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Sydney Mrs. Branin 5th Grade

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1 Sydney Mrs. Branin 5th Grade
Timeline of Colonial Events Sydney Mrs. Branin 5th Grade

2 1729 Ben Franklin establishes Philadelphia’s first newspaper called the Pennsylvania Gazette. He discovered electricity by flying a kite with a key on the kite string.

3 1735 Trial of John peter Zenger.
The Zenger trial is a remarkable story of a divided colony, the beginnings of a free press.

4 1739 Stone slave rebellion in South Carolina.
Enslaved Africans and Native Americans set out to burn and destroy homes in New York City, Nine whites were killed in the revolt Some captives were willing to die for their freedom. In the Stono Rebellion of 1739, a captive named Cato led to a rebellion in which 30 colonists of South Carolina were killed.

5 1744 Eliza Lucas Pinckney successfully grows indigo.
Southern plantations grew tobacco, rice, and indigo, which they sold to buyers in England and else where in America.

6 1750 The colonies have 250,000 enslaved persons.
Slaves were kept to work for people and their owners made the money, not the slaves. Slave codes were used to keep Enslaved Africans from communicating with each other without the owner knowing what they were talking about as the slaves were planning and escape.

7 1760 More Europeans arrive in the colonies. By 1770, more than 2 million people lived and worked in Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies. Colonists from all over Europe were welcomed in the Middle Colonies. Europeans who settled in the Middle Colonies included: Dutch, German Scottish, Irish, Portuguese, Swedish, and English immigrants.

8 1775 Philadelphia is the largest colonial city.
Philadelphia only 10,000 people living in it in 1723. By 1775 the population grew to 35,000 people. Philadelphia was also a city of many ethnic and religious groups,

9 1720-1765 the Colonial Economies
Agriculture-the business of farming. Was the way of life for most people. Industry-all businesses that make one kind of product or provide on kind of service. Shipbuilding and Iron making were some industries Free Enterprise-the system of when anyone can publish or speak the truth without going to prison.

10 Assembly-a law making body. The House of Burgesses was an Assesmbly. Legislation-the making or passing of laws. Delegates-people who are members of an assembly. They were wealthy landowners, lawyers, or merchants. They were often elected because voters believed these men had the time, education, and experience for public office.

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