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Genre Morphs (Visual Rhetoric & Analysis, Images of Innovation, Imagination, & Creativity) By: Ashley Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "Genre Morphs (Visual Rhetoric & Analysis, Images of Innovation, Imagination, & Creativity) By: Ashley Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genre Morphs (Visual Rhetoric & Analysis, Images of Innovation, Imagination, & Creativity) By: Ashley Martin

2 Reflective Introduction When I look at a picture, I rarely stop and truly examine the picture. Most of the time, I gaze at the image for a few seconds, and move on. More than likely, I did not gain anything from viewing the image other than a little entertainment. After completing this project, I would like to argue that the statement, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is actually true. Most pictures offer a lot more than just entertainment. By truly examining a picture, one can try to understand what the picture is trying to communicate. This form of communication is called visual rhetoric. I would argue that most pictures are trying to communicate a message. By thoroughly examining a picture, one can discover the true message underlying the picture. Visual rhetoric can be more insightful than written rhetoric because it allows room for interpretation. Written rhetoric simply states information, but visual rhetoric allows the viewer to think deeply and form his or her own interpretations. In some cases, visual rhetoric also allows the viewer to understand the message more clearly than written rhetoric. My ten images represent the theme of innovation. To me, innovation means creating new and great ideas that work better than previous ideas. Some synonyms for innovation include: invention, improvement, and embellishment. Ideas of today will be old news tomorrow. I think it is important to step back and look at innovation in our world. Our world is constantly changing and new ideas are being presented daily. Without innovation, we would still be living in a literally “dark” world. I think it is helpful to look back on innovation to see how much our world has changed.

3 The three words innovation, creativity, and imagination are all very similar. Someone with an imaginative mind creates a new and innovative product. This is how the process of innovation takes place. Throughout my project, I found myself interested in technological innovation. All ten of my images somehow reflect technological changes within the world. Some of the images are current examples of innovation. For example, the Audi and the iPhones are current innovative products. Other images in my project were innovative products of their time. For example, the atomic bomb was innovative for the 1940’s, and the Titanic was innovative in the early 1900s. When looking at my project, it is important to recognize the difference between these images. Also, some of the images may not be very interesting to everyone. Personally, I would argue that all of the images are great examples of technological innovation so therefore are great images for this project. Many of the graphics pertained to my life. Images that pertained to my life include the iPhone 5S (Image #7), the flat screen Apple computer (Image #4), and the Whale Plane (Image #6). Both my laptop and cell phone are Apple products. I remember a time when I had a small flip-phone, and it is interesting to look how far cellular technology has changed. I also really liked the Whale Plane graphic because it is an example of a potential innovative aircraft. I travel often and I could picture myself traveling in the Whale Plane one day. The Whale Plane graphic was most helpful to me in learning more about visual rhetoric. After completing my paradigm for this graphic, I was able to recognize the graphic is trying to communicate a message to the viewer. The creator of the graphic wanted to portray the message that this Whale Plane is a really cool looking aircraft and is totally different from any other aircraft today. In reality, the Whale Plane may not actually look this way.

4 As I mentioned above, the paradigm helped me understand the message of the image more clearly. I really like using the paradigm method because it allowed me to further explore the image. The paradigm asked for detailed information, which I had to think about, and it asked for potential bias. I found that discovering potential bias are very important because the potential bias can alter the message of the image. Morphing the original genre also helped me understand the images more clearly. I found that in morphing the image genre, I was able to better describe the objects of the images. For example, the image allows you to perceive the object of the image in a certain way. With the WordArt genre, I was able to further describe the object of the image to learn more. I think this is important when once again identifying the message of the image. Overall, I found this project very insightful. I discovered that it is really important to thoroughly examine certain images when trying to discover the image’s message. It is hard to determine the visual rhetoric behind an image without deep exploration of the image. I am glad that I was able to practice with the paradigm and trace methods because I will definitely use those methods in the future for both visual and written rhetoric purposes. I hope that by looking at my project, the viewer is able to understand the messages behind these innovative images. Always remember, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

