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College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2011-12 FY March 16, 2011 9/21/20151.

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Presentation on theme: "College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2011-12 FY March 16, 2011 9/21/20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2011-12 FY March 16, 2011 9/21/20151

2  Opening Remarks  South’s planning and budgeting process  State Budget  District Allocation is NOT finalized  Budget Development Timeline 9/21/20152

3 3

4 4  Fiscal Year Began July 1, 2010  Initial Budget Reduction($1,337,643)  Supplemental budget reduction ($761,663)  7% Tuition Increase $ 1,290,313 Net Reduction to State Budget ($808,993)

5  Maintenance of Effort did not save Higher Education  State Need Grant Reduction ◦ Seattle District ($1,372,939) ◦ South’s Share ($457,646) 9/21/20155

6 6 State General $17,862,10758.06% Tuition 9,307,65330.25% Worker Retraining 1,150,2663.74% Aerospace Apprenticeship 803,3612.61% Hospital Employee Educ. & Training 259,3290.84% Cost Recoveries 1,383,0924.50% Total: $30,765,808100.00% Carry Forward 2,789,685 TOTAL Operating: $33,555,493

7 Prioritize Infrastructure Support and Instruction:  Invest in staff positions that support students  Address recurring issue of inadequate IT support and outdated technology  Support request for all instructional positions Reduction in College Offerings:  Resources and capacity to accommodate increased enrollment are exhausted  Difficult alternative may be to cap enrollment, limit services, and/or cut programs  Develop strategic plan that address current enrollment increase and anticipate future enrollment decreases in an economic recovery Other Considerations:  New strategic plan that integrates creative solutions that stress innovation and efficiency 9/21/20157

8  Three new FTF positions ◦ Geology/Math ◦ Nursing ◦ Communication/English  Office Assistant Academic - Increase to 100%  Security Officer - New full time  Dean B&TS - Reinstate 100% on operating budget  Approved for Hire - Interim Associate Dean  Classified Increments Funded  NO Increase in cost recoveries  Operating Contingency Funded  50% Classified position transferred from resale 9/21/20158

9  NO Mandatory Furlough  NO Campus Layoffs  PTF Pool Funded to support enrollment  Retention Initiatives Funded  Benefits & Utilities are Fully Funded  Accreditation Process  Apprenticeship Contracts funded to support FTE allocation  $57,905 Of departmental cuts were reinstated 9/21/20159

10 10 Description Amount Total 2012 Base Allocation: $17,440,387 Budget Reduction (1,226,670) 3% Salary Reduction (551,489) Cap State Funding for TIAA-CREF @6% (333,429) Suspend PERS/TRS plan COLA (124,932) ERP Readiness Assessment (72,261) Workers Comp. Change 25,357 Student Achievement 28,125 Leases & Assessments 138,220 PERS/TRS Pension Rate Changes 193,371 TOTAL 2012 Initial Allocation $15,516,680

11 9/21/201511 Total Cut 2011-12FY: ($1,923,707) Late Cut of 2010-11FY: (400,000) TOTAL CUT 2011-12FY: ($2,323,707)

12 9/21/201512 Revenue/Savings: Estimated tuition Increase 700,000 Increase RS Contribution 150,000 Increase indirect 100,000 Increase International Contribution 75,000 CDL Program Close 317,440 Lapsed Salaries in VPI&A 75,000 Classified Increments (35,000) Sub Total Revenue/Savings: $1,382,440

13 9/21/201513 TOTAL CUT 2011-12FY: ($2,323,707) TOTAL RESOURCES: 1,382,440 NET REDUCTION: ($941,267)

14  Preliminary Data only at this point ◦ First year of 2011-13 Biennium ◦ The information we have now will change ◦ Planning Process Budget Cut at 6% ◦ Estimated Tuition increase 10% ◦ Extra Tuition Collection in 2010-11FY  State Economic Impacts  Federal Impacts 9/21/201514

15 9/21/201515

16  March ◦ Review and approval of Fees ◦ Provide Budget Development Worksheet  April ◦ Complete Budget Development Worksheets  Develop realistic budget to meet the needs  Submit to department Vice Presidents by April 14 ◦ Submit Development Worksheets to the Business Office 9/21/201516

17  April-May ◦ Submit prioritized list of requests/cuts to College Council ◦ Schedule College Council Hearing 4/26-5/3  June ◦ College-wide Budget Hearing ◦ Final budget approved 9/21/201517

18  South’s planning and budgeting processes are efficient and worthwhile  Consider current economic environment  Manage within the resources  Prioritize initiatives  Plan ahead  Develop sustainable budget 9/21/201518

19 Thank You! 9/21/201519

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