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1 PROGRAM PLANNING Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training By: Mike Minello SM Troop 251.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PROGRAM PLANNING Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training By: Mike Minello SM Troop 251."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PROGRAM PLANNING Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training By: Mike Minello SM Troop 251

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3 3 Learning Objectives Guide your Troop in developing annual program plans and stick to them. Involve Scouts in planning a troop’s program, feeling invested in it, and taking responsibility for bringing it to life. Understand how the planning process connects activities with the values of Scouting. Resources available that help conduct effective troop program planning.

4 4 Resources: The Scoutmaster Handbook Chapter 8 Troop Program Features, Vol I, II, & III Troop Program Resources BSA Video “Troop Program Planning” The Boy Scout Handbook

5 5 Program Planning Why is planning important for carrying out an effective troop program?

6 6 Answers An annual planning meeting encourages troop leaders to explore a wide range of program opportunities. Too often, a troop’s program is planned by adults and offered to the boys: Adults should support and coach from the background

7 7 Planning - Two forms to ensure the best possible program: Annual long-range planning Attended by the patrol leaders’ council, the Scoutmaster, and other key adults Monthly short-term planning

8 8 Annual Troop Program Planning Creates stability for the troop Increases Scout participation Allows Scoutmaster to give the boys much of the leadership of meetings and activities Develops a coherent and inviting troop program

9 9 The Five Steps of Annual Troop Program Planning 1. Do your homework. 2. Get patrol input. 3. Hold a planning conference. 4. Consult with the troop committee. 5. Announce the plan.

10 10 Your Primary Planning Tools Troop Program Features Troop Program Resources Troop program support Council calendar Other calendars

11 11 Step One: Do your homework Evaluate the past year’s activities Gather dates of BSA district, council, community, church, school, personal life, etc. that could affect troop activites Review advancement status of troop members What are patrol priorities for the troop Prepare an outline of the annual program Review the plan with the Senior Patrol Leader

12 12 Step Two: Get Patrol Input The Senior Patrol Leader shares the outline of the annual program plan to the patrol leader’s council Patrol Leaders presents plan to his patrol for discussion Senior Patrol Leader leads troop members in a discussion of choices, then offers opportunity to vote The patrol leaders’ council and other key troop leaders are ready to meet

13 13 Step Three: Hold a Troop Program Planning Conference The heart of determining a troop’s activities for the coming six months or year Should be attended by: Senior Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Patrol Leaders Troop Guide Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters Junior Assistant Scoutmasters

14 14 The Troop Planning Conference

15 15 Troop Program Planning Conference Agenda 1.Conduct Team-building activity 2.Review methods and objectives 3.Develop Troop goals 4.Consider major calendar events 5.Consider suggested program features 6.Vote on list of program features 7.Fill in Troop Planning Work Sheet 8.Discuss and schedule repeat events and program events 9.Finalize Troop Planning Work Sheet

16 16 Team-building Activity “Scouting is a game with a purpose” Robert Baden-Powell

17 17 Troop Program Planning Conference Agenda Will the Program Features help the Troop reach it’s GOALS? What are the opportunities for ADVANCEMENT? Where does it best fit the annual calendar? Will it be exciting for all ages of Scouts? How does it incorporate the VALUES of Scouting?

18 18 Planning Items to Consider Boards of review Courts of honor Year-round recruiting plan Webelos-to-Scout transition Monthly Activities Service /Conservation project Troop Leadership Training

19 19 Troop Program Features Volume One Aquatics, Athletics,Backpacking, Boating/Canoeing, Business, Camping, Citizenship, Communications, Cooking, Cultural Awareness, Emergency Preparedness, Engineering Volume Two Environment, First Aid, Fishing, Forestry, Health Care, High Adventure, Hiking, Hobbies, Leadership, Mechanics, Nature, Orienteering Volume Three Physical Fitness, Pioneering, Public Service, Safety, Science, Shooting, Special Cooking, Sports, Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Wildlife Management, Winter Camping

20 20 Patrol planning exercise: Outline a FIVE month Troop program using the material we have discussed in this session, the Troop Program Features (vol I, II, and III), The Scoutmaster Handbook and the Troop Planning Worksheet. Give a brief report to the (training) Troop

21 21 Step Four: Consult with the Troop Committee Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster present the plan to the Committee The Committee lends it’s support but retains the right of refusal if plan is unsafe or unwise Committee reviews plan monthly to determine how they can best support it Scoutmaster delegates parts to assistants to provide guidance and accountability

22 22 Step Five: Announce the Troop’s Annual Plan Announce the Annual Plan Distribute photocopies to troop members, parents, committee, chartered organization. Publicize Good for member planning, keeps parents and committee aware, it’s an effective recruitment tool (newspaper - troop newsletter - troop web site - council newsletter - chartered organization publications - school publications and bulletin boards)

23 23 Implementing the Troop Program Consult with the Troop committee Announce the Troop’s Annual Program Publicize the Troop’s Annual Program Monthly Troop Program Planning at the Patrol Leaders’ Council Meeting Sequencing of Adult leader Meetings Weekly Review by Senior Patrol Leader

24 24 Planning - Two forms to ensure the best possible program: Annual long-range planning Attended by the patrol leaders’ council, the Scoutmaster, and other key adults Monthly short-term planning

25 25 Scoutmaster Steps to ensure best possible program 1. Review annual plan (use Troop Program Features) 2. Attend Roundtables 3. Review themes/activities with assigned Asst. Scoutmasters 4. With S.P.L. draw up agenda for Patrol Leaders Council Meetings 5. Assist S.P.L. in conducting Patrol Leaders Council meetings

26 26 Scoutmaster Steps to ensure best possible program cont... 6. Use an written agenda so S.P.L. can fill in plans and events 7. Scoutmaster can share information from Troop Program Features and Roundtables etc. 8. Use Troop Meeting Plan Sheets 9. Work out the details

27 27 Sequencing of Adult Leader Meetings Roundtables Troop Committee Meetings Meetings with Assistant Scoutmasters Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

28 28 The Weekly Review After each meeting or activity of the troop Review activity just completed Go over plan for next event Make changes - A BOY LED PROGRAM -

29 29 Summary Scoutmasters who put energy into program planning will find their job as troop leaders much easier Use the BSA literature, specifically The Scoutmaster’s Handbook; Troop Program Features, Volumes I, II, and III; and Troop Program Resources

30 30 Questions ?

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