5 Image #1

6 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Pink Audi (Image #1) Bibliographic Citation: Pink Audi. N.d. Photograph. World News Press. World News Press, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Topic: Automobile Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Google Images Found How: I searched pink Audi on Google Search. Why Select This Image? I like the color and it a very advanced car, technologically wise. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows how far automobiles have came since they were invented in the 20s and how innovated our world has become. Why Do You State So? Cars are an excellent example of innovation and change. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

7 Genre Morph #1

8 Genre Morph Explanation Form ~ Image Title: Pink Audi IMAGE: Image #1 Original Genre: Photograph Revised Genre: WordArt Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is a WordArt creation made using The creation is a collage of words describing the Audi in the original photograph. Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: The words describe the pink Audi in the original photograph. I used words that clearly came to my mind while observing the original image. Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new genre is different because it more clearly describes the object of the photograph. The photograph is only a visual piece which allows for personal interpretation, but the WordArt further describes the object of the photograph. The original image allows for visual interpretation, but the WordArt allows the viewer to further understand the object of the image. Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: I think the message changes. Like I mentioned above, the WordArt further describes the objects of the image. There is less room for interpretation with the WordArt. The message behind the photograph is that this car is cool looking. The message behind the WordArt explains there is much more to the car other than it’s good looks.

9 Image #2

10 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Fitness Trackers (Image #2) Bibliographic Citation: Fitness Trackers. N.d. Photograph. Livescience, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Topic: Fitness Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining/informative Found Where: Found How: Google searched fitness watches Why Select This Image? It shows how we can now track calories and other fitness data with a watch. Very cool and interesting. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? The people whom created these watches are very innovated and were thinking “out of the box” to create new and improved ways to track calories to help people with their health. Why Do You State So? I think it’s a big step in monitoring health. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological and health innovation.

11 Image #3

12 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Atomic Bomb (Image #3) Bibliographic Citation: Atomic Bomb. N.d. Photograph. Fred Blonsky. WordPress, 11 May 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. Topic: Military Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Google Images Found How: I searched atomic bombs on Google. Why Select This Image? I believe it’s one of the greatest innovations in American history. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows how far our world had changed. We came from a time when we used small guns for protection and fighting. At the time of the atomic bomb, our world had become so different we could now easily end a war. The image screams innovation and new ideas created to protect our country. It shows innovation can honestly change the world. Why Do You State So? The image is awesome. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Example of new, innovative ideas

13 Image #4

14 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Apple & Balloons (Image #4) Bibliographic Citation: Happy Birthday Apple. N.d. Photograph. Investor Place. Investor Place Media, 24 Jan. 2014.Web.10Feb.2014.. Topic: Technological Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): graphic Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Investor Place Found How: While searching Google images Why Select This Image? It’s the most recent Apple computer, the most innovative computer to date…in my opinion. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows the most innovative computer to date. Large screen, great picture. Why Do You State So? Our computer technology has changed so much since the first computer and this is an awesome example of innovation. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

15 Trace: Apple & Balloons Text: The image is a graphic of an Apple desktop computer. The computer screen has different colored balloons, symbolizing Apple’s 30 th birthday. The image is unique because it is simple and very powerful. The image shows that the computer is very sleek. I think the image is more celebratory than argumentative. Reader: The intended audience is probably Apple users who visit Yes, I am part of this intended audience. All of my technological products are Apple so the image appeals to me. Author: The creator of the image probably creates graphics often for Apple. The image was created as an attribute to Apple’s 30 th birthday. The image was juxtaposed beside an image of an early Apple computer, so this image shows how far the computers for Apple have developed in 30 years. Constraints: The creator is trying to celebrate Apple’s 30 th birthday while also maintaining Apple’s “simplicity” image. I’m obviously influenced by the image because I am an Apple user, while other non-Apple users may not think the image is powerful. Exigence: The image was created to celebrate Apple’s 30 th birthday and to show far how the company has developed in 30 years.

