 Process Scott Cullen University of Michigan

11 Reflection on Key Learnings 1.What have you learnt? 2.How do you feel about it? 3.What are you going to about it?

12 Reflection on Key Learnings

13 Memorise This… = 1 = 4 = 3 = 2 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9

14 Memorise This… = 1 = 4 = 3 = 2 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 12 3 4 5 6 78 9

15 Change Your Thinking Around Training Jane Hart 1.Think activities, not course 2.Think learning space/places, not training rooms 3.Think lightweight design, not instructional design 4.Think continuous flow of activities 5.Think social when looking for training technologies



18 Conversational Training Model

19 Tools For Engaging the Heart and Enabling the Hands Business Simulations Games Case Studies Group Discussions Reflective Conversations

20 Why Conversations Improve Learning? 1.Stimulates Thinking 2.Improves Comprehension 3.Improves Validity (People believe people) 4.Encourages Action 5.Inspires Commitment

21 Kolb’s Cycle for Experiential Learning

22 Bloom’s Taxonomy

23 Framework for Conversational Learning Personal Experience Focused Reflexion Active Conversation Deliberate Execution Continuous Application

24 Putting A Learning Platform In Place – Think Different… We are open and transparent We narrate and share our work We offer live and on-demand training content as part of continuous learning We value conversation as a learning vehicle

25 We make our work accessible to others We are a vanguard of change within the company Our bottom line is business success Learning = Work + Work = Learning We are a learning Organisation Putting A Learning Platform In Place – Think Different…

26 We value time for self-development and reflection We recognise that reflection and communication is key to learning Putting A Learning Platform In Place – Think Different…

27 Active Communication Learning NetworkPrimary ActivityConversations About… Personal NetworkConnectingDiscovery, sharing and personal Work TeamCollaborationProjects, co-creation Communities of Practice CooperationCommon interests, new developments Company Social Network CoordinationCompany-wide activity feed The InternetCurrencyDiverse opinions, news, pointers, “The Commons” Extended EnterpriseCoherenceCo-learning keeps all on the same wavelength

28 Standard and Poor’s 500 Underlying Value of Equities Tangible Value Intangible Value 19901999

29 Maccauvlei Cases


31 THE END Thank you! Jan Hollenbach Maccauvlei Learning Academy 011 439 3900

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