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Lobbying for More and Better Cycling in Europe Europe, The Netherlands... and Italy ? Presentation by Dr Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General FIAB Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Lobbying for More and Better Cycling in Europe Europe, The Netherlands... and Italy ? Presentation by Dr Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General FIAB Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lobbying for More and Better Cycling in Europe Europe, The Netherlands... and Italy ? Presentation by Dr Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General FIAB Conference Florence, November 29, 2008

2 Lobbying for More and better Cycling 1.The European context 2.The ECF 3.The Dutch context 4.Lobbying by Fietsersbond (Netherlands) [? 5. Discussion: the Italian context and lobbying by FIAB ?]

3 The European Commissions’ ambitions On Urban Mobility: free-flowing towns and cities greener towns and cities accessible urban transport safe and secure urban transport On … Road Safety Public Health Clean Air Climate Change Noise Energy & - Efficiency

4 Why the increase of cycling supports the ambitions of the European Commission More cyclingLess car use Cleaner Air Safer Roads Less Climate Change Less Noise Less Transport Costs Less Energy Use & Better Efficiency Better Public Health Better Quality of Life Modal shift from the use of private cars to cycling (& …)

5 Lobbying for More and better Cycling 1.The European context 2.The ECF

6 Assessement of Green Paper by ECF No strong committment to achieve modal shift; no intention to introduce cycling and walking as third pillar Private motorized transport Public transport H P M (*) Walking Cycling Wheeling (*) HPM = Human Powered Mobility

7 The ECF - 25 years speaking for cyclists 56 member organizations in 38 countries Based in Brussels EuroVelo ® project Annual Velo-city © Conference

8 ECF Managemnet Committee in front of the ECF Office in Brussels …

9 The ECF....... is really uniting Europe ! ECF Annual General Meeting 2008 in Brno (CZ)

10 ECF strategy and main demands on ‘Green Paper’ -Cooperation with Bicycle Industry (Colibi/Coliped) and Retailers (ETRA) - 4 specific and common main demands

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