16 Image #5

17 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: First Apple (Image #5) Bibliographic Citation: First Apple. N.d. Photograph. Ars Technica, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Topic: Apple Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): graphic Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Ars Technica website Found How: Google image searched first Apple computer Why Select This Image? It shows the first Apple computer, and a new technological advancement for its time. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows the first Apple computer, which was very innovative for the time it was introduced. Why Do You State So? No other computer like this had no been invented yet. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

18 Image #6

19 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Whale Plane (Image #6) Bibliographic Citation: Whale Plane. N.d. Photograph. CNN. Cable News Network, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Topic: Transportation Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): graphic Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining/informative Found Where: Found How: While searching Why Select This Image? It shows a new idea of a plane, which has not been introduced before. Aircraft innovation is not something ever I pay attention too so I thought it would be interesting to investigate. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows how far planes have come in the world since the early 1900s. It’s a very innovative plane and is different than any previous plane, therefore innovative. Why Do You State So? It’s new and different. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

20 Paradigm: Whale Plane Piece: The image is a graphic of a future “sky whale” plane. It was originally published on in an article titled “Sky Whale design brings future of flying closer.” It was published recently on January 21, 2014. The main point is to present an idea of a futuristic plane made to be safer and more efficient than current planes. Agent: Oscar Viñals is the creator of the image. He is a Spanish professional industrial and graphic designer and aviation enthusiast. He has a website through “Bēhance” which he can be contacted. Receiver: The primary audience of this image is the online viewers of The image was located under the “Travel” section, so the primary audience is probably adults whom are interested in traveling. The audience could also be people who are interested in aviation and technology. I could be part of the intended audience, considering I like to travel and could be impacted by the future use of this new aircraft. Because I do not know much about aviation technology, I believe that this aircraft could actually be realistic but professionals may believe the aircraft could never actually be implemented into use.

21 Agenda: The bias presented is that the creator of the image obviously wanted the aircraft to look new, exciting, and different to catch the viewer’s interest. In reality, the aircraft may not actually look that way. Demands: The piece urges the invention of this new aircraft. If this aircraft were invented, then flying would become safer and “greener.” Inquiries: I want to know if this aircraft is actually going to be created. How would it work? Would it be faster than normal planes? In what ways would it be different than today’s aircrafts? I do think this image is trying to manipulate to viewer. As I mentioned in the agenda, the creator of the image is trying to appeal to the viewer with a “new” and “cool” aircraft. But, I think the source is reliable and this aircraft could actually be created. Gains: I gained knowledge about a potential future aircraft. I enjoy traveling, so it’s interesting to think about how I could possibly be riding in one of these aircrafts at some point in my life. Motivators: The agent created the piece to show the world a new aviation idea that he would probably make lots of money off of.

22 Image #7

23 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Apple iPhone (Image #7) Bibliographic Citation: Apple IPhone. N.d. Photograph. CNN. Cable News Network, 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Topic: Cellular Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Found How: While searching Why Select This Image? It shows the latest iPhone 5S that Apple has released. I think they are the ultimate example of innovation. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows how far cell phones have came in the last 20 years. The old phones used to be huge, bulky, and simple. These new phones are small, lightweight, and really technologically advanced. Everything about the phone is innovative. Why Do You State So? The phones have changed so much and have developed so many new tools that are really cool and helpful. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

24 Genre Morph #2

25 Genre Morph Explanation Form ~ Image Title: Apple iPhone IMAGE: Image #7 Original Genre: Photograph Revised Genre: WordArt Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is a WordArt creation made using The creation is a collage of words describing the iPhones in the original photograph. Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: The words describe the new iPhone 5S which was recently released by Apple. The words represent uses of the phone, physical descriptions of the phone, and opinions about the phone. Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new genre is different because it more clearly describes the objects of the photograph. The photograph is only a visual piece which allows for personal interpretation, but the WordArt further describes the objects of the photograph. The WordArt also describes the object of image in ways that you could not discover just by looking at the image. Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: I think the message changes. Like I mentioned above, the WordArt further describes the objects of the image. There is less room for interpretation with the WordArt. The message of the image is that this phone has a new and innovative look, while the message of the WordArt explains how the phone is technologically innovative in other ways.

