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Goal 2 Terms. : set 36 30 line across La Purchase; Mo slave state and Maine free state Missouri Compromise : Pres. Jackson moved Indians west of Mississippi.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 2 Terms. : set 36 30 line across La Purchase; Mo slave state and Maine free state Missouri Compromise : Pres. Jackson moved Indians west of Mississippi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal 2 Terms

2 : set 36 30 line across La Purchase; Mo slave state and Maine free state Missouri Compromise : Pres. Jackson moved Indians west of Mississippi River Indian Removal Act,1830 : inventor of Cherokee written language Sequoyah : forced removal of Indians by Pres Jackson Trail of Tears : SC said Cherokee had right to stay on their land; ignored by Jackson Worchester v. Georgia, 1832 : all white men can vote White manhood suffrage : battle between Texans and Mexicans; all Texans killed; “Remember the Alamo” The Alamo : Polk wins election; “54 40 or fight!” campaign slogan for Manifest Destiny Election of 1844 : campaigned for by Polk; actually done by Tyler just before end of term Texas Annexation

3 : see above’ Polk’s campaign slogan; pledged to get all of Oregon “54-40 or Fight : fought because Mexico would not sell California Mexican War : attempt to get slavery outlawed in Mexican Cession. Passed House but not Senate Wilmot Proviso : ended Mexican War; paid $15 million for Mexican Cession Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo : prospectors moving to California in search of gold 49ers : led settlers to Texas when it was still owned by Mexico; led to Texan revolution Stephen Austin : paid $10 million for this in order to possibly build transcontinental RR Gadsden Purchase : sent by Jefferson to survey and explore LA Purchase before we bought it from France Lewis and Clark : main route settlers took to Oregon; took 6 months or longer to travel Oregon Trail

4 : writer of spelling books and dictionary Noah Webster : Transcendentalist author; talked about inner light Ralph Waldo Emerson : same as Emerson; wrote Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau : examples are US Capitol building, Lincoln Memorial, Neoclassical Architecture : wrote Legend of Sleepy Hollow, wrote about American themes; set in America Washington Irving : American poet and writer of crime and detective fiction; died at age of 40 Edgar Allen Poe : wrote Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne : wrote Leatherstocking Tales; James Fennimore Cooper : landscapes Hudson River School of Artists

5 : Frenchman who toured America and wrote about our democracy Alex de Tocqueville : telegraph and Morse code Samuel Morse : invented cotton gin and used interchangeable parts Eli Whitney : invented steel plow which could work well on Great Plains John Deere : invented the mechanical reaper; made more production in Gt Plain Cyrus McCormick : built steamboat; the Clermont Robert Fulton : connected Albany to Buffalo; helped link the East and West Erie Canal : term saying cotton was most important crop in South Cotton Kingdom : started making factories; textiles; Lowell, Mass.: Samuel Slater; 1 st Industrial Revolution : distrust of foreigners and immigrants Nativism

6 : officially called the American Party; secret membership roll; nativists Know-Nothings : abolitionist; called for immediate abolition and no payment to slaveowners; William Lloyd Garrison : former slave; great speaker; abolitionist; advisor to Lincoln; black troops in CW Frederick Douglass : War Hawk; Great Compromiser; American System; Mo Compromise; Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay : federal internal improvements; new national bank; protective tariff; Clay American System : led to Depression; caused by land speculation and lack of national bank; VanBuren admin Panic of 1819 : natl bank is constitutional; use of elastic clause; more power for fed govt McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 : John Q Adams defeated Jackson in House of Reps; see next Election of 1824

7 : Adams made Clay Sec of State in exchange for votes in House of Reps; Election of 1824 “corrupt bargain : right to vote Suffrage : used by Jackson; gave govt jobs to his supporters; spoils system : Southern name for high tariff of 1828; Tariff of Abomination : SC claimed they would not charge tariff after Jan, 1833 South Carolina Nullification Crisis : said they had power to determine “Tariff of Abom.” Null and void South Carolina Exposition and Protest : Jackson dftd Clay and said people wanted him to kill Natl Bank Election of 1832 : state banks Jackson put money from Natl bank into; Pet Banks : replaced Natl Republicans; one thing in common was they hated Jackson Whig Party

8 : first modern election; mudslinging; songs; platform; “Tippecanoe and Tyler too!” Election of 1840 : slave rebellion in Southampton, VA; led to greater control over all slaves Nat Turner’s Rebellion : US will stay out of Europe and Europe should stay out of Western Hemis.; no new colonies Monroe Doctrine : mental health reform; prison reform Dorothea Dix : education reform; normal schools for teachers; State Bd of Educ.; more standardization; Horace Mann : women’s rights leader Lucretia Mott : women’s rights leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton : purpose was to get equal rights for women; wrote Declaration based on D of Indep. Seneca Falls Convention : former slave woman who traveled around telling about her life as a slave; Sojourner Truth : women’s rights Susan B. Anthony

9 : people separated themselves and tried to have heaven on Earth Utopian Communities Brook Farm: fdd by G. Ripley; ties to transcendentalism and cooperative living Oneida: fdd by JH Noyes; complex marriage; communism New Harmony: fdd by R. Owen; communistic; much scientific and cultural studies : prison should not just punish, but should also get prisoners ready for life after prison Rehabilitation : more emphasis on rehabilitation Prison Reform : Abolitionist; already listed earlier William Lloyd Garrison : Sarah and Angelina; abolitionists Grimke Sisters : abolitionist; called for war against slaveowners; David Walker : already listed earlier Frederick Douglass : evangelist leader of Second Great Awakening; also an abolititonist Charles G. Finney

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