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INCO 3739 Integrating Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones with Emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries Administrative Session 15th March, 2007, Grand.

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Presentation on theme: "INCO 3739 Integrating Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones with Emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries Administrative Session 15th March, 2007, Grand."— Presentation transcript:

1 INCO 3739 Integrating Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones with Emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries Administrative Session 15th March, 2007, Grand Plaza Hotel, La Paz, Mexico Prepared by Silvia Opitz

2 INCO 3739 Topics 1.Refunding of travel expenses (WP11) 2. Second project year´s reporting 3. Other budget matters 4. Audit certificates

3 INCO 3739 1. Refunding of travel expenses to workshop participants by WP 11 Accomodation paid directly to Grand Plaza hotel by IfM-GEOMAR. Per diems paid in cash to participants upon workshop registration. Other costs (air fare, ground transport, visa fees, etc.) to be claimed by participants after the workshop

4 INCO 3739 Refund only against receipts addressed to you or to IfM-GEOMAR (except for automatic receipts and taxi receipts) + completed expense claim. Form for claiming travel expenses available for download at – documents – expense claim. Workshop participants are kindly requested to submit their completed expense claim forms immediately after the workshop to IfM-GEOMAR together with the relevant documentation (= receipts).

5 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.1 Reports to the European Commission - 1st semi-annual report due in November 05 (scientific only); - 1st annual report due in June 2006 (scientific and financial); - 2nd semi-annual report due in November 2006 (scientific only); - 2nd annual report due in June 2007 (scientific and financial); - 3rd semi-annual report due in November 2007 (scientific only); - 3rd annual report due in June 2008 (scientific and financial). - Final report covering 3 years project duration due in July 2008 (scientific and financial). Reports in green available at - About us – Progress Reports

6 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.2 Form C and how to complete it. IfM-GEOMAR will provide individually pre-filled forms C to each contractor by the end of April 2007. Make sure the figures are correct. Enter figures only under „RTD activities“ and „Total“. Do not enter figures under „management activities“. Do not calculate more than 20% overheads for AC and FCF model. Make sure to forward us the Form C signed by the a)Person in charge for the work and b) Financial official. Make sure Form C is stamped with the stamp of your organization.

7 INCO 3739 2) Second year´s reporting 2.3 Special case of invalid Forms C for 1st reporting period. What to do? Include costs into Form C of 2nd year under „ adjustments to previous periods“.

8 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.4 70% Threshold of Spending 70% of your second pre-payment should have been spent by the end of the 2nd reporting period (30th April 2007). a)To avoid the need to prepare and submit a supplementary management report. b) To speed up the process for the 3rd pre- payment.

9 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.5 Management report Your input to the „Cost Categories“ table: a) Provide figures of expenses during the 2nd year for each cost category (incl. indirect costs). b) Try to avoid to open cost categories not included for your institution in the original budget table. c) If you open a new cost category provide a sound explanation on the necessity to be included into the management report.

10 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.5 Management report Your input to the „Person Months“ table: Provide no. of planned person months and number of actual person months for the 2nd project year.

11 INCO 3739 2. Second year´s reporting 2.5 Management report Your input to the „ Staff Statistics“ table: Provide indication on the composition of your staff financed by INCOFISH funds.

12 INCO 3739 3. Other Budget matters How to get the full grant from the Commission? Answer: By spending it! Final payment only after submitting a valid final form C and a valid audit certificate. Final payment a few months after the end of project.

13 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate 1 audit certificate is requested by the European Commission for each contractor in INCOFISH. This audit certificate has to be provided by the end of the project together with the final cost statements covering the entire project duration. Note: All EC monies are advances until the audit certificates at the end of the project are provided and approved by the Commission.

14 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate What is an „audit certificate“? A document provided by an external or internal auditor certifying that the costs claimed during the 3 years of INCOFISH meet the requirements established by the contract with the European Commission.

15 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate Purpose of an audit certificate? To give the European Commission reasonable assurance that eligible costs charged under INCOFISH are claimed by the contractors in accordance with the relevant legal and financial provisions of the FP6 model contract.

16 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate What does „reasonable assurance“ mean? It is an accounting expression meaning a high degree of confidence that the given information is valid and unaltered.

17 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate Where to find guidelines on the preparation of an audit certificate? In „Audit Certificate Working Notes 6th Framework Programme Working Notes for Contractors and Certifying Entities“ Available for download at (About us – INCOFISH documents)

18 INCO 3739 4. Audit certificate How to claim costs for an audit certificate? Costs to be covered by the coordinating institution. Will be paid directly to the auditor or to your institution upon submission of an original invoice to IfM-GEOMAR. Note: Your audit costs have to be indicated in YOUR FINAL Form C under „costs for audit certificates“.

19 INCO 3739


21 Thank you for your attention!

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