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2 WHAT IS STUDY SYNC Study Sync is a learning management system (LMS) that promotes reading, writing, and critical thinking (Study Sync. 2012, para. 2). Some of the features include a digital library, online writing, and peer review, common core assignments, and assessments. Study Sync also provides a weekly writing practice (Study Sync, 2012). The web link for Study Sync is -

3 FOUR STAGES OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT Need – the innovation development process often begins with a problem that stimulates research and development activities (Rogers, 2003, p. 137). Research – consists of basic and applied research where knowledge applies to practical problems (Rogers, 2003, p. 137). Development – the process of putting a new idea in a form that meets the needs of an audience of potential adopters (Rogers, 203, p. 146). Commercialization – the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing and distributing of a product that embodies an innovation (Rogers, 2003, p. 152).

4 THE NEED FOR STUDY SYNC What problem or need exists to give rise to the innovation? In today’s world, engaging students is becoming increasingly difficult. Teachers have a need to use technology that engages students without sacrificing key educational goals. Study Sync provides students with literacy skills for 21 st century learners, skills for common core learning, flexible access, and multiple ways for teachers to provide differentiated activities.

5 THE NEED FOR STUDY SYNC CONTINUED What problem or need exists to give rise to the innovation continued? At the Middle School level, it is becoming increasingly challenging to provide students with challenging courses in higher – level Math and Foreign Language courses. The 38 Middle Schools within the county rely on their cluster High School to provide higher level Math courses such as Algebra 2, Pre - Calculus and Foreign Language Level 3 courses in Spanish, and French. Schedulers at the Middle and High Schools arrange their Master Schedules so that Middle School students are able to take higher – level Math and Foreign Language courses at the cluster High School. The school system spends over $40,000.00 in expenses for transportation.

6 THE NEED FOR THE INNOVATION CONTINUED What problem or need exists to give rise to the innovation continued? Study Sync provides teachers with new instructional approaches that focus on higher levels of student engagement, personalized instruction, and real life, real time experiences are essential if higher academic goals are to be realized. Study Sync is the kind of “robust and relevant to the real world” tool that will help students make the transition to “success in college and careers” (Study Sync, 2012).

7 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED What research organization or people developed a solution to the problem or need? Study Sync is the flagship product of Book head Ed Learning, LLC, a content development company from creators Robert Romano and Jay King, along with renowned Harvard language arts educator James Moffett, of multiple award-winning EdVantage Software (Study Sync, 2012). The Company’s chief education advisor, Dr. Lawrence Baines, is Chair of the Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum department at the University of Oklahoma and a consultant to the National Council of English Teachers (“NCTE”). Experts from Harvard, UC Berkeley, MIT, and other top institutions also contribute to create a product that provides the highest level of academics through text-based lessons and collegiate- modeled collaboration (Study Sync, 2012).

8 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION What were their findings? Because many adolescents today avoid reading, their experiences with books and the bundle of skills, may not be fully develop. One of the biggest challenges for teachers in the 21st century is convincing students to spend their psychic energy on activities that are worthy of their time. Neuroscientists confirm that the activities a person chooses to pursue effect not only on the development of identity, but also on the physical structure of the brain. The brain continues to evolve, the plasticity of the brain is well established, contemporary researchers have begun to pinpoint changes in the brain through sophisticated imaging techniques. The brain requires activities that stimulate the intellect, builds connections, and makes success possible for increasingly challenging tasks. If the intellect is not stimulated, then the parts of the brain associated with rational thought will weaken (Study Sync, 2012).

9 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED What were the findings continued? Study Sync involves students in anxiety free, achievable, step-by-step tasks that build toward complexity over time. Images lead to reading, reading merges into writing, and writing promulgates more thinking and deeper reading. Study Sync continually updates it’s social network, highlights breaking news and “hot button” issues that are suitable for discussion, writing, and extended projects. Students receive text updates on new articles as well as the latest, greatest peer comments as they are posted (Study Sync, 2012). Study Sync develops from a rich research base that draws from the most current studies in pedagogy, learning, technology, and student engagement. Study Sync is built with today’s learners in mind.

10 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED What were the findings continued? The purpose of schooling, in a virtual setting is to engage students deeply in learning. Study Sync helps plant seeds of intellectual interest that will carry students into their next stages of education and work (Study Sync, 2012). Research shows that students need advanced reading ability as the key to the full range of ways for knowing. The global information economy now requires greater breadth and depth of skill in making meaning from what is expected of any previous American generation (Study Sync, 2012).

