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History of alchemy Iva Štěpánková Alena Vavrysová 20 th October 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "History of alchemy Iva Štěpánková Alena Vavrysová 20 th October 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of alchemy Iva Štěpánková Alena Vavrysová 20 th October 2005

2 If we wanted to explain a word „alchemy“ we would have to search in many information sources. 1) There is a greek word ALS 2) It´s related with the old Egypt and with word KEME 3) It´s connected with old hebraic name for Egypt-KEMIA Source-zdroj, pramen Source-zdroj, pramen discovery-objev discovery-objev derivate -odvodit derivate -odvodit squash-šťáva, mok squash-šťáva, mok clay-hlína clay-hlína

3 4 periods of alchemy First one is Egyptian period First one is Egyptian period Second one is greek period Second one is greek period Third one is Arabian period Third one is Arabian period And the last fourth one is the period of Europian alchemy And the last fourth one is the period of Europian alchemy fertile-úrodný relict-pozůstatky fertile-úrodný relict-pozůstatky consider-považovat publication-dílo consider-považovat publication-dílo crusade-křižácká výprava resemblance - podoba crusade-křižácká výprava resemblance - podoba centralize-soustředit centralize-soustředit conquests-výboje conquests-výboje

4 So what does alchemy mean? making-ready of alkahest making-ready of alkahest separation of the „spirit of the world“ separation of the „spirit of the world“ aurum potabile aurum potabile elixir of life elixir of life transmutations transmutations Homunkulus Homunkulus Philosopher´s stone Philosopher´s stone

5 Personalities of alchemy Paracelsus Paracelsus A. Scotta, Michael Maier, Edward Kelly A. Scotta, Michael Maier, Edward Kelly John Dee John Dee

6 Alchemy aims at the great human "goods": Wealth, longevity, and immortality. Some alchemistical methods Some alchemistical methods alchemistic laboratory equipment alchemistic laboratory equipment making-ready –příprava making-ready –příprava dissolvent-rozpouštědlo dissolvent-rozpouštědlo disease-choroba, nemoc disease-choroba, nemoc resemblance- podoba resemblance- podoba Aim - zaměřit Aim - zaměřit

7 At the end of our presentation we would like to show u some very well-known part of one film which is connected with alchemy. So guess what´s the name of this film… Attachment no. 1 Attachment no. 1

8 Attachment no. 2

9 Thank u very much for your attention and we are looking forward to hear u next time.

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