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Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS Perspectives on the Main Trends and Critical Governance Issues in the Public Sector.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS Perspectives on the Main Trends and Critical Governance Issues in the Public Sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS Perspectives on the Main Trends and Critical Governance Issues in the Public Sector Rolet LORETAN, IIAS Director General Astana, 2013

2 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Introduction I – Introducing IIAS –Aims and mission –Activities and governance structure and other II – IIAS Perspectives on the Main Trends and Critical Governance Issues in the Public Sector –Leadership and Professionalism –Innovation in the public sector –Coordination in the Public sector –Co-production of public services 2

3 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide 1. IIAS Background -Created in 1930 – non-profit organisation -IIAS: a worldwide platform providing a space for exchanges that promote knowledge and practices to improve the organization and operation of Public Administration; -Represented by more than 100 countries

4 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS aims and objectives promote the development of the administrative sciences ; provide a worldwide platform for exchanges between practitioners and academics ; establish a link between theoretical research and practice ; improve the organisation and operation of public administrations ; develop effective administrative methods and techniques ; contribute to the governance progress within the national and international administrations. 4

5 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide 6. IIAS Governance The General Assembly The Council of Administration The President The Director General and the Administrative Services The PRAC The Finance Committee The Publication Committee The Strategy Committee The IRAS Editorial Board

6 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS activities and services To realize its objectives, the IIAS implements the following actions: Organizes Annual International Congress, Conferences and meetings ; Sets up and manages Project and Study Groups on different key topics ; Publishes the IRAS (International Review of Administrative Sciences) ; Publishes books in several series for Public administration and Public Management ; Administrates a worldwide information network thanks to its «Knowledge Portal»; Publishes a Newsletter three times a year. 6

7 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide 8. IIAS entities and regional groups: IASIA, EGPA, LAGPA and AGPA To cover the diversity of its members, the IIAS has currently four sub-entities: The EGPA (European Group for Public Administration) The IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) The LAGPA (Latin American Group for Public Administration) The AGPA (Asian Group for Public Administration)

8 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide IIAS Knowledge Portal The knowledge portal is a communication platform on major issues of governance and the modern problems of governance. This is an information tool that allows keeping abreast of all developments and reforms in recent months in public administration. The knowledge portal also provides our community with information about our State members by region. Your contributions will be very welcome! 8

9 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Dialogues and special seminars TAD between Europe and America TED between West/East Europe MED European countries and Méditerranean Countries The African Forum The Regional Conference of IASIA on ‘Construction of Service Oriented Government: International Experiences and Practice in China’, ‘Performance evaluation: Internatonal Experiences and Practices in China’, ‘Common Chellanges for Government Self-Reform’

10 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide 5. IIAS Membership Seven members’ categories are proposed at IIAS: any State ; any Governmental International Organization established by a Treaty and comprised at least in part of Member States of IIAS ; any Non-Governmental International Organization ; National Sections - groups of professionally qualified individuals in member or non-member countries of IIAS; International Sections; Corporate Members - institutions or associations duly set up having activities in the field of public administration on the national, international, or regional levels; Honorary Members.

11 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Routes to future cooperation Developing a platform for Public Administration Preparing comparative analyses on key topics concerning Public Administration futures Using IIAS platform to put knowledge about your region: trends in Public Administration and Public Management Establishing New Dialogues Contributing to different projects Sharing innovative practices

12 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Major trends in Public Administration Leadership and professionnalism Innovation in Public Sector Coordination in the Public Sector Co-production of public services 12

13 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Leadership and professionalism The notion of leadership and its complexities Contextual complexity of leadership The differences in understanding leadership in private vs. public sector Different values and guiding models in different geographic areas IASIA-UNDESA Joint International Taskforce on Strengthening Public Administration and Leadership at Local Level 13

14 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Innovation in the public sector Innovation is a necessary condition for creating a competitive economy The resource limitations is pushing to come up with innovative solutions to ‘wicked problems’ Delivering innovative services in the public sector should be seen as an opportunity to break the political deadlock, reduce costs and improve services for citizens IIAS – OECD new collaborative initiative on Innovation in Public Sector 14

15 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Coordination in the public services Coordination is a deliberate alignment of tasks and efforts of public sector entities in order to generate greater coherence in public policy and reduce duplication, gaps and contradictions within and between policies The complexity of challenges vs. existing structure and models of organisations and institutions IIAS Knowledge Portal – special focus to this issue in collaboration with COCOPS group 15

16 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Co-production of public services Co-production of public services old concept revived The aims of the new IIAS study group are: – the increasing role of users in the production of public services globally; – the organization and structure of public services today; – the interaction between professionals and people using and co-producing services; – the ability and willingness of citizens to engage in co- production; – the potential benefits and adverse effects of citizen involvement in the production of public service. 16

17 Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide Thank you for your attention! IIAS Rue Defacqz, 1 bte 11 B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel : +32 2 536 08 80 Fax : +32 2 537 97 02 E-mail: 17

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