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By Cameron Gornet and Daniel Kaganov.  Silk is a strong shiny fiber that is used to make cloth. Silk fiber is made from the cocoons of caterpillars called.

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Presentation on theme: "By Cameron Gornet and Daniel Kaganov.  Silk is a strong shiny fiber that is used to make cloth. Silk fiber is made from the cocoons of caterpillars called."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Cameron Gornet and Daniel Kaganov

2  Silk is a strong shiny fiber that is used to make cloth. Silk fiber is made from the cocoons of caterpillars called silkworms.  Strongest natural fiber

3  The discovery of silk dates back to Ancient China  The most popular story is about Chinese princess having tea and a silkworm cocoon fell into her cup  The hot water untangled the silk thread from the cocoon  Eventually many Chinese found out about the silkworms and their cocoons. Thus, the innovations of silk was found.

4  Increased profit/economy of china dramatically  Not only used for clothes, but fishing lines, musical strings, bow strings, much more  High demands of silk from other countries since silk making was a precious secret to Chinese culture.  Economic symbol and source for China

5  Silk is still an economic benefit to the Chinese economy  China even today produces over 50% of the world’s silk  Silk production has doubled since 30 years ago  Silk is being cultivated and sewn all across the world

6  The process of silk making requires hard work and delicacy  The steps include: 1. Raising silkworms 2. Development of silkworms 3. Spinning the cocoon 4. Processing silk

7  Process silk it a multi-step process 1. Reeling 2. Throwing ( From Anglo- Saxon word thraw meaning twist) 3. Boiling off and weighting 4. Dyeing different colors 5. Weaving

8  Process of Making Silk Process of Making Silk

9  History of Silk. Silk Road Foundation. September 20,2010.  Kristof, Nicholas D. "Rural China Learns to Earn a Little Extra." New York Times 23 Jan. 1991. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. ewsDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=News&prodI d=SUIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&doc umentId=GALE%7CA175071673&mode=view ewsDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=News&prodI d=SUIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&doc umentId=GALE%7CA175071673&mode=view  "Silk." World Book Student. 2010. September 10, 2010. =ar510580&st=silk+making+in+china =ar510580&st=silk+making+in+china

10  "Silk." World of Invention. Gale, 2006. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. tailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGr oupName=K12- Reference&prodId=SUIC&action=e&windowst ate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CC V1647500703&mode=view tailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGr oupName=K12- Reference&prodId=SUIC&action=e&windowst ate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CC V1647500703&mode=view  “Traditional Silk Making Today.” Vimeo. November, 2009. September 20, 2010.

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