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MindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT LOYALT Confidential 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT LOYALT Confidential 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT LOYALT Confidential 1

2 mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 2 INNOVATION mindHIVE is a patent-pending visual mobile communication application that leverages the rapidly growing availiability of SMS/MMS enabled handsets. mindHIVE provides brands with effective ways to engage consumers, activate sponsorships and generate additional advertising revenue. mindHIVE audience engagement extends your brand reach by generating buzz, permission-based marketing opportunties and referral. ENGAGEMENTLOYALTY

3 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 3 Agenda and summary ๏ Objectives & Business Case (Qualitative) ๏ Process (How Does It Work) ๏ Requirements (What Will It Take To Work) ๏ Opportunities (What Are the Tangible & Intangible Benefits) ๏ Risks ๏ Next Steps ๏ About Us

4 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 4 Objectives and business case (qualitative) Develop innovative targeted solutions to augment revenue growth for SET New Media (Digital and Mobile) Division while simultaneously increasing brand awareness and sponsorship activation leading to higher advertising dollars for broadcast media. Capability Required Benefits Sponsorship Activation Brand Awareness and Referral Revenue Growth Innovative solutions and partnerships Targeted Content and creative new media solutions Long lasting partnerships throughout the value chain leading to back end and front end revenue sharing Increase Traffic and Stickiness Activate followers through creative strategies and incentives Engage fans through the concept of six degrees of separation Leverage existing internal and external (FB) fan page Raise awareness on the Brand Be a leader in a new social media campaign Reinforce the brand at every stage of the process Run polls, ads, promotions with “real time” response tracking

5 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 5 Requirements (what will it take to work) Activities Outcome & Deliverables Responsible Partners Timing (Completion Target Date) Status Create MOU Between SET (New Media) and Mind Hive (MH) License Term, Revenue Share Model, Technology Customization, Ancillary Services SET/MH02/28/11In Progress Telco Partnership (MOU between SET and Telco's) Revenue Sharing Model, Bulk SMS capabilities, Engagement Model SET / TELCO03/30/11To be started CustomizationBranded SET MicrositeSET/MH05/30/11To be started Integrated Go-To-Market Plan and Development Sponsorship Activation Strategy, Tactics and Triggers. Detailed Roles and Responsibilities. Media Plan - promotions, contests etc. SET/MH05/30/11To be started Mobile and Social AdvertisingSMS Messaging / Advertising PlanSET /TELCO/MH05/30/11To be started Product Testing End to End Process (Including Billing Process) SET /TELCO/MH06/30/11To be started LaunchContinuous promotion and utilizationSET/MHTBDTo be started

6 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 6 Confidential 6 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation HOW IT WORKS Fans take pictures with mobile devices, type a question in the “Subject Field” for the photo and MMS it to a branded address i.e. for instant Fans’ telephone numbers remain anonymous to all users. Fans’ pictures and associated questions are displayed on the X FACTOR PIX website & FB Page. Fans’ pictures and comments remain anonymous to users on the web site. On the web site all fans can: Give instant feedback to the submitted photos and question by commenting. First 5 comments will be sent to the users (fans) as branded SMS. To view the rest of the comments, users (fans) must log on to the X FACTOR PIX website & FB Page. Rank pictures and associated questions (thumbs up and down). A B C D E F

7 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 7 Confidential 7 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation A Fan takes a picture with a mobile device, types a question in the “Subject Field” and MMS it to a branded address i.e. for instant Fan’s telephone number remains anonymous to users. Benefits : HOW IT WORKS

8 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 8 Confidential 8 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation B Fans’ pictures and associated questions are displayed on a custom built X FACTOR PIX website. Fans’ pictures and comments remain anonymous to users on the web site. Benefits : HOW IT WORKS

9 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 9 Confidential 9 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation C On the X FACTOR PIX web site fans can rate pictures and the associated questions. Benefits : D Fans give instant feedback to the submitted photos and question by commenting. All comments remain anonymous to users on the web site. Benefits : HOW IT WORKS

10 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 10 Confidential 10 mindHIVE: Visual Mobile Communication Presentation E First 5 comments will be sent to the user as branded SMS. Benefits : To view the rest of the comments, the user must log on to the X FACTOR PIX website. Benefits : F HOW IT WORKS

11 Confidential mindHIVE™ Visual Mobile Communication Presentation 11 About BGH LLC Blue Green Horizons LLC is an innovation catalyst that develops targeted high value solutions for high growth markets. BGH founders have broad expertise in media and communications technologies, marketing and business intelligence, business process optimization and legal governance and oversight. Founders: 1. Operations and Finance: Suraj Khatwani 2. Technology Development: Oya Demirli 3. Marketing and Business Intelligence: Donal Carli 4. Information Architecture: William Hilson 5. Business Governance and Oversight: Jack Hughes Esq.

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