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C reativity, A ction, S ervice International Baccalaureate CAS Video

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1 C reativity, A ction, S ervice International Baccalaureate CAS Video

2 Creativity - arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking. Examples: Join an art club or pursue creative endeavors. Action - physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Examples: Join a sports team or pursue individual physical activities. Service - an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student. Examples: Get involved with a school service group or volunteer at a local charity organization. The guideline for the minimum amount of CAS activity is approximately 150 hours in total (3-4 hrs. per week) with a reasonable balance between creativity, action and service. CAS is at the heart of the Diploma Program

3 International Baccalaureate Experiential Learning Cycle Experiential learning is at the heart of CAS

4 1. Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth. 2. Undertake new challenges. 3. Planned and initiated activities. 4. Worked collaboratively with others 5. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities. 6. Engaged with issues of global importance. 7. Considered the ethical implications of their actions. 8. Developed new skills. All eight outcomes must be present for a student to complete the CAS requirement. CAS-Learning Outcomes

5 CAS Activity Criteria Real, purposeful activities, with significant outcomes. Personal Challenge- tasks must extend the student and be achievable in scope. Thoughtful consideration, such as planning, reviewing progress and reporting Reflection on outcomes and personal learning. Activity planning and reflection will be accomplished through MangeBac

6 What CAS is not, A religious activity that could be interpreted as proselytizing. Activity/ service where monetary compensation is received. Activities that create social divisions. Activities that do not “extend” the student. Counting IB coursework as CAS hours.

7 John Garrott Allen High School Allen, Texas Allen High School CAS Website ?PageID=38673

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