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Preparing for the Global Ministerial Conference Presentation by David Ward, Director General, FIA Foundation Road Safety, Ibero-America and the Caribbean.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the Global Ministerial Conference Presentation by David Ward, Director General, FIA Foundation Road Safety, Ibero-America and the Caribbean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the Global Ministerial Conference Presentation by David Ward, Director General, FIA Foundation Road Safety, Ibero-America and the Caribbean Madrid 24 th February 2009

2 World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention (WHO/World Bank 2004) Warns that 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries occur annually on the road, mainly affecting vulnerable road users, and will more than double by 2020. Shows that low and middle income countries account for 90% of global deaths from road traffic crashes. Identifies key injury risk factors (non use of seat belts, helmets, excessive speed, drink driving, and poor road infrastructure); Calls for greater international effort to reverse trend of rising RTIs; Recommends national prevention strategies based on a ‘lead agency’ responsible for developing a multi-sectoral ‘safe systems’ approach.

3 The ‘Safety Systems’ Approach Three components in a dynamic system: The road user The motor vehicle The road infrastructure Rather than ‘blaming the victim’ for causing crashes, the risk of human error is anticipated and ‘tolerated’ by a ‘forgiving’ system that has been designed to ensure that the consequences of human error are non fatal as far as possible. The design challenge is to manage loss of control of kinetic energy within tolerances survivable by the human body.

4 DALYS in Developing Countries (Children Age 5-14) ( DALYS = Disability Adjusted Life Years)

5 Rank DeathsCauseProportion of total (%) 1Ischaemic heart disease12.6 2Cerebrovascular disease9.7 3Lower respiratory infections6.9 4HIV/AIDS4.8 5Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease4.8 6Perinatal conditions4.3 7Diarrhoeal diseases3.3 8Tuberculosis2.7 9Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers2.2 10Road traffic injuries2.1 11Diabetes mellitus1.7 12Malaria1.6 Twelve Leading Causes of Mortality, 2002

6 International Action on Malaria Abuja Action Plan 2000 UN Decade to Roll Back Malaria 2001-2010 Global Fund launched by G8 and US $2.8 billion funding approved to date. UN Special Envoy for Malaria

7 About the Commission: An independent High Level Commission under the Chairmanship of the former NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson with a member from each of the G8 countries and all major world regions; Supported by an expert advisory group including representatives from the WHO, World Bank, OECD, UNECE and NGOs; Funded by the FIA Foundation a UK registered charity established to promote road safety, the environment and sustainable mobility

8 Make Roads Safe Report Key Recommendations: A $300 million, 10 year Action Plan to promote multi-sector national road safety capacity building in low and middle income countries should be funded by donor governments and private sources and managed by the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility; At a minimum 10% of all road infrastructure projects should be committed to road safety design, rating and assessment and community wide initiatives; A Ministerial Conference on Global Road Safety should be held in 2009 to review implementation of the World Report recommendations;

9 Launch of Make Road Safe campaign The Make Roads Safe campaign is launched to obtain over 1 million signatures to be presented to the UN Secretary General in 2008. The petition campaign is launched by Michael Schumacher during the first UN Global Road Safety Week in April 2007. Campaign events are held in London, Geneva, Berlin, Cape Town, Paris, St Petersburg, Kampala, and New York. Archbishop Desmond Tutu is joined by President Oscar Arias, and former President Jimmy Carter as three Nobel prize winners backing the campaign. Other supporters include the former Irish President Mary Robinson, Tony Blair, musicians, Sports stars and the film actress Michelle Yeoh.

10 Russian Federation Offers to Host UN Ministerial in Moscow Russia has the worst road safety performance of the G8. Their fatality rate per 100,000 is 240 (UK’s rate is 50). Road safety is now a major domestic policy priority led by the Interior Ministry. In 2006 Lord Robertson visited Moscow and meet with Vice Premier Alexander Zhukov. After further discussions with General Viktor Kiryanov (Head of Road Safety Inspectorate) and Ambassador to UK Yuri Fedotov in September 2007 the Russian Federation offered to host the proposed UN Ministerial in Moscow in November 2009.

11 UN General Assembly Approves First Ever Ministerial Conference on Road Safety In March 2008 the UN General Assembly debates road safety and Resolution 62/244 drafted by the Sultanate of Oman is unanimously approved which welcomes the offer by the Russian Federation to host the “first high level (ministerial) conference on road safety”. The Russian Federation confirms Moscow will be the venue and 19-20 November 2009 as the provisional date. The Make Roads Safe petition target is reached and presented to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by Lord Robertson, Michelle Yeoh, Karla Gonzalez.

12 First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety – Time for Action Agenda and Opportunities Review the implementation of the World Report and the road safety activities of the UN Regional Commission’s, WHO, World Bank etc. Agree on common definitions for key road safety related data, identify best practice on key risk factors, and support the concept of ‘forgiving roads’ etc. Review the work of the UN World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations and the role of the 1949/1968 UN Road Traffic Conventions. Agree to a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2010-2020 with the goal of reducing the forecast level of fatalities by 50% by 2020.

13 OECD – International Transport Forum ‘Towards Zero – Ambitious Road Safety Targets & the Safe System Approach Key Recommendations: Adopt a highly ambitious vision for road safety Set interim targets to move systematically towards the vision Develop a safe system approach Exploit proven interventions for early gains Conduct data collection and analysis Strengthen the road safety management system Accelerate knowledge transfer Invest in road safety Foster commitment at highest levels of government

14 Road Safety Targets Regional casualty reduction targets include: European Union and European Conference of Ministers of Transport to reduce fatalities by 50% by 2010 and 2012 respectively UNESCAP (Asia Pacific) Ministers agreed to cut deaths by 600,000 by 2015 UNECA (Africa) Ministers of Health & Transport agreed to reduce road fatalities by 50% by 2015


16 Global Road Safety Action Plan: Global/Regional Activity $30 million Assessment & Research $30 million Institutional Capacity $105 million Demonstration Projects $90 million Post Crash $45 million Total$300 million The Action Plan to be implemented on two levels: Global and regional: supporting UN coordination, professional capacity of regional organisations, exchange of good practice, and adoption of regional injury prevention targets Country level: supporting assessment and research, institutional capacity building, demonstration projects, and post crash interventions.

17 Road to Moscow: Next Steps Rome Conference 5 th May Launch of the second Make Roads Safe report at a major conference in Rome on 5th May 2009 linked to the Italian Presidency of the G8 Launch of the Make Roads Safe documentary film with Michelle Yeoh which features visits to Asia, Africa and Latin America and will highlight the key messages of the Commission’s reports. Focus the Make Roads Safe campaign on the theme of a decade of action to achieve a 50% reduction in forecast fatalities by 2020.

18 Agenda for Moscow Make 2010-2020 A Decade of Action for Road Safety Support an action plan of $300 million to invest in capacity building in road injury prevention... Invest in safer roads by committing at least 10% of project finance to safe road assessment and design. Agree a global target to reduce road fatalities by 50% from their forecast level for 2020. Thank You !

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