11 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED Who were the “lead thinkers” for the innovation, and how did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? Tony Wagner is the co – director of The Change Leadership Group, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He conducts a study of skills that students will need in the new global economy. The study involves asking businesses, and educational leaders what skills students will need to be good citizens. The responses from the professionals in the multiple organizations include Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration and Leadership Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination (Study Sync, 2012).

12 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED Who were the “lead thinkers” for the innovation, and how did they convince a manufacturer to produce it continued? Tony Wagner finds that most school programs only provide test preparation skills for students. His findings support other prestigious reports to suggest that students with average or greater reading ability are under prepared for the literacy demands from post – secondary work (Study Sync, 2012). Parents want their children to become excellent students. Students want to have opportunities to think, to create, to solve problems, and to find new ways to make friends. Business and nonprofit communities want schools to produce students who, upon entering their respective worlds, can think creatively (“outside the box”) and collaborate with colleagues. Study Sync designs a program to help all of this to happen. The goal is to engage students and scaffold their learning from their current interests to the many disciplines and types of communication they (Study Sync, 2012).

13 THE RESEARCH BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION CONTINUED Who were the “lead thinkers” for the innovation, and how did they convince a manufacturer to produce it continued? Learn Capital is a venture capital firm focusing exclusively on funding entrepreneurs with a vision for smarter learning. The company also provides the capital to produce Study Sync. Investment partners include Robert J. Hunter, Greg Mauro, and Tom Vander Ark (Study Sync, 2012).

14 THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF THE INNOVATION What problems does the innovation encounter in the development process? There are challenges in addressing remediation issues. Several years ago, researchers Briancarosa and Snow are able to find that seventy percent of older readers require some form of remediation. The remediation needs are due to problems with comprehension, including the ability to think critically and understand ways of knowing. At the core of Study Sync is an internet technological need for instruction. The program is customized and allows students to collaborate for information integrity in a highly digitalized and connected world. The solutions help leverage students with experience and intelligence.

15 THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF THE INNOVATION CONTINUED What problems does the innovation encounter in the development process continued? There are issues with providing advance curriculum for diverse learners. The solutions help advance students on a pathway to excellence. The advances sustain students through middle school, high school and college. The solutions include assessment, instruction, and integrated research – based lessons. The resources are able to provide students with levels of understanding, comprehension, and critical thinking across multiple subject areas. Students are able to interact with peers on Study Sync’s exclusive social network site (Study Sync, 2012).

16 THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF THE INNOVATION CONTINUED What problems does the innovation encounter in the development process continued? There are issues with student motivation. Study Sync helps build student interests and prepare them for distinction and success. Study Sync engages students and helps scaffold their learning from their areas of interest to the many disciplines and areas of discourse. Study Sync supports the demands by both higher education and work – force literacy requirements (Study Sync, 2012).

17 THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF THE INNOVATION CONTINUED Who is the intended audience for the innovation? The audience for Study Sync includes innovative secondary level teachers. The teachers are innovative in wanting to explore in communicating with their students through technological channels. Middle School students taking higher level courses in Math and Foreign Language are also part of the target audience. The students seek motivation in meeting curriculum challenges. Study Sync allows learners to engage in global conversations about topics that affect them (Study Sync, 2012).

18 COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE INNOVATION Describe the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of the innovation. Study Sync’s electronic course room models a college – level academic discourse. Study Sync uses standards – based online learning curriculum to target classic and modern literary texts in multimodal ways using a variety of digital media including broadcast quality video, animation, audio readings, and images. Study Sync helps frame writing and thinking activities by social networking tools and collaborative discussions with peers. The innovation helps motivate middle and high school students with pre – writing exercises, writing prompts, plus opportunities for students to post their work, and review their work with others (Study Sync, 2012).

19 COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE INNOVATION CONTINUED Describe the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of the innovation continued. Study Sync assembles an online team of educators, designers, developers, and programmers that create a best in class offering for educators and students. The management team, academic advisors, and executive advisors support students with achieving their academic goals.

20 FIVE STAGES OF THE INNOVATION – DECISION PROCESS Knowledge - occurs when an individual or decision – making unit gets exposure to an innovation’s existence along with an understanding of how the innovation functions (Rogers, 2003, p. 169). Persuasion – occurs when an individual or decision – making unit forms either a favorable or unfavorable attitude towards the innovation (Rogers, 2003, p. 169). Decision – occurs when an individual or decision – making unit engages in activities that lead towards a choice to adopt or reject the innovation (Rogers, 2003, p. 169). Implementation – occurs when an individual or decision – making unit puts an idea to use (Rogers, 2003, p. 169). Confirmation – occurs when an individual or decision – making unit seeks reinforcement of an innovation – decision already made, but may reverse the previous decision if a conflicting message is given regarding the innovation (Rogers, 2003, p. 169).

