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Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–1 This.

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1 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–1 This is the prescribed textbook for your course. Available NOW at your campus bookstore!

2 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–2 Providing Leadership  Topics Discussed:Chapter 4 Leadership –What is leadership? –Ideas about leadership –What does a leader do? –Situational leadership Interviewing –Planning an interview –Asking the ‘right’ questions –Structuring the interview –Directive and non-directive interviewing –Note taking during interviews –Managing workplace interviews –Avoiding interview pitfalls

3 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–3 What is leadership?  Leadership involves deciding what is to be done, whereas management involves planning how it will be done.  Leadership is about the big picture—setting the vision. Management is about how we are going to achieve that vision.

4 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–4 Ideas about leadership  The trait approach The ‘Great Person’ theory  The critical situation approach The ‘Great Moment’ theory  The interaction approach Right person in the right place at the right time Is it possible to learn to be a leader?

5 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–5 Five practices of exemplary leadership PracticeCommitment Challenge the process Search for opportunities Experiment and take risks Inspire a shared vision Envision the future Enlist others Enable others to act Foster collaboration Strengthen others Model the way Set the example Achieve small wins Encourage the heart Recognise contributions Celebrate accomplishments From Kouzes, James and Posner, Barry (1995) The leadership challenge, San Francisco, Ca: Jossey-Bass Inc

6 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–6 Situational leadership

7 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–7 Leadership styles Low people focus High people focus High task focus ‘Directive’ leadership style Suitable for people with low experience ‘Coaching’ leadership style Suitable for people with low to moderate experience Low task focus ‘Delegating’ leadership style Suitable for people with high experience ‘Supporting’ leadership style Suitable for people with moderate to high experience

8 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–8 Interviewing  Successful interviews share many of the qualities of good conversation  Interviews differ from conversation in that you will: Aim to gather specific information or solve a problem Establish the purpose and aims in advance Plan and structure the time frame Control and direct the flow of information

9 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–9 Planning an interview  Think of the interview as a face-to-face discussion for which you need to plan ahead  Prepare a non-threatening environment that is free of interruptions and is appropriate for a private conversation

10 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–10 Asking the ‘right’ questions Each interview should consist of four types of questions

11 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–11 Interview structure IntroductionBodyConclusion Establish rapport Outline the purpose Explain the process Establish and confirm facts Clarify and discuss opinions Probe for information Negotiate action Summarise key points Offer opportunity to ask questions Explain next steps

12 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–12 Directive and non-directive interviews  Directive interviews focus on gathering specific information  Non-directive interviews focus more on problem solving and sharing information

13 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–13 Managing workplace interviews  Information-gathering interviews  Performance appraisals  Discipline interviews  Recruitment interviews

14 Copyright  2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPT t/a Communication for Business by Access Series Slides prepared by TAFE NSW—Access Division 4–14 Avoiding interview pitfalls  The following are needed to achieve the best possible results: Clear goals Fair and thorough processes Empathy Intuition Well-developed communication skills

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