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Southwest Central Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors November 1, 2013 Sherry Johnson, SPHR & Scott Ferrin, SPHR Field Services Directors.

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1 Southwest Central Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors November 1, 2013 Sherry Johnson, SPHR & Scott Ferrin, SPHR Field Services Directors

2 2 SHRM Update

3 3 SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center (VLRC) What’s New on the VLRC Chapter Leader Information Forms (CLIFs) and State Council Leader Information Forms (SCLIF) Due: December 1, 2013 Submit a completed 2014 Chapter Leader Information Form (CLIF) by December 1 st to identify all leaders in the coming year. The form is to be submitted even if all board positions have not been filled. If your chapter leader term of office is not on the calendar year, you will be expected to submit the completed CLIF during the month immediately prior to when your chapter board transitions occur. The online CLIF form is available at Chapter Leader Information Form – CLIF. Chapter Leader Information Form – CLIF Chapter Designation Forms for December Due: December 15, 2013 Chapter Designation Forms must be received by December 15 th to be processed by the end of the year. Chapter Designation forms can be submitted online to or faxed to (703) 739-0399. Chapter Designations Forms can be found at: For January – November please submit Chapter Designation Forms by the 5th business day prior to the end of the month to be processed.

4 4 SWC Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors 2013 Meeting Schedule Meeting notes are posted to our SWC Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors SHRM Connect GroupSWC Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors Archived Webcast Presentations are available on the SWC Region’s Home PageSWC Region’s Home Page The 2014 webinar schedule will be available soon – watch for details at the top of page 2 of Future Monthly SWC Region SHRM Update newsletter. Please feel free to forward information about future events to your incoming president-elect, district director-elect or state council director-elect to help them transition into their new role. We look forward to the 2014 webcasts! January 18 – Webinar @ 11amET Topic: 2013 SHAPE, Volunteer Engagement & Best Practice Sharing April 26 – Webinar @ 11amET Topic: Time Management: Overcoming the Challenge & Best Practice Sharing September 6 – Webinar @ 11amET Topic: Succession Planning & Best Practice Sharing November 1 – Webinar @ 11amET Topic: 2013 SHAPE, Year-End Deadlines & Best Practice Sharing Southwest Central Region Volunteer Leaders’ Events

5 5 Membership Advisory Council (MAC) Update Rebecca Briley, 2014 SWC Region MAC Representative Rebecca Briley Southwest Central Region MAC Rep Louisiana SHRM Immediate Past State Director HR Manager, E Federal Credit Union (225) 214-6807 2014 MAC Representatives Elected SHRM is pleased to announce the following volunteer leaders have been elected by their fellow Regional Council members to serve on the Membership Advisory Council (MAC) for 2014: North Central Region – Steve Browne, SPHR (OH) Northeast Region – Kristine Avery, SPHR (ME) Pacific West Region – Debbie Horne, SPHR (CA) Southeast Region – Paula Harvey, SPHR, GPHR (NC) Southwest Central Region – Rebecca Briley (LA) Congratulations, Rebecca! For more information on the MAC and its role and responsibilities, click here. click here

6 6 SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center (VLRC) What’s New on the VLRC

7 7 SHRM Affiliation Requirements Over 480 chapters are already there! 30 chapters need to get to 51% affiliation 48 chapters need to get to 25 SHRM members 26 chapters need to do both (the Fortune Forty Team!) By December 31, 2016 25 SHRM members and 51% of total membership must be SHRM members Three more years to meet the requirements SHRM Chapter Membership Requirements as of January 1, 2012

8 8 Regional Local Members Only (LMO) Events SHRM is the Solution webinars for Local Members Only (LMOs) Archived Webcast Presentations are available on the SWC Region’s Home Page SWC Region’s Home Page Please forward the email invitation to your chapter members who do not belong to SHRM (Local Members Only – LMOs). Monday, May 13 – Webinar @ 2pmET Friday, November 15 – Webinar @ 2pmET Call-in Number: 1-800-745-6370 Participant Code: 277574 To join the meeting: SWC Region Membership Growth Strategy MARK YOUR CALENDAR!

