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EUK Consumer trust and confidence on-line Colin Lloyd DMA.

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Presentation on theme: "EUK Consumer trust and confidence on-line Colin Lloyd DMA."— Presentation transcript:

1 eUK Consumer trust and confidence on-line Colin Lloyd DMA

2 Competitiveness White Paper z“ that by the year 2002 the UK will have the best environment in the world for electronic trading” zDTI

3 Key Deliverables zTrust and confidence from UK consumers and businesses zFavourable trading environment for companies operating and entering eUK zHelp for SME’s

4 eUK USP’s zFavourable regulatory environment. zAdvanced state of self regulation zCritical mass of consumers zEnglish language z‘British’ ethics zStable - vis: Financial Services zBritish marketing creativity

5 Draft directive on ‘certain legal aspects of e commerce’ zCalls for: y“ A system of self-regulation to achieve suitable controlled environment within which e- commerce can thrive”

6 Alliance for Electronic Business zDMA - CBI - CSSA - FEI - e-centre zComprises 12,000 member companies

7 DMA ‘Alliance’ responsibility. zData Protection zConsumer Trust and Confidence

8 Consumer Strategy White Paper

9 Key components Existing Industry Codes Key principles OFT E-Commerce Codes and Safeguards

10 What is needed? z Single accrediting body for e-commerce self regulation yOn-line codes yDigital Hall Mark yE-Mail preference service yPrivacy Policies yBest Practice

11 DMA summit meeting zDMA (Chair) - Consumers Association zIMRG - Inst. Chartered Accountants zInternet Ad. Bureau, ASA zInternet Watch Foundation zNat. Fed. of Consumer Groups zBBA - ICC - MOPS -IBM- AOL zMicrosoft - DTI - OFT - Oftel


13 The Digital Hallmark

14 “ the digital hallmark initiative aims to increase consumer confidence in internet shopping by allowing websites which comply with a code of best practice to display an on-line hallmark. It will be led by the private sector, building on work of private sector bodies including the AEB and CA”‘ DTI’

15 Trust issues zBalance consumer protection with business needs zMeet reasonable expectations of consumers zOpen/transparent zConsistent,flexible and stable

16 Components of a Trust Mark

17 Authentication Verification Adherence to Codes Recourse Policing Privacy policy

18 Adherence to industry Codes zBritish Code of Advertising and Sales Promotion zSectoral industry codes DMA - ABTA zDMA children's on-line code zICC Codes zConsumer organisation codes

19 Privacy zAdherence to Data Protection Directive zOn-line privacy policy statement xPrivacy policy generator zOpt-out facilities zChildren's privacy policy

20 E-mail preference service zSPAM zGlobal opt-out scheme to recognise consumer choice zLed by US DMA zUK interface zGlobal adoption



23 Recourse zTimely complaint processing zCross border complaint resolution protocols zCountry of origin /destination principles zLegal certainty

24 Recourse Authorities zUse proven existing structures: yASA yDM Authority yConsumers Association ySelf - Regulatory and regulatory infrastructure zRevocation procedures zOn-line directory of accreditation's

25 EC Directives affecting e-mail

26 Data Protection zData subjects given the right to object zRequires opt -out zProcessing data - fair and lawful if right to object is used.

27 Distance Selling Directive zArticle 10 (2) zDistance Communication may only be used where there is no clear objection from the consumer (vis: opt out)

28 Electronic commerce zArticle 7 (2) zMember states shall take measures to ensure that consumers can have themselves entered in an opt-out register which service provider must check regularly

29 Financial Services Distance selling zUse of telephones, electronic mail automated calling systems requires prior consent.

30 eUK Challenge zCreate a world class on-line self regulatory/regulatory framework zGovernment, regulators, industry and consumer groups must work together for the UK to No.1.

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