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Teaching approaches that promote different forms of student learning CHEC/TALHE 3 August 2011.

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1 Teaching approaches that promote different forms of student learning CHEC/TALHE 3 August 2011

2 Overview Problems with simple definitions of learning Problems with simple definitions of learning Bloom’s taxonomy of learning Bloom’s taxonomy of learning Kolb’s learning cycle Kolb’s learning cycle Multiple intelligences Multiple intelligences Different ways of learning Different ways of learning Implications for teaching Implications for teaching

3 Definitions: not always helpful Defining learning is difficult because different disciplines tend to have different ideas about what learning is, what needs to be learned (facts, systems, processes, theories, skills, ideas, etc.) and sometimes also about how it needs to be learned. Defining learning is difficult because different disciplines tend to have different ideas about what learning is, what needs to be learned (facts, systems, processes, theories, skills, ideas, etc.) and sometimes also about how it needs to be learned.

4 Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.

5 How you teach, can guide how students learn… You can teach in ways that encourage rote learning… First year students can do basic evaluations too! There are easy applications and analyses and more difficult ones…

6 Kolb, D. A. (1984) Experiential Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall.

7 Reflection as learning Reflection learning (“feed-forward”) Reflection for learning (“feed-forward”) Reflection during learning Reflection during learning Reflection after learning Reflection after learning All are important for professional development Schön, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. How professionals think in action, London: Temple Smith Schön, D. (1987) Educating the Reflective Practitioner, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

8 Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind. NY: Basic Books You can teach in ways that favour one, or many intelligences …

9 Teaching for different kinds of learning Learning on your own (reading, doing exercises, practising, self-assessing); Learning on your own (reading, doing exercises, practising, self-assessing); Learning with/from peers and groups*; Learning with/from peers and groups*; Learning from the lecturer’s input and/or with a lecturer’s guidance; Learning from the lecturer’s input and/or with a lecturer’s guidance; E-learning. E-learning.

10 Learning from and with peers Learning from those who have different abilities & experiences; Learning from those who have different abilities & experiences; Getting feedback; Getting feedback; Debriefing after a teaching event; Debriefing after a teaching event; Benchmarking your performance; Benchmarking your performance; Peer review is an important part of academic and professional cultures

11 The zone of proximal development (zpd) (Vygotsky, 1968) This is where the student is… zpd This is where you want your students to be! If the zpd is too small, the task is too easy – no learning/development If the zpd is too big, the task is too difficult – so no learning…

12 ALIGNING LEARNING AND TEACHING (some examples) If you want students to:Then include activities such as: Understand task requirements Task analysis Critical thinking Solve problems Scenarios Case studies Make meaning Deepen understanding Reflecting on learning Applying and transferring Using resources Be creative Project-based learning Self-correct Benchmark their performance Opportunities for feedback, constructive criticism, self- and peer- marking identify learning preferences. Understanding the disciplinary culture Discuss professionalism inter-personal skills, etc.



15 Example from Chemistry

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