26 Image #8

27 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Titanic (Image #8) Bibliographic Citation: Titanic. N.d. Photograph. Cruising The Past. Cruising The Past, 2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Topic: Boat Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Google Images Found How: I thought of the Titanic on my own and then Google searched images. Why Select This Image? It’s a very interesting picture, taken at a nice angle. Also, the Titanic itself is a very innovative creation. It was the greatest and largest boat of it’s time. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows a great and new invention of the time. By 1912, no other boat had been created that was this large and extravagant. The boat was very innovation for its time. Why Do You State So? I know from history that the boat was the greatest of its time. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Technological innovation.

28 When the steerage passengers came aboard the Titanic, they only wanted to cross the Atlantic. These people had sold everything but their soul, to reach America, the ultimate goal. They were thankful for a room below, never suspecting the danger of being that low. And on the dreadful night, fifteenth of April, the great ship met the iceberg's peril. No one thought it necessary that the poor be warned, for no one in first class should have to mourn. The steerage people were assured nothing was wrong- yet all the lifeboats had already gone. The Fate of Steerage Genre Morph #3 (Extra)

29 Genre Morph Explanation Form ~ Image Title: Titanic IMAGE: Image #8 Original Genre: Photograph Revised Genre: Poetry Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is a poem written by an unidentified author. The poem is about the lower-class passengers of the Titanic. Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: The new genre allows for further examination of the Titanic. The photo allows the viewer to create their own assumptions about the ship, but the poem examines more details of the life of the ship. Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new genre tells a story about certain passengers aboard the ship. While the photograph does not give much detail, the poem actually describes the fate of the ship and certain passengers. The viewer is able to visually see the ship in the photograph, but the poem allows the viewer to understand the ship. Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: The message definitely changes. Because of the photograph, the viewer may think the Titanic was an innovative and beautiful ship. Once the viewer reads the poem, they begin to realize the photograph of the ship does not tell the complete story.

30 Image #9

31 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Hearing Aid (Image #9) Bibliographic Citation: Hearing Aid. N.d. Photograph. MedGadget. MedGadgetLLC, 7 Jan. 2011. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Topic: Medical Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive Found Where: Google Images Found How: I searched medical innovation and came across the photo. Why Select This Image? It’s a great example of how medical technology has assisted disabled people. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? It shows how far medical technology has come. The hearing aid allows for those with impaired hearing to hopefully hear well. The hearing aid is innovative and introduced something new and helpful into society. Why Do You State So? We had nothing like this before the hearing aid was introduced. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Medical innovation.

32 Image #10

33 Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Medical Robot (Image #10) Bibliographic Citation: Medical Robot. N.d. Photograph. ASME. ASME International, Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Topic: Medical Innovation Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive/informative Found Where: Found How: I searched medical innovations and came across 5 top medical innovations. This was one of the pictures. Why Select This Image? I’ve never seen anything like this before. The image is very interesting and different. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? A robot used for medical purposes is a new creation and therefore very innovative. It allows for more pressing matters to be dealt with by actual humans and possibly vital tests to be taken by the robot. Why Do You State So? A medical robot has never been used before. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Medical innovation.

34 Pink Audi. N.d. Photograph. World News Press. World News Press, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Fitness Trackers. N.d. Photograph. Livescience, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Atomic Bomb. N.d. Photograph. Fred Blonsky. WordPress, 11 May 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. Happy Birthday Apple. N.d. Photograph. Investor Place. Investor Place Media, 24 Jan. 2014.Web.10Feb.2014.. First Apple. N.d. Photograph. Ars Technica, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Apple IPhone. N.d. Photograph. CNN. Cable News Network, 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Whale Plane. N.d. Photograph. CNN. Cable News Network, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.. Titanic. N.d. Photograph. Cruising The Past. Cruising The Past, 2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Hearing Aid. N.d. Photograph. MedGadget. MedGadgetLLC, 7 Jan. 2011. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Medical Robot. N.d. Photograph. ASME. ASME International, Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.. Bibliography

35 What did my peers think of my images?

36 Practice Peer Review


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