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Slide 1ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Presentation Skills Diana Adorno.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Presentation Skills Diana Adorno."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Presentation Skills Diana Adorno

2 Slide 2ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Reasons for Learning Presentation Skills University Graduate Attributes Assessment – Assignments 1 & 2 Industry Sales In-house technical communication Proposals Reporting to meetings Reporting from conferences

3 Slide 3ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Overview Marking criteria Planning a presentation Judging a presentation PowerPoint tips Good and bad examples

4 Slide 4ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Presentation marking criteria On time – 10-12 minutes Overheads Legible Good title/opening Synopsis included Clear background Simple slide transition Spell-checked Structure Meets requirements listed in assignment instructions Content organisation Style Voice volume Eye contact Face audience Content Knowledge of subject Appropriate depth

5 Slide 5ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Planning a Presentation Thinking about your audience Who are they? What do they want to find out? What message do you want to leave your audience with? What level do you pitch at? How much time do you have? Physical location Lights Position Method (computer presentation, overheads, no props)

6 Slide 6ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Structuring the Presentation Similar to an essay Beginning – Middle - End Beginning Establishing rapport Provide an overview of what you will say Middle Tell your story Conclusion Say what you have said

7 Slide 7ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Process of Content Organisation 1.List all you know about the topic 2.Eliminate things your audience should already know 3.Identify the key points 4.Organise these into a logical order 5.Condense information to key words and phrases

8 Slide 8ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Giving a Presentation Confidence and timing Rehearsal Arrive early and set up But not too early! Reading vs. ad-lib Voice projection

9 Slide 9ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Attention Spans 10 minutes Intersperse other activities if appropriate Interact with the audience

10 Slide 10ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 What Makes a Good Presentation? Structure/ Organization Substance/ Content Presentation/ Delivery Activity

11 Slide 11ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Power Point Tips 1-3 minutes per slide Font size as large enough for room size Generally 32pt for heading, 28pt for body Include up to six points per slide

12 Slide 12ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Style Tips Use of images only when appropriate Use clipart sparingly, if at all Google image library is a good source. - click ‘Images’ Build up complex diagrams Though not too slowly

13 Slide 13ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Example diagram build up

14 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

15 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project

16 A Model for Evaluation of Learning Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data

17 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

18 Slide 18ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Diagrams Alternative way to handle complex diagrams Use banding Ensure that the audience has a copy so they can follow it

19 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

20 Slide 20ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Drawing tips Use a sans serif font inside shapes Line up shapes For different size shapes, line up the tops or outer edges Control the angle of the lines – make them 90 or 45 degrees (Shift + drag) Consider the contrast of the fill colour to the content Use the nudge feature for micro-adjustments Ok Better Ok Better Ok

21 Slide 21ICT 327 Management of IT ProjectsSemester 1, 2005 Summary Think about your audience Ensure you meet the requirements of the presentation Practice, practice, practice Keep the presentation material simple unless it needs to be complex.

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