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The lives of psychologists A short introduction. Goals of psychologists »In any field, psychologists attempt to do the following: »Observe »Describe »Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "The lives of psychologists A short introduction. Goals of psychologists »In any field, psychologists attempt to do the following: »Observe »Describe »Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The lives of psychologists A short introduction

2 Goals of psychologists »In any field, psychologists attempt to do the following: »Observe »Describe »Explain »Predict »Control (especially for psychologists helping individuals)

3 What do psychologists do? 3 main avenues: »Research: working in universities and organizations to develop new knowledge and theories. »Clinical: working with patients. »Applied: utilizing psychology in an outside field, like sports or business.

4 A popular major! »1. Business administration »2. Psychology »3-10: Elementary education, Biology, Nursing, Education, English, Communications, Computer Science, Political Science.

5 A growing field! » science/psychologists.htm science/psychologists.htm » sunny.aspx sunny.aspx

6 Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist »To be a licensed psychologist, you must have a doctoral degree (3-8 years of training): »Ph.D, Psy.D, Ed.D »Psychiatrists are medical doctors who attended medical schools: M.D. (a medical doctor who can prescribe medication)

7 Common misconceptions »Only 1 in 3 psychologists work in private practice. The rest work in schools, hospitals, businesses, social agencies, and other organizations. »It is a diverse field with many opportunities! »And now, the Career Fair begins!

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