9 9 SHRM 2013 Pinnacle Awards Congratulations SWC Region Finalists! The finalists were chosen from 57 Chapter and 14 State Council submissions. Winners will be announced at the SHRM Leadership Conference Awards Luncheon on November 22, 2013. Winning entries receive $1,000 and a diamond and gold Pinnacle lapel pin. Awards will be granted according to chapter size and in three categories: Enhancing the SHRM Community, Advancing the HR Profession or Serving the HR Professional. SWC Region Finalists DallasHR (Texas) Workforce Readiness “Veterans Initiative” High Country Human Resource Association (Colorado) Work.Play.Grow. Northwest Arkansas Human Resources Association (Arkansas) Why NOARK? Northshore Region Human Resource Association (Louisiana) St. Tammany Parish Drug Court Participant Mentoring and Education Program Salt Lake SHRM (Utah) Developing the Next Generation of HR Professionals Sooner Human Resources Society (Oklahoma) Smart Work Ethics: Taking Responsibility in the Work Place

10 10 2013 SHRM Leadership Conference November 21-23, 2013 Housing & Registration closed on October 31 st The Conference will be held at the Gaylord National Harbor Hotel & Convention Center 201 Waterfront Street National Harbor, MD 20745

11 11 The Membership team has developed a series of short webinars to familiarize you with your role for next year. We encourage you to take a few minutes to view the appropriate webinar in advance of attending the SHRM Leadership Conference. Go to: /VolunteerResources/Pages/Leader shipConference.aspx 2013 SHRM Leadership Conference November 21-23, 2013

12 12 SHRM Member Dues Effective January 2014 SHRM will be adjusting dues by $5 dollars for memberships that have start dates on or after January 2014. That brings the annual membership to $185. The adjustment will guarantee that SHRM can continue to provide leading-edge services and products, and enable it to invest new resources and content. The increase applies to professional, general, and associate memberships. Annual membership dues will not change for students, retirees, student chapter advisors, and chapter management professionals (CMPs). Chapter members will receive a discounted first-year rate of $170.

13 13 SHRM Connect Southwest Central Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors

14 2013 SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) for Chapters Section 2: Strategic Initiatives Southwest Central Region Chapter Presidents & District Directors November 1, 2013 Sherry Johnson, SPHR ■ Scott Ferrin, SPHR Field Services Directors

15 15 What is SHAPE?  A) A SHRM planning guide for affiliated Chapters and State Councils  B) A year end reporting document on Chapters and State Councils accomplishments  C) SHRM’s awards program  D) A wellness program to bring fitness to the workplace A, B and C are correct!!

16 16 What is SHAPE? Section 1 - Basic Requirements Required of every chapter by 1/31/14 to remain in good standing Section 2 - Community Based Chapter Initiatives Establish goals and strategies to meet the needs of the HR professional locally Section 3 - SHRM Affiliate Engagement Support of SHRM mission Section 4 - Excel Awards Must complete all 3 sections for Bronze Add on items for Silver, Gold, Platinum 4 sections

17 17 SHAPE - VLRC SHRMSHRM » Communities » Volunteer Resources » Resources for ChaptersCommunitiesVolunteer Resources www.shrm/

18 18 SHAPE – Section 2 Chapter Planning Workbook

19 19 SHAPE – Section 2 Chapter Planning Workbook

20 20 SHAPE – Section 2 Chapter Planning Workbook InitiativeActivity/Task

21 21 Strategic Initiative  A strategic initiative plan identifies the strategies, or initiatives, that a company will undertake to accomplish its identified goals and objectives. The planning process involves a series of steps that include the identification of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats; the creation of goals and objectives; the development of strategies and tactics; and the use of measures and a process to evaluate results. Read more: What Is a Strategic Initiative Plan? | plan.html#ixzz2SBBHJfFAWhat Is a Strategic Initiative Plan? | plan.html#ixzz2SBBHJfFA

22 22 SHAPE - Strategic Initiatives  Acceptable SHAPE initiatives will have a goal, strategies for reaching the goal, implementation information, and an impact or result.  Unacceptable initiatives would be an educational program, operational items, and items without detail.

23 23 Is this a Strategic Initiative? Rate this initiative Membership “Put out brochures, membership flyers at meeting.” Yes or No? NO!! Why? This is not an initiative; it is a task. What was the goal? What else did the chapter do to support this goal? How did this task help meet that goal? What were the results?

