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1400 25 largest cities in the world 9 were in China (Nanjing was the largest)

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Presentation on theme: "1400 25 largest cities in the world 9 were in China (Nanjing was the largest)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1400 25 largest cities in the world 9 were in China (Nanjing was the largest)

2 Top Ten Cities in 1500 1.Beijing, China 2.Viivannagar, India 3.Cairo, Egypt 4.Hangzhou, China 5.Tabriz, Iran 6. Istanbul, Turkey 7. Gaur, India 8. Paris, France 9. Guangzhou, China 10. Nanjing, China

3 Ming China (1368-1644)

4 By standard criteria such as size, population, agriculture, commerce, wealth, sophistication, technology, military might, cuisine, learning, literature, and the fine arts, the Ming dynasty presided over the greatest nation in the world.




8 1700 66% world lived in Asia

9 1775 Asia Produced 80 percent of everything in the world

10 How did the West Rise in Power over the East?

11 1520 – 1570 Portuguese Dominance 1570 – 1620 Spanish Dominance 1620 – 1750 Dutch Dominance 1750 – 1900 British Dominance



14 Nutmeg Clove Mace

15 Malacca Moluccas

16 Baghdad Alexandria Constantinople (1453)

17 Baghdad Alexandria Constantinople The West Responds

18 1492 Columbus sails for the Spice Islands and he says he found them To the Canary Islands then a month at sea (The Spanish)

19 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas SPAIN PORTUGAL

20 “Always the poor neighbor, Portugal had to look to the sea for economic development.”


22 “Unwittingly Christopher Columbus came to the rescue of the Portuguese.”

23 Vasco de Gama 1497 Two Years Four times the distance Columbus traveled (24,000 miles)

24 Five Islands (Maluku Chain) very small islands Only place on the planet that produced cloves

25 Banda Chain (a few tiny dots) Only place on the planet that produced Nutmeg / Mace

26 The discovery of America and finding the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope are the two greatest events recorded in the history of mankind.” Adam Smith

27 September 20, 1519 San Lucar Spain Five Ships—235 men Philippines March 16, 1521


29 Killed in Cebu Returned September 6, 1522 one Ship and 18 men

30 “The History of the Spanish in the Philippines begins and ends with the Friar.”

31 The Great Death (Mexico) 1519--25 million 1569—2.7 million 1619—750,000


33 By 1650 Africans were the majority of new settlers in the New World (Eventually 9 million)


35 Spain owned the cow but didn’t drink the milk

36 Single Whip Taxation “Silver went around the world, and made the world go round.”

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