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PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute July 16, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute July 16, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute July 16, 2012


3 QUIZ RESULTS If your total score is: Above 100: Your city meets the criteria for effectiveness. 80 - 100: Your city meets many of the criteria for effectiveness. 40 - 80: Your city meets some of the criteria for effectiveness. Below 40: Your city needs to significantly improve its effectiveness.

4 EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT  Council Effectiveness

5 EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT - OPERATIONAL  Service Delivery  Staff Effectiveness  Management of Public Funds  Human Resources Administration

6 EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT - POLICY  Strategic Leadership  Policy Facilitation  Communication  Democratic Principles  Integrity

7 STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE COUNCIL PERFORMANCE  Work toward Council improvement  Exercise appropriate authority  Connect to community  Enhance teamwork  Improve decision-making  Act strategically

8 Council Improvement  Take advantage of educational/development opportunities  Cultivate leadership  Council feedback on performance  Obtain assistance as needed

9 Appropriate authority  Act in accordance with defined roles: oMake clear the relationship between Mayor – Council – Staff oDefine authority through planning & decision-making oDefine authority through program and performance evaluation

10 Community connection  Structure community involvement  Obtain input  Explain actions  Facilitate information flow  Don’t forget to connect to the internal community

11 Teamwork  Teamwork > functioning cohesively as a group


13 Teamwork  Make clear that Council and staff are working together to achieve common objectives (acting strategically).

14 Teamwork  Develop and use effective processes for handling common issues: oAgenda development oMeeting management – rules of order, policies oInformation flow – meeting packets oCitizen input oUse of work sessions

15 Processes oComplaint handling oMaking requests of and giving directions to staff oFinancial monitoring & reports oPerformance reviews oNew council orientation oBoards & commissions – contact & information

16 Teamwork  Show respect oDe-personalize issues & differences oListen carefully oHonestly express viewpoints

17 Decision – Making  Access and use relevant information From multiple sources: staff & community

18 Decision – Making  Staff: oBe factual & objective oProvide relevant info oCraft alternative recommendations oFacilitate the decision-making process oShare information among all Council Members

19 Decision - making  Deliberate discussions oAgree on the way decisions should be made oObjective, open, systematic oFrame issues, consider information, consider context

20 Decision-making  Give adequate time for decision- making  Avoid forcing decisions prematurely  Recognize schedules and timing but don’t break off discussion prematurely – despite pressure for action

21 Decision – making  Put aside personal differences  Hear all sides  Honest & forthright exchange of opinions  Consider alternative actions

22 Decision – making  Encourage public involvement – without capitulation  Respect the process  Commit to implement the action approved

23 Decision - making  Reach agreement even without consensus oNot possible to reach consensus on every issue oAgree that the problem deserves a solution

24 Act strategically  Address critical issues  Identify priorities  Develop plan to accomplish priorities

25 Act strategically  Develop/update as needed: Short-Range Budget Goal-setting Action Plan Specific project planning

26 Act strategically Mid-Range Capital Improvements program (CIP) Equipment Replacement Plan Financial Policies

27 Act strategically Long-Range Comprehensive Plan Community Visioning


29 PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CITY MANAGEMENT  Definition  Elements/Practices  Scenarios

30 SERVICE DELIVERY  Providing city services efficiently, effectively and economically

31 SERVICE DELIVERY Elements/Practices:  Operational effectiveness  Operational planning  Citizen (customer) service  Quality assurance Performance measures Citizen/customer satisfaction

32 STAFF EFFECTIVENESS  Promoting the development and performance of staff throughout the organization

33 STAFF EFFECTIVENESS Elements/Practices:  Clearly Defined Roles, Responsibility, Authority  Team Leadership  Delegating/Empowerment/ Accountability  Appropriate Equipment & Technology  Training and Development

34 MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS  Ensuring the cost-effectiveness of programs, balancing budgets and securing the financial health of the community

35 MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS Elements/Practices:  Budget development & monitoring  Payroll administration  Purchasing  Insurance and Risk Management  Project financing  Debt issuance & debt service

36 MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS Elements/Practices:  Equipment/asset replacement planning  Capital Improvements Programming  Financial Analysis

37 HUMAN RESOURCES ADMIN  Ensuring that personnel policies and procedures are equitable, legal and current; ensuring practices are adequate to accomplish objectives

38 Elements/Practices:  Chain-of-Command  Personnel Policies  Job Descriptions  Safety  Workforce Planning  Training and Career Development HUMAN RESOURCES ADMIN

39 Elements/Practices:  Hiring/Promotion  Performance appraisal  Discipline  Labor-management relations (collective bargaining)  Important laws

40  Chapter 20 - Public Employment Law  Chapter 400 – Civil Service  Fair Labor Standards Act  Civil Rights Acts – Fed & State  Veterans Preference Laws  Military Leave IMPORTANT LAWS


42 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP  Positioning the organization and community for events and circumstances anticipated in the future

43 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP Elements/Practices:  Goal-Setting  Strategic Planning/Visioning  Comprehensive Planning  Initiative and Innovation  Implementation

44 POLICY FACILITATION  Helping elected officials and others identify, work toward and achieve common goals and objectives

45 POLICY FACILITATION Elements/Practices:  Effective leadership  Collaboration Other governments Non-profits Public-private partnerships  Facilitating Council effectiveness  Negotiation

46 COMMUNICATION  Facilitating the flow of ideas, information and understanding among individuals

47 COMMUNICATION Elements/Practices:  Information to Mayor/Council  Information to the public – two-way  Responding to citizen “requests”  Media relations  Internal communications

48 DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES  Demonstrating commitment to democratic principles

49 DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES Elements/Practices:  Respecting elected officials  Citizen participation/citizen engagement  Educating citizens  Interaction with citizen boards, commissions, advisory committees  Diversity

50 INTEGRITY  Demonstrating fairness, honesty, ethical and legal awareness in personal and professional relationships and activities

51 INTEGRITY Elements/Practices:  Personal integrity  Professional integrity  Organizational integrity  Ethical standards


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