24 24 Is this a Strategic Initiative? Rate this initiative Diversity “Membership in SHRM is comprised of individuals from all ethnicity.” Yes or No? NO!! Why? This is not an initiative, it is a statement of fact. What was the chapter trying to accomplish? What was done? How did the action impact the result? What was the result?

25 25 Is this a Strategic Initiative? Rate this initiative Workforce Readiness “Devoted a monthly program on Workforce Readiness as the topic, obtained speakers, got HRCI credit approval and invited CHROs to come.” Yes or No? Incomplete!! Why? This can be part of an broader initiative but it is an activity. What is the chapters’ goal around WFR? How did this activity help meet that goal? What were the results?

26 26 Year End Report now available on VLRC

27 27 Example Section 2a  What was your goal/objective? How is this goal strategic? (Maximum of 75 words) Our board of directors felt as though increasing our membership would in turn help our chapter gain more significant influence and impact in our local community. We determined that growing our membership in the short term would benefit the chapter longer term. Our five-year objective is to grow SHRM membership to 80% of total membership through achieving established annual membership goals with a first year target of 5%.

28 28 Example Section 2a  What did the chapter do to work towards/accomplish this goal? (Maximum of 200 words) To achieve our goal, our Membership Committee comprised of three members developed a multi-pronged strategy and implemented various recruitment and marketing tactics. A team of ten members reached out to at-large SHRM members, small businesses and through the local Chamber of Commerce. In addition to those efforts, each chapter member identified at least one non-member colleague and contacted them about membership, utilizing the scripts in the Membership Recruitment and Retention Toolkit. Our webmaster ensured that our website was current and updated frequently with the latest membership benefit information and upcoming chapter activities. We promoted SHRM membership on our chapter website by highlighting a different SHRM member benefit each month and to our conference attendees by including an overview of SHRM member benefits to all attendees. After surveying chapter members, we created a brochure to communicate the benefits of being a member of our chapter and SHRM and distributed it to prospective members. We also sent monthly meeting press releases to the media. We monitored our progress through the SHRM Monthly Membership Report.

29 29 Example Section 2a  What was the outcome/result? (Maximum of 75 words) As a result of our strategies and the actives designed to support our growth, we surpassed our goal increasing our in-chapter membership by 6.5%. This growth qualified us for Membership Super Star status. We will continue this long- term initiative and have set our goal at 7%. While it was challenging at the start of the year and we didn't see the immediate results, our momentum grew as we saw our numbers slowly start to grow.

30 30 What is a Strategic Initiative? Some tips Think big picture – ask “what are we trying to achieve and how will we get there?” Write it like someone reading it has no information but in an executive summary format Establish the goals, objectives, strategies and metrics – break it down Identify the action items, owner, timetable Hold the leaders accountable for results Report the outcome

31 31 SHAPE – Planning Worksheet

32 32 SHAPE Webinar VLRC - SHAPE

33 33 2013 SHAPE for Chapters NEXT STEPS 2013 SHAPE Year-End Report The 2013 SHAPE Year-End Report is due January 31, 2014. The 2013 SHAPE Year-End Report is available in the VLRC; you can begin entering your information now! 2014 SHAPE Chapter Planning Workbook The 2014 SHAPE Chapter Planning Workbook will be available on the VLRC by the end of 2013 to allow your chapter to begin the goal setting process.

34 34 Thank You! Sherry Johnson, SPHR Field Services Director Southwest Central Region AR, LA, MO, OK, TX 703-535-6255 (W) @SHRMSherry www.shrm/ We’re here to help you! Liz van Berg Regional Administrator Southwest Central Region AR, LA, MO, OK, TX 703-535-6274 (W) @SHRMLiz

35 35 Thank You! Scott Ferrin, SPHR Field Services Director Southwest Central Region AZ, CO, KS, NM, UT 703-535-6453 (W) @SHRMScott www.shrm/ We’re here to help you! Kristine Hofmann Regional Administrator Southwest Central Region AZ, CO, KS, NM, UT 703-535-6082 (W) @SHRMKristine

36 36 Q&A -- Best Practice Sharing Discussion Topics What has been the most successful initiative your chapter has implemented this year? (What was the outcome?) Do you have any questions about using the SHAPE online reporting tool? (Or other SHAPE program questions?)

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