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Youth & Livelihoods: How & why IRC is investing in youth as assets for stability & development IRC Liberia - Nimba & Lofa October 4, 2006 Lili Stern, Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth & Livelihoods: How & why IRC is investing in youth as assets for stability & development IRC Liberia - Nimba & Lofa October 4, 2006 Lili Stern, Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth & Livelihoods: How & why IRC is investing in youth as assets for stability & development IRC Liberia - Nimba & Lofa October 4, 2006 Lili Stern, Technical Advisor for Youth & Livelihoods IRC New York - CYPD James Lenton, Youth & Livelihoods Technical Advisor Child & Youth Protection and Development Unit International Rescue Committee, New York October 23, 2008

2 IRC’s CYPD: Who Are We? Currently, the IRC’s Child & Youth Protection and Development (CYPD) programs focus on 3 inter- related areas of core competence: Education Child Protection Youth & Livelihoods Education Child Protection Youth & Livelihoods Support to displaced children and youth in conflict and post- conflict situations since the Cambodian refugee crisis in Thailand in 1980.

3 What does “livelihood” mean for IRC? IRC’s Youth & Livelihoods programs use the broad definition of ‘livelihoods’ as adopted by DFID, IISD, USAID and others, in which “A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets and activities required for a means of living.” These essential assets can be organized into six categories: physical, natural, human, financial, social and political. These assets are used to reduce vulnerability to shocks and to manage risks that threaten well-being.

4 Building Asset Bridges to Correct the Imbalance Youth at the Margins of Society State Civil Society Market

5 How do we build asset bridges? Human assets – youth become proficient in a particular industry, agriculture or trade, but also to gain important transferable skills such as functional literacy, numeracy, and life skills Civic assets – youth understanding how the labor market works, basic labor rights and how to advocate for those rights Social assets – youth gain self-esteem and acceptance in the community, and learn how to interact with others. Some IRC youth livelihood programs also provide toolkits, as a measure to assist with provision of physical assets or linkages to micro-credit, savings & loan opportunities and training in savings habits, to increase financial assets.

6 How does IRC promote sustainable livelihoods for conflict-affected youth? IRC’s Y & L programs promote sustainable livelihoods for conflict-affected youth by ensuring that programs are based on: market needs the existing assets and coping strategies youth bring with them young people’s hopes and aspirations enhancement of youth’s employability prospects a holistic package of support that ensures tangible improvement in the long-term social, civic and economic well-being of participants

7 IRC’s Y & L Approach: What We Do IRC begins with assumption that no one intervention will be the answer for a young person. They often will need multiple kinds of support in order to make a smooth transition into adulthood. Y & L’s holistic package of support can include: peer counseling and life skills education on issues such as HIV/AIDS prevention and conflict resolution youth-led recreational activities engagement in civic & community affairs literacy and accelerated learning programs transferable skills acquisition employability promotion through technical and vocational education and training, apprenticeships, and entrepreneurial skills development

8 The majority of youth lack access to quality learning opportunities Illiteracy rate is 70% of which youth make up 55.6% 75% of the TVET infrastructure was destroyed during the conflict 88% of youth are unemployed 68% of 15-20 year olds in Liberia have never seen a classroom Aging VT instructors Why IRC works with youth in Liberia

9 GOAL: Youth (particularly girls) access quality and relevant TVET ADVOCACY National Working Group sets standards and advocates for increased quality and relevance of, and access to TVET by youth QUALITY & RELEVANCE Increase quality and relevance of vocational training in targeted TVET institutions in Lofa and Nimba counties ACCESS Increase accessibility of targeted VTCs to girls and traditionally excluded youth SUSTAINABILITY Targeted VTCs increase their income level and provide support for more girls to access VT on an ongoing basis The LEGACY Initiative

10 Advocacy: National Working Group Membership Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Labor Ministry of Planning (Agricultural and Industrial Training Board) Ministry of Gender and Development Liberia Business Association Chambers of Commerce International Labor Organization Key local and international NGOs Revise legislation and advocate for re-establishment of National Council for TVET Secure funding from MNC levies (LEE, Arcelor Mittal) for TVET institutions and establish employment linkages Approve market-driven TVET curricula Promote increased participation of girls in TVET trades and institutions (VTCs/ employment) Ensure updated pedagogy training of VTC instructors Ensure safe training environments Priorities

11 Quality and relevance Revised curricula to: Promote inclusion of market-driven trades (based on youth-led employer mapping assessments) Include entrepreneurship skills Include life skills Vocational mentoring Revised pedagogy and TOT Using IRC’s Healing Classroom’s approach – learner-centered teaching methods

12 Access and Sustainability ACCESS - Increase accessibility of TVET to girls and traditionally excluded youth by: Increasing capacity of existing VTCs through reconstruction and provision of equipment Reviewing entry criteria to TVET institutions to make them more inclusive Implementing codes of conduct and safe practices SUSTAINABILITY - Establish VTC-based businesses to: Provide on-site training for youth Support operational costs of VTCs Contribute to support fund for graduate youth

13 Market (micro, small, medium and large) Apprenticeships Traineeships Work placements, Material/ financial support JOBS Formal VT Institutes Non-formal VT Institutes Government (city, county and national) MoA, MoE, MoL, MoP, MoYS, MoGD, AITB Training of Trainers (TOT) Accreditation Certification Curriculum and Pedagogy Development Material/financial support Vocational Training - MarketVocational Training - Education Market-driven, Education-driven Solid lines – Graduate youth Dotted lines – Resources/inputs

14 How will we know when we get there? Example indicators Advocacy  NWG submits a statement/guideline to relevant government bodies on ways to regularly align or update the TVET strategy with labor market needs  Government designates/sets up a body/committee to facilitate review of selected TVET curricula based on labor market needs Quality and Relevance  % of businesses/employers satisfied with performance of youth placed with them  % of trainees satisfied with teaching methodology Access  % enrolment of girls in targeted VT centers  % of partner TVET institutions implement safe practices and display Codes of Conduct for public view Sustainability  % of profit generated through business activities used to support VTC activities and running costs  % profit generated through business activities used for start-up assistance of graduates

15 Thank you…

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