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Engaging Students in Learning Activities Mark H. Gelula, Ph.D. Director of Faculty Development Department of Medical Education

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Students in Learning Activities Mark H. Gelula, Ph.D. Director of Faculty Development Department of Medical Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Students in Learning Activities Mark H. Gelula, Ph.D. Director of Faculty Development Department of Medical Education

2 The Online Classroom Fast communication across distances Anytime learning and teaching Integration of the computer

3 Caveats Technical skills All participants must have access to suitable hardware and software Bandwidth is usually limited Technological problems

4 Pedagogical Decisions Learners and their needs Motivation How can my course material help the students in their lives outside of the course Learning styles: an important consideration for every online teacher

5 Instructors and their teaching model four types of teaching models: –discipline-centered, –teacher-centered, –student-centered cognitive –student-centered affective

6 Questions to Consider Is this content primarily factual, experiential, conceptual, or attitudinal? Is this content better approached by an individual activity, a group activity, or both? Should units be completed at each student’s own pace, or should there be deadlines for assignments?

7 Instructional methods Lectures and readings –fixed material to students – passive Discussions and group activities –allow students to interact as they grapple with course material – active Exercises and simulations –provide individual students with an opportunity to try out course concepts in a limited way and thus enhance their understanding – experiential

8 Modes of Interaction Two basic concepts –the shape of the communication. –the timing of the communication

9 Shape of the Communication A course activity may be Solitary (like individual reading) One-to-one communication (as in a tutorial) One-to-many (as in a lecture) Many-to-many (as in a discussion).

10 Timing of the Communication Synchronous communication Asynchronous communication

11 Synchronous Communication – Participants receive the communication at the time that it is spoken (or written); Telephone calls

12 Asynchronous Communication, Some delay between the time the speaker speaks and the listener hears. correspondence by mail. "telephone tag" and voice mail messages.

13 ShapeVenueTiming SynchronousAsynchronous One-to-oneOff-line On-line Telephone call Instant messages Postal mail Email One-to-manyOff-line On-line Lecture Streaming audio/video broadcast Grocery store bulletin board Website Many-to-manyOff-line On-line Brainstorming session Chat room Hospital patient's chart Network newsgroup Communication Shape, Venue, and Timing

14 Technological decisions Software Hardware Network Bandwidth Security

15 A Learning Taxonomy* 1. Knowledge: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce state. 2.Comprehension: classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate, 3. Application: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. *From Distance Learning Resource Network's Technology Resource Guide Chapter 4: Bloom's Taxonomy.

16 A Learning Taxonomy 4.Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. 5.Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, write. 6.Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate

17 What about Lectures? Streaming audio-video PowerPoint presentation Textual –Lecture –Notes –Supplements

18 Kolb’s Learning Cycle Active Experimentation Reflective Observation Concrete Experience Abstract Conceptualization

19 Experiential Learning ºº Experiencing Sharing Processing Generalizing Applying

20 Activity and Learning Didactic: Meaning External to Learner Experiential: Meaning Internal to Learner ReadingReading LectureLecture DiscussionDiscussion CaseCase RolePlayRolePlay Exp.LecExp.Lec InstrumntInstrumnt SimulationSimulation

21 Three Principles Active and experiential learning Dynamic student to student discussion Opportunities for reflective thought followed by relative risk taking

22 More than Distributing Information Processes to assist students as they – discover how to think critically and reflectively –work collaboratively –establish leadership skills –learn to exchange ideas leading to productive problem-solving careful decision making, substantive applied learning.

23 Vary Group Size and Purpose Students learn to –relate concepts to each other –develop new strategies and approaches to problems

24 Organizational Process for a Typical Course Week

25 Asynchronous Discussions General class conferences are for the use of all of the students in the class. These conferences appear in every student’s conference list, and include “Announcements” Topical class conferences are associated with each of the topics covered in the course. These conferences are also open to all students, and appear in every student’s conference list, after the general conferences.

26 Asynchronous Discussions Small group conferences are used by each of the 4-5 person student groups in the course. Each student’s conference list includes only the small group conference for their group; Private conferences are for discussion between an individual student and the instructors. Using private conferences rather than email allows both student and instructor to keep everything associated with the course in one place.

27 Asynchronous Discussion Examples Four per-group conferences Four per-group conferences with topical sub-conferences Four per-group conferences with weekly sub-conferences Eight per-week conferences with group sub-conferences

28 Asynchronous Discussion Examples Three topical conferences with group sub- conferences Three topic conferences with weekly sub- conferences and group subsubconferences –2-person paper review –Co-writing papers –Case analysis

29 Synchronous Discussions Text –Computer bulletin board systems and Unix systems have long supported text-based synchronous “chat” discussions. Audioconferencing and Videoconferencing

30 How to Suggestions Use Small Group Sizes Find Group Facilitators Set Deadlines Focus on Goals Ask Questions Lie Back

31 Specific Activities Problem-based Learning Case Analysis Peer Teaching Group Writing Critical Incident Discussions Nominal Group Technique Delphi Process and Polling

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