21 KNOWLEDGE STAGE Study Sync motivates students to read, write and problem - solve at progressively higher levels. The program gives students what they need in the format they demand including: A Dynamic Digital Library Multi – Media Assignments in Reading, Writing, Peer review, and Discussion

22 PERSUASION STAGE Study Sync provides embedded literacy skills for 21 st century learners. Study Sync allows students to collaborate and enhance their learning skills. The lessons align with the new Common Core Standards of learning. Study Sync provides access for students anytime and anywhere. Study Sync provides multiple ways for teachers to differentiate instruction in order to develop appropriate responses to intervention. Study Sync provides multiple implementation models where teachers can integrate Study Sync with their existing lesson plans.

23 PERSUASION STAGE CONTINUED Helps increase student reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. The students will receive lessons that align with the Common Core Standards for both Middle and High School. Provides online and live webinars for support. Provides contact information for questions.

24 PERSUASION STAGE CONTINUED Study Sync provides a research based curriculum to support students with learning goals. All Middle School staff are interested in having students utilize technology. The school systems Department of Strategic Project Management and planning encourages Middle and High Schools to apply as a Phase School sto implement Study Sync.

25 DECISION STAGE The Board approves decision for the school systems Department of Strategic Project Management and Planning to coordinate the functions and operations to implement Six Phases of Study Sync between 2013 – 2018. The Department of Strategic Project Management and Planning selects five Middle Schools every school year to implement the first five phases of Study Sync each year. The Department of Strategic Project Management and Planning selects ten Middle School to implement the last phase of Study Sync.

26 IMPLEMENTATION STAGE Each Phase Middle School coordinates with the cluster High School to offer Study Sync classes in – (a) Algebra 2, (b) Pre – Calculus, (c) Spanish 3, and French 3. The Middle School Scheduler designates a room setting where the Middle School students taking the higher – level Math or Foreign Language Courses have access to a computer. Student performance comparison data on formative assessments using Study Sync and traditional methods will take place. Present quarterly findings on assessments during quarterly Administrative and Supervisory Board meetings.

27 CONFIRMATION STAGE The Department of Strategic Project Management and Planning will continue to set Phase models with Middle Schools that offer Study Sync. Continuous student performance with Study Sync comparisons will take place and will modify. Teacher roles and responsibilities will evolve and change with the use of Study Sync. The Department of Strategic Project Management and Planning will use results data from the Middle School Phase Models to develop Study Sync Phase models to implement at different High Schools. Continuous data trends will take place to monitor student progress with students who continuously receive Study Sync.

28 STUDY SYNC INNOVATION PROCESS TIMELINE Innovation Process Time Frame Knowledge Phase January 14, 2013 – June 17, 2013 Persuasion Phase June 17, 2013 – July 19, 2013 Decision Phase August 9, 2013 August 8, 2014 August 7, 2015 August 5, 2016 August 6, 2017 August 4, 2018 Implementation Phase August 26, 2013 – May 23, 2014 August 25, 2014 – May 22, 2015 August 24, 2015 – May 21, 2016 August 22, 2016 – May 19, 2017 August 21, 2017 – May 18, 2018 August 20, 2018 – May 17, 2019 Confirmation Phase May 29, 2014 – June 13, 2014 May 28, 2015 – June 12, 2015 May 26, 2016 – June 10, 2016 May 25, 2017 – June 9, 2017 May 24, 2018 – June 8, 2018 May 23, 2019 – June 7, 2019

29 THE S – CURVE FOR STUDY SYNC The time element of the diffusion process allows adopters to classify categories and to draw diffusion curves. The categories include (a) Innovators, (b) Early Adopters, (c) Early Majority, (d) Late Majority, and (e) Laggards (Rogers, 2003, p. 280). Innovators – are venturesome where their interests are in new ideas out of a local circle of peer networks (Rogers, 2003, p. 282). Early Adopters – are an integral part of the local social system (Rogers, 2003, p. 283). Early Majority – are members who adopt new ideas just before the average member of a system (Rogers, 2003, p. 283). Late Majority – are members who adopt new ideas after the average member of a system (Rogers, 2003, p. 234). Laggards – are the last member in a social system to adopt an innovation (Rogers, 2003, p. 284).



32 REFERENCES References StudySync. (2012). What is studysync. Retrieved from studysync/?ga-link=explore studysync/?ga-link=